I know what I’m doing tomorrow
And I also have the perfect T-shirt:
I know what I’m doing tomorrow
And I also have the perfect T-shirt:
A coworker at work told me today (after mentioning his interest in the new Spider-Verse film) that he never saw the first one because he thought it was for kids. Because it’s animated.
It took all my willpower not to have a heart attack right there and then.
He says he’ll watch the first film on Netflix this weekend and might also go see the sequel if he has time.
I hope he enjoys it?
You want a free stay in Italy at my place?
In 2 years for university maybe
Let me know when you come. We can arrange to meet.
You already know where maybe you will be?
It’s all theoretical for the time being, but I’d personally prefer Politecnico di Milano because you know, Milano.
I live 2 hours away let me know I will take you to Sapienza. Promise
Didn’t come out as expected (Didn’t put much time on it either). It would get more accurate by styling the hair and having the right glasses/sweater. Best I could find was red.
Yoooo I can’t believe you did it! Awesome job, great DIY cosplay!
Hahahaha thinking about it, yes. Sapienza is the new Hawai from Absolution.
Would have to make him do a goodbye video
Well now we need someone to cosplay as Franny.
…as well as someone to cosplay as the virus
Just read an interesting article about the functionality (or lack-thereof) of the chatbot used in Discord. I urge people to read it as it raises a lot of points for the purpose of the site worth talking about.
I wish all human beings a great day, EXCEPT for that asshole on the road today, that thought keeping handywork stuff in a carriage at the back of their car would be a good idea.
When he passed by me some stuff fell out, like a box, papers and a fucking tar bucket! That shit exploded and covered like a third of the car in fucking tar! It’s so hard to clean that shit, we were 4 that cleaned the car for like 3.5 hours, and it still got some tar dots, it was such a shit situation and I really wish that fucker would get his entire car fucked, fuck my life.
Finished another job application. Getting very sick of doing these. I haven’t got a clue why all these companies insist of filling out all of their own personalised and tedious questionairres when I could just send them a CV. It’s even worse with this job, which has a 4 page document of all the qualities and abilities and skills they desire from the applicant. It just drones on and on. Its for a job at a council run library for 2 and a bit days a week for a little more than minimum wage. I mean I actually do want the job, but reading the job posting you’d think they’d expect a university graduate to take it.
It’s even funnier because the library is near me and I know for a fact that for the last 3 months, they’ve been shutting on certain days when they should be open due to them being short staffed. So not sure they can afford to be so picky. I mean I hope not, I do want them to hire me after all.
So I’m trying to come up with a good idea that encapsulates
For that dang chicken spidey costume.
And I think I’ve got it:
Plaid Overalls!
Still gotta work out the essential design elements, but I can picture it and it might be good
EDIT: OMG if I can cross together some plaid patterns to kind-of make a web-pattern, at least for the chest, I will be a GOD