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My litle sister has a prolem whit video games like she kinda of an addict like she plays all day and she barely does her work like yeah my dad try shuting off the pc but my sis is so shy that she finds very hard talking whit people and stuff u know and shuting off makes her more shy because she plays online qhit her friends and that atleast makes her less shy because shes talking whit somone and she has very nice friends because her friends motivese her to socialize and talk to the boy she likes so she like also needs the pc to not be so not shy but at the same time makes her a mess in studying and stuff and loses all of her time in the pc so my dad tell me to do something about it like im try to talk whit her and she doesnt want to stop like my dad also talk to her but him got the same response so my idea is to like install a program like stops her to acces stram and epic games in account so she study whit that acount and make like an acount were she doesnt have that program and can play whit her friends like the account were she can play games im going to lock it whit a pasword and when she wants to play she tells me or my dad to put the paswlrd and then she can play yea but the prolem is that my dad doesnt know a bit about informatic doesnt know how to control the app so it must put the app in her pc and rhat app from her pc block steam and epic games my idea was to ask an infromatic what to do but he doesnt know any app that block steam and epic games and idk any app that block steam and epic so if u ladies and gentleen know any app that block steam and epic im would be extremly grateful if you can tell me the app and also the app pls free because we dont have a lot of money right now.

Yeah sorry if this seems like weird or out of place but like im have done a hell of a lot of searching off aps and but nothing and im ask a lot of friends vut they dont know about any app so yeah please im kinda desperate so pls if any of you know about an app please tell me about it.

Pd:Also my sister use a windows

Windows should have some parental controls built in, though I’m not certain how granular it gets.

YouTube would be the best resource for something like this! “Windows PC video game parental control” or something along those lines should give you plenty of tutorials and ideas :slight_smile:


Finally decided to take a true two weeks vacation next month.

I’m going to hike from Toulouse to Bordeaux, approximatively 270km, a large part following the Garonne river.

And I should celebrate my 30th birthday in the middle of it. It should be great :slight_smile:


Discord’s usernames are changing unfortunately. They’re taking the great system where everyone can share a username with a few unique numbers at the end, and turning it into only one person can have a username, everyone else must suffer.

I think it’s dumb (even though I don’t really use Discord much) however I’m glad to see I’ve been able to claim thechicken. full-stop. thechicken all-one-word was already taken :frowning:


I still think it’s dumb, I just find it neat that such a simple username still isn’t taken yet.


Unnecessary changes like this are why I stopped using Discord a long time ago. I am somehow amazed the only reason this is implemented is because it’s “too difficult” to remember the last four numbers in your username, and aptly listed one specific reddit post to prove it is somehow an indictment.

Imagine dropping something as complex as your pin number in your bank card with a widely inferior change.


I have apparently played the game “Flow Free” on my tablet every day for 2222 consecutive days, as of today.

I have similarly played “Flow Free Bridges” for 2166 days and “Flow Free Hexes” for 2141 days.

I used to play “Flow Free Warps” too but that one got annoying so I stopped.

This is across at least three different tablets too. Priorities, I guess?


One day I am going to make a Chicken% speedrunning category, where you are timed by how fast you can pick up/interact with/play as the first chicken in the game.



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Well, just had a fire in my back garden a couple hours ago. My neighbour’s shed burst into flames, the firemen think due to the heat, a glass window, and something like plastic inside causing the fire. Thankfully, noone was hurt, and the fire was contained to the back gardens of 6 houses, with the damage being fences, hedges, and someone else’s shed. I had a big hedge at the back wall of my garden and about two thirds of it was destroyed, but thankfully nothing else on my own property. Going to chase up my insurance and see if they can cover it. Hoping to replace the hedge with a fence, although I’m guessing they won’t cover the one third of hedge not damaged, so may have to just tear that down on my own money. We’ll see. All you can do is be grateful.

In other news, I finally, FINALLY, have internet. Open Reach came and installed the full fibre in my house. Need to update my driver, and really, need to clean up my PC a bit, I have a lot of junk in my files I need to get rid off.


You’re using the English definition of “garden” right? How big is that?


Well, depends on the size of the house really. When I say “garden”, I mean the area at the back of your house which you keep your lawn, plants, shed etc. Lots of houses in Britain are terraced houses, including mine, so all the gardens are right next to each other seperated by fences or hedges.


We’d say “backyard” here. Now I have a better sense of what size fire you were dealing with! That’s pretty intense!


And if we did say “Garden” that’d be an area, usually tilled out, or maybe a raised bed… But an area where we grow produce. Typically tomatoes, or whatever vegetables. And that would more than likely be located in the back yard area.

Edit: Take Janus’s backyard for instance. The whole area is the “backyard”. But it does have a “garden” area within the backyard.


out of interest, what are the other definitions? :thinking:


To me a “Garden” is smaller area within the yard specifically used for growing vegetables or flowers.

My own yard is about 30 meters by 25 meters while the garden is about 3 meters to side.

This is my backyard. The green part is the garden while the rest is just “yard”.


Sapienza needs more schlongs


Oh yeah I forgot to switch my calendar!

It’s June! Pride! Look at these bisexual plankton!


I’m doing a video in September or early October about dressed just like that, wondering around with my laptop and playing that exact mission on the spot.
Currently I’m trying to gather together a crew and someone who looks a lot like Caruso.
I have in mind something cinematography


@Hichkas would be perfect. Shaved beard, sunglasses and a pink sweater around the neck and you got yourself Silvio :grin: