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In case you haven’t already known there is also an advanced user tutorial. :wink:


Yes I know. One step at a time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m working, but doing so allows me to spend Christmas Eve in Hawaii with my wife. I hope everyone here has a lovely Christmas even if for your faith it’s just a day when all the stores are closed and you have to order Chinese food. Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, I can’t think of a Muslim holiday in Dec but if there is one then Happy that, Happy New Year

Let’s all hope that 2021 is leaps and bounds better than 2020. I have a feeling it will be but that we might have to be patient for a few months.


Well gotta wait for all of my family to wake up before Christmas kicks in


Going to familia tomorrow for Xmas but then back to Tier 4 from Boxing Day.

It’s a bummer but this year has gone by so quick it’s insane. Interesting to see how different the world will look in 12 months time.


Christmas is great here. Got exactly what I hoped for, and better! Hope you guys have a great one :santa: :dog:

Today also marks the day that I’ve run out of likes for the first time in 5 years :flushed:


The worst part of Christmas is waiting for my brother to wake up.


Thank you for Gilgamesh. Still listen That perfect song. Five years (or four) away


Is anyone excited I earned trust level basic? No, I didn’t think so. It’s like I’m a newbie again, but so is everyone else. I ran out of likes too.


Swang for mod being tossed around? Nahhh Swang for basic is where it’s at. :sunglasses:


The Hitmanforum™ basic experience.


Spent over 3 hours tonight trying to draw another satisfying profile picture. Daaaamn art is a hard thing, and I’m really my own worst critic. I did it though, and I’ll show it… later, when I’m not the lowest level user. (I can’t post more than 1 image in the Profile Pic Thread at the moment, and I kinda need that.)

EDIT: And that’s now. Basic user level achieved!

Btw… Is there anyway to make the main page of the forum default to the “Latest” tab, instead of the overall “Categories” tab. It’s a nice layout and all, but I prefer to see all the threads trending and moving by easily clicking the header bar of the site, like how it was before.

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I asked a similar question here, but you can change the setting through Interface.

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Pro tip for anyone using Dark Mode… you can also change the colour scheme of the buttons, too in the setting below it.

I’m using the “Dark” colour scheme vs. the Default one. I hated the default one. It was Purple/Orange and the purple was hard to see at times.
Now, it’s Light-Blue/Orange. Much better to see.

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There’s a new Cake Day/Birthday category


At least it’s new to me.


Well that’s the page which allowed me to check who’s cake day/birthday to celebrate, so it’s not really new. But hey, you’re welcome to join the celebration gang, and we will have a whole year to wait until the first cake day. Birthday will be soon, tho. :blush:

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Ohhh, I was wondering how you were so thorough in finding people’s anniversaries!

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I miss the old Hitman Forum a little, anyone else feels like that? •~•

Feels a little weird indeed but I’m also excited to be here at the beginning this time hehe

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