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Kind of really liking this twitter account


Too bad its on twitter, hopefully they do the same on good platforms


I know Twitter is filled with horrible things, but I really like the art community there.


Last few nights have had another cat entering the house. Seems friendly with one of my two cats, and doesn’t seem to be afraid of me. Doesn’t have a collar. Wondering if it is a neighbour’s cat. Cat has a long coat but the cat seems very clean despite it. Thinking I might go around tomorrow night if I have time before work asking neighbours if it is there cat. Not sure what the next step would be if I can’t find an owner. Take it to the vet and see if it has been chipped?


Was listening to some new records and when I opened the soundtrack to “Godzilla vs Destoroyah” this sound effect built in the album really gave me a scare. Great! (and I bet @MrOchoa likes this)


Dang that’s cool, love the artwork too! Destoroyah is one of the greatest!


I wonder what would happen if I told a guy in the 80s that Crisis on Infinite Earths happens yearly now. DC aren’t even trying anymore, Dark Crisis was the working title to Dark Knights: Metal (a crisis in all but name).


You could say they are having a creativity crisis.


They have been for a while and they keep getting worse each time they do it. Not that it matters they will undo everything this did in a year which is also a problem. It sucks because Williamson was writing a decent series on the multiverse even if he was ruining Grant Morrison’s The Multiversity (this is my opinion)

That is what DC does now: Crisis, undo, Crisis, undo, relaunch the whole brand again, Crisis, undo, Crisis, Undo and repeat til heat death.


Well, when you think about it, that’s kinda like real life; no matter who you are or what your station is in life, you’re just waking up, eating, walking, talking, fucking, shitting, and pretending that you’re accomplishing something meaningful before going back to bed to repeat it all again. Minor deviations and changes to details here and there, but the same basic premise over and over. If art imitates life, DC has a good track record, along with a few other ventures like The Walking Dead.

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When you think about it like that maybe it isn’t like real life at all and DC are just to lazy to do anything meaningful about how to better distribute their comics and attracting new customers to the brand.

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Well, honestly, what could they do. What could superhero comics do at this point that hasn’t already been done, other than having all their characters die and actually stay dead and bring in a whole new roster of characters and never go back to the old ones. I don’t know what more things they can do at this point that hasn’t been creatively exhausted. That’s how it’s kinda like real life; there isn’t much more to do beyond this, other than end everything.

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I don’t want or need the wheel to be reinvented, I still believe there can be some good ideas for Crisis level events. All I want is for them to go more that a year or two before having a generic multi-crossover long running event with Crisis slapped on it or for some obnoxiously long-running event attempting to change up the structure of the DC multiverse.

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Eh, I guess at least a break would make things feel fresh again.

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A break is all I am asking for, just a nice long break.

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Almost vacation time!!! :honduras: It can’t come soon enough.


I’m 25. I’m going to Disney World in 3 weeks. I paid for the entire trip myself.


The good and the bad things about being an adult


Don’t trust bald and barcoded masseurs down there, and look out for random holes leading to server rooms.


My brother turned 8 today. That makes me think how fast time goes on to be frank. It feels like yesterday when second grader Hichkas went to the hospital to see him for the first time.