Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear I hope you don’t have any heavy symptoms and that it will be over fast so you can finally move into your new home
Not really, I been suffering from my common sinus infection that I get 3-4 times a year. I had it worse Friday and Saturday where I tested negative. Still a bit heavy headed, stuffy nose and Sore throat. I only cough to get the damn slim up. Normally I would still go to work and workout all the same. The only difference is that I got Covid-19 and I’ll stay home instead. I don’t expect it to get worse, then it is now.
So happy for your new adventure – and feel with the disappointment about Covid. Get well soon! The new chapter in your life can wait a few days, your health (and the one of those around you) is more important at this time.
such bad timing. i’m sorry to hear about that and hope you get well soon @Norseman . drink juice, rest up – it will be over soon enough and you’ll have a new house to enjoy in no time. plus…you’ll be able to brag about beating covid after.
Sounds like a great new step in your life – really sucks Covid got in the way though.
(I don’t see why you can’t spend those x days in your new apartment, but I guess you’d still need to pick up the keys?)
Lyric Opera of Chicago just sent out their pamphlet for next season. I was poking around the different packages and the all matinee (2pm) shows package is priced considerably higher than the all 7 and 7:30pm show package . I’m gonna assume this is bc the median age of the audience is about 70, but it still made me giggle.
It’s comical bad timing, it’s almost by the book movie trope. Well it will be a good story for the Mini- Norsemen.
Beating it might be an overstatement, I’m more soar in my muscles from working out then I’m affected by Covid-19. My symptoms are very mild, almost non existent.
My father and father-in-law got the keys on our behalf from the realtor and went through the house to check if everything was agreeable. They dropped off the keys later in the day. Then they told us to put on a mask and gloves, my girl and I then began placing our moving boxes outside. Where they picked them up and drove them to the house.
Today my mother began cleaning the kitchen, while my father and in-law began painting the living room. It annoys me that I don’t even feel sick and just sitting at home and not helping. Well instead I’m cleaning the apartment.
That winter storm hitting the States right now is about to really be here where I am within the next hour or two, so my wife and I are locking down, heating up, got our faucets and pipes ready, and just hoping the power doesn’t go out.
Oh no!!! NBC just had an ad that looked like they would be showing the next Eurovision Song Contest. Nope! They are gonna have a State vs State song contest based on the euro vision model. I hope it will be fun but I’d much rather just be able to watch Eurovision.
Today I remembered a quote from my 8th grade biology teacher, said when we were having a lesson about the digestive system:
“Happiness is like constipation, you think it’s coming but it’s not no matter how much you put effort. Instead, misfortune is like diarrhea; You think it has ended but it’ll keep coming.”
It wasn’t the best way to say what he wanted to say but I liked his point.
So as to not derail the other thread, I’m posting my reply in this general off-topic place
I wouldn’t say one other exclusive appearance of the character would constitute Sony being pretty pig-headed about the character. Insomniac (a usual Sony partner) went to Marvel first to seek out one of their IPs, they came out with Spider-Man.
What we have with Avengers is a big-budget RPG live-service game featuring stunt-double variants of popular Marvel heroes, and Sony trying to cash in on that success and recent release by dumping money on Square Enix to get exclusive rights to the bonus character. Too bad it kinda failed, but some would say that’s ultimately a good thing.
In the case of Ultimate Alliance, Nintendo may have forked over more cash than Sony to get the entire thing exclusive to their console (not much Sony can do there).
And currently, there exists a game with Spider-Man alongside plenty others in his rogues gallery: Fortnite. Both a comic-book version and a Tom Holland No-Way-Home version, available to all. (There have even been Comic Venom and Tom Hardy Venom sold in the shops before.)
A neighbour from my street killed herself and without knowing I heard her die while I was falling asleep.
At around 22:40 Sunday I was about to fall asleep. At some point a couple, a man and a woman, started shouting in the streets. I have my bed just under the window so sometimes it feels like I’m just outside.
I didn’t pay attention of what they were saying. I live right in the heart of my town and these situation are very common so I didn’t mind them. In fact I was so tiered I didn’t wanted to check from the window what was going on but I remember very good a part of me wanted to take a look.
Any way, they were arguing both with a high voice tone. The woman was shouting more than the man and at some point I heard a door slam very hard after the woman screamed something.
I though she must have said something to end the conversation and left the house because they didn’t talked after that anymore.
Minutes later maybe 3 or 5 I heard a car coming and after that I blacked out deeply in my sleep. For sure it was the police because where I live cars aren’t allowed to drive thru. Only the police can do that or ambulances or only if you have a special permit to transit in a specific day because I don’t know, you have to move or you’re doing some work in your apartment.
Some days later my mom calls me to ask if I heard anything this Sunday. And I said to her in fact yes I have. A couple was fighting and I told my mom exactly what I have written above.
My mother told me that I did not hear a door slam but I heard a woman falling on the ground because she thrown herself from the window.
A Moldavian woman who I probably even know or seen daily. Her husband is Italian and apparently they were separated in their own house.
I’m ok, I mean I don’t feel like shit but I think about it often that I heard someone die at 3 meters from me.
And I ask myself what if that day I was outside and was just about to get home. Could I have saved her somehow. Like trying to catch her even if that meant I will break some bones and so do her. But at least she could had been still alive.
Or I didn’t mind what was happening and she felt just in front of me. Would that scene fucked me for life?
But what happen happen and the fact that I believed I heard a door slammed makes me think less about it. Still, it bugs me that I heard someone die.
I just was schooled on the history of the Winter Olympics. It was originally some Scandinavian only thing and the first one was in Sweden. No one knows for sure but there’s a good chance Norway was the brains behind it all. It ran every 4 years and was only for snow and ice sports (to this day Winter Olympics is only for snow and ice which is why they can’t move volleyball or basketball to the winter games to improve ratings and declutter the summer games). Anyway soon after the rest of the world got jealous and so the IOC which was just as corrupt and money hungry back then as it is now approached this little Scandinavian festival with the idea of making it the winter games. They just had to give up control and agree to let anyone play. Hey!’ jamaica got a bobsled team!
Moral of this useless story is that’s what Norway wanted all along bc they aren’t so good at or weren’t so good at summer sports. Anyway fast forward to now and the country with the most medals in Olympic history is the USA. The second highest is actually still the USSR but that should change in a few more games, however the country with the most winter medals is Norway. Well played Norway and they say your people are just muscles.
Well I guess you could say Norway still belong to us Danes. But I don’t think the Norwegians would like that. So I can’t really take credit for that.
Damn it! I knew you were Danish when I was considering tagging you but then I talked myself into “no he’s from Norway.”
Apologies for both my silliness and any offence my mix up may have caused. You may now call me Canadian or Mexican or anything else and I shall not get angry.
You know too many people think the Norse are just Norwegians, the term Norse refers to the language group which was then applied to the people who spoke it. That is the Faroese, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Icelanders.
But you wont be the last person who will not know or even occasionally forget Norseman is Danish.
I knew Norse didn’t equal Norwegian
Just making sure you really knew. : )