I’m sorry man, but if that’s making you think that time goes by really fast, your thirties are gonna be absolutely brutal.
Yep! By the time he’s 30 he will be moving blisteringly fast. Like Millennium Falcon fast!
Y’know, it’s not about feeling old or anything. Mostly the fact that once I’m changing diapers, and at a glance he has grown up, and I have too.
Here’s the best thing to do in/with the General News topic.
You will not regret it!
Ooh. A forum version of Wordle.
Caesars is one of the only casinos that has mini baccarat on the main floor. There is one table over in the main craps area.
Enjoy your trip!!!
Do they still have the people handing out the hooker cards on the sidewalk?
For anyone who doesn’t watch the Super Bowl I just thought I would poke some fun at all of us who do. An average NFL game takes 3 hours and 12 minutes. The Super Bowl coverage is scheduled from 5 to 9:15. The game starts at 5:30 and I imagine they expect the game to be done around 9 and the 15 min extra is for the trophy presentation and a few words from the winning players, coaches, and owner. The half time show is slightly longer during the Super Bowl so that all adds up. Here is the part where you will all laugh at us… pre game coverage starts at Noon and postgame coverage goes till 9:30*. 9 hours and 30 min of television . I’ll be turning it on around 5 so I don’t miss the anthem and whatever pregame silliness they have planned for this year.
*I’m sure it would be till 10 if the broadcaster didn’t also have the Olympics to get back to.
Oh and on average Americas take in over 8,000 calories during the Super Bowl
For a breakdown of the sport of football, and it’s competitor baseball, and to show how ridiculous the obsession with both of them and sports in general is in America, here’s George Carlin on the subject:
yup, there’s also the cards just left out on the sidewalk.
make mine a chocolate chip muffin.
Haven’t been as active on this forum or on Hitman for the last three years due to training as a nurse. Happy to say I am now fully qualified! If I get a uniform I will post a picture of me in it. I say if, because I’m currently looking after COVID Positive patients and so I’m in scrubs and full body PPE all day due to infection control.
Plan to try and get back into playing Hitman some more soon. Just need to settle in to the new job.
Congratulations for getting the qualification
And I believe it’s hard working with Covid positive patients, so stay strong
Hey look! New emojis and stuff!
Probably lots more, but these stuck out to me as new
Second day after getting the booster and I am feeling better now. I certainly don’t feel like I have been hit by a train or so feverish it feels like my face is on fire.