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Getting ready for the 1 St.

One moving box with Hitman memrobelia.

The other less interesting stuff


Physics prof: When you kick a ball, How does its velocity change as time goes?
Me: It’s a parabola, it increases, reaches a peak and then decreases.
Physics prof: No we don’t have no peaks assume you kicked it straight on ground.
Me: :neutral_face:


Physics teachers always seem to be the most fussy for some reason.

Whenever someone used the word “speed” in my AP Physics class in high school my teacher would ask them: “Speed? What is speed? Are you on drugs?”

He also volunteered me once to have a tree stump in a bin laid on my chest, to ask the other students whether or not him hitting it with an axe would impact me, so maybe mine was just crazy… :thinking: Learned a lot though. Hope you’re enjoying it!


Think? If it wasn’t a common trick used to show basic physics he could have killed you!

I never did physics in high school, our school’s physics teacher was so bad us other kids called him Stupid Fucking Psychopath since he had one of those ponderous Greek last names.

Even if you weren’t in the classes he would torment you, he was the asshole the school had to make sure that we weren’t taking phones into class and using them, he would just kind of wait for kids to give him an excuse to bring out the detention forms when he would monitor outdoor breaks and he was also used to check to make sure the girls met their dress code.

When I found out last year they sacked him for being a creeper it was absolutely no surprise to me. That was the second guy they nabbed for being a nonce at my school to my knowledge.


Real glad I came back to see this – since I actually do own the YO edition for free, and after trying it out for a couple minutes, it runs pretty fine, even with the upgraded graphics! (I played a bit of OG Breakdown, and found the interior lighting to be barely playable – everything is pitch black if not under a light source. YO edition has way better lighting.)
So now to see if I can get that 4$ refund to go through since I don’t need to buy that DLC after all…

Oh, and to your non-reccommend… eh, I can live with it. I loved this game a ton as a teen, and replaying just a bit of it now still gave me a feeling of fun.


Yeah, went a bit too far with the no recommendation. It’s just that I really wanted to like the game. It’s one of those games that was this close to be what you would have wanted it to be but there’s just this one little thing that just ruins everything :frowning_face:


Sadly I can’t play it and I’m trying to sell it. Also it’s less interesting then my Hitman collection.


Aaannd he canceled the partnership

mostly because of the backlash I’m sure and not because he realized that NFTs are nothing but a scam.


Snow shovelling is hard work! People don’t realise how heavy it can get. Gotta try and get a snow blower or try to con your neighbour who has one into helping out :joy:



lol at that skit

asking a friendly neighbor would have been a good idea. this man is a visionary though:


Well, maybe when he starts seeing more backlash across the industry over the issue, he’ll start to realize why it’s a scam. Hey, even true believers in a farce can come to their senses eventually.


I didn’t know where to put this, maybe one of you have an idea? Is this Fan Art? :sweat_smile:

I started making Grey’s milita base house in The Sims :grin: This is actually the first house I am building all by myself, and I had much struggle especially with the roof. But I think it turned out quite good! For now I only made the House, I will do the inside and the surroundings next :blush:


Heck yeeeeesss, this is a really great fan-art concept Mini! You definitely got the outside design pretty accurate!


Are you planning on making the inside look the way it does in game, or what the house was probably like before they destroyed a child’s bedroom wall?


Does this mean you’ll be locking someone in the basement?


Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year!

Cries in wasted chongqing potential

cries some more


That just game me a flashback of the AutoCAD class I took (many, many years ago). Seeing this house like this (from further away and higher up) reminds me of the one I designed. But I had a fireplace on the back (south) side of the house, and a 2 car garage was on the left (west) side.

Edit: Oh yeah! The porch went around on the other side. And I think that was also a deck for 2nd floor. :thinking:

Although the interior was very different.

Very good!

I could probably give a few pointers on some things you could change… Like more overhang around the perimeter of (most of) the roof. But that’d be up to you.


Thank you so much :two_hearts:

Well, I would like to build the inside like in the game, but unfortunately The Sims doesn’t have all the stuff I need :sweat_smile: So I will look for mods or I will just improvise to at least make it look similar

Thank you, maybe I will come back to your offer :smiling_face: At the moment it’s not finished yet, so I will add more details to the roof, to make it look more like in the game.

The most struggle I had was with the building program from The Sims, to figure out when to use a diagonal roof and when not and all that :sweat_smile:

Well some people like to put their sims in a room and than deleting the door, so maybe that could be some kind of torture :thinking::sweat_smile:


The day is finally here, the day where I at long last get the keys to my own house. A new chapter begins that will hopefully stretch far into the future and see a new generation of mini-norsemen. Celebrating the day with family and friends who will help me and my significant other on our new adventure, giving us a helping hand with moving.

Well that would be so, If I didn’t test positive for Covid-19 on this very day. So now I’m stuck in my apartment and surrounded by cardboard boxes that towers high above me.