Freelancer - General Discussion

Colorado is a non-typical Hitman map. Most hitman map have public areas where you are free to roam and a separate and identified, gated and alerted territory area, where you have to have an appropriate disguise to enter the area.

There is very little distinguishing features of the different costumes of the guards: explosive specialist vs militia soldier vs militia elite vs militia technician vs militia Spec Ops.

I am glad that IOI created very different maps, which have different environments, requiring different approaches.

I donā€™t mind Colorado ā€“ but IOI could have dramatically improved the map if they had the time and financial resources in 2016.

That sounds like a pretty cool bittersweet moment to be fair :wink:

I think I will eventually dive further into the Prestige, but I think Iā€™m going to do this once content concludes. It will also be a good way to pass some time whilst we patiently wait for the next Hitman game :slightly_smiling_face:

Itā€™s more akin to levels you find in Silent Assassin and Contracts, where plenty of missions jumped over blending in public and directly go to pure not-being-seen infiltration.

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If Iā€™m not mistaken, they improved the grass cover. Iā€™m almost certain the grass cover in Colorado wasnā€™t like it was after the changes were made.

On a another note: I wish the Sarajevo 6 could be expanded to all maps.

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If you are trying to get maximum mercs to get all Prestige I, II, III, IV, V challenges, then New York appears to be the best to harvest. It varies, but the payout from the bank vault can be $3500 to $4500 mercs.

The two safety deposit boxes in NY Bank, and Rico Delgadoā€™s safe, and the basement of Mendoza are all like courier payouts in the $850 to $1450 range, if I am not mistaken.

Anyone measured the payout averages for the mercs in these locations?

Can the antique curved knife be found on any map for free anymore? It was in a safety deposit box in NY Bank. It costs $20,000 mercs.

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Sounds like a fun project, will keep score and report back.

Canā€™t be found in any map.

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Yeah, it would be great to know exactly the priority of maps to ensure maximum merc payouts. So far, it appears that NY Bank is the best. Mendoza is second best because the safe is easy to get to, which Rico Delgadoā€™s safe is too far away to be accessible with any regularity.

If there is a bartoli 12 gauge shotgun, it is usually the ā€œtacticalā€ bartoli 12 gauge shotgun. Where can one get the regular non-tactical, bartoli 12 gauge shotgun ?

You can get the Bartoli 12G in Sapienza (top of ruins) and in Colorado (first floor in main house behind the camera recorder)
Hereā€™s everything you can get and where: Hitman 3 Freelancer Weapons - Google Sheets


You can also get it in Sgail from shotgun wielding blue cloaked guards IIRC.


Great list of Freelancer Weapons ā€“ is the Machete gettable for your melee wall in the safehouse from Santa Fortuna or Haven Island?

The highest costing freelancer weapons that are gettable in different locations are expensive especially the > 10,000 ones below:

|Golden Sawed-Off Bartoli 12G|21200|New York|
|Katana|19200|Isle of Sgail|
|Tanto|13600|Bangkok, Hokkaido, New York|
|Burial Dagger|13300|Isle of Sgail|
|Sapperā€™s Axe|12100|Isle of Sgail, Mendoza|
|Shashka A33 Covert|12000|Dubai, Ambrose Island|
|DAK DTI|11900|Dubai|
|DAK X2 Covert|11500|Ambrose Island|
|Saber|11200|Paris, Marrakesh, Isle of Sgail|
|HX-7 Covert|10000|Whittleton Creek|
|Sawed-Off Bartoli 12G|8900|Berlin|

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The machete you can get in Santa Fortuna or Haven has no rarity for some reason so itā€™s not possible to bring it back.

But then a machete only costs like 2400 merces so itā€™s not that big of a loss.

Am I just bad at robbing the vault in New York? I dress up as the bunny rabbit, turn off the alarm and open it up, but the lasers are still on. Even if I try sneaking past the lasers they go off, Iā€™m using instinct to figure out if theyā€™re on or not.

am i dum :frowning:

You cant tuen the lasers offnin Freelancer, ao you have to sneak under them.
I use instinct too, but dont run while sneaking because your back might get high enough to trigger the alarm.


In Freelancer, the security lasers in the vault cannot be turned off. They rotate, with each beam only staying in place for about three seconds, and the four divided sections of the laser room each has four different positions of which beam will be on and when. You have to watch the pattern to know when the lowest beam will vanish, while crouched, and the instant a lower beam vanishes, you need to move past the spot where it will be, but not go too far that you trip a beam in the next section. It takes some getting used to, but once youā€™ve got it, slip-ups should become rare.

Just run through them and wait somewhere else while the guards go crazy, then come back afterwards :slight_smile:


The shotgun isnā€™t spawning if I rob the vault while the alarm is going off

It will if you wait for the alarm to stop (just donā€™t grab any gold bars while the alarm is on, but you can get the merces if youā€™re fast enough).


Grim47 asks: Has Chongqing been improved at all by Freelancer IYO?

After too many hours playing Freelancer, I can see that IOI made the biggest changes to Hitman2016, moving and adding NPCs, re-routing paths of some NPCs, adding and removing containers for target removal, and adding grass for greater hidden status in Colorado notably. They have added and more often removed items, so that you must depend on your suitcase and wall gear more for items than finding them in the mission locations.

I think that by Hitman3, especially, IOI knew that they would be introducing Freelancer, and so less changes were made for Freelancer.

They spent a lot of time developing the Garden Party in Dartmoor. I donā€™t know why the Garden Party is not a Freelancer location.


Having played this map courtesy of @Kevin_Ruddā€™s excellent Freelancer Variations mod, I will say that it trivialises the map significantly.

The loss of the house interior and the plethora of bushes which obscure the view but do not stop bullets make it fairly easy to run and gun your way through.

Were it that the full house interior was still a thing, itā€™d be ideal.

  • yeah, but it does add variation to Freelancer. If you play Freelancer enough, you see the limitation of map variety limits the fun.

I would say that Whittleton Creek is a pretty basic map which also is easy to conquer too because you can just shoot and jump over fences, as well as easily and covertly enter the hostile guarded houses, and kill your targets easily.

It is likely, IMHO that Project 007 will have a Freelancer mode, and likely IOI will have yearly passes providing availability of new maps with a larger player base with the James Bond franchise that can support a live service format. This is my prediction anyways.