Freelancer - General Discussion

That would be a nice feature but it’s probably unlikely we’ll see major gameplay changes at this point :confused:

Drop the can in the puddle and shoot the can itself, not the oil. That should make some sparks and ignite the puddle consistently.


I actually do think that having alerted territories as a result of you taking out syndicate members makes sense, even if you earn a Traceless Assassin rating.

If I was a member of a syndicate and I heard that one other member of that syndicate had died in an accident, I may think it’s no big deal. If, on the other hand, three or four died in accidents in relatively close proximity to each other, that would be suspicious in and of itself, even without any obvious, or even suspected, killer. The deaths themselves are suspicious due to their proximity in time.

It makes complete sense for the territories to be on alert.

What could work better though is for there to be two types of alerted territories. If you do good enough being traceless and invisible (all accidents, never getting compromised, etc.) you’d get a Low Level Alert where guards are more focused, cameras may be more frequent,etc. On the other hand, if you are just murdering people in the streets and making it well known that you’re involved, you’d get the High Level Alert where there are more enforcers and guards are actively looking for you because they know who you are.


Burning man challenge.

Eliminate 25 suspects using fire.

I was in Mendoza, my target was by the video recorder near the main reception desk as you enter the building. Or that bathroom with the one guard and npc that walks in and out of the toilet.

Anyway after subuing the 2 guards by video recorder I was alone with my target.

I had the oil can and lit him on fire. I got credit for a lot except no credit for burning man.

Do I have to use a fire barrel? Or does it have to be a leader?

It has to be suspects. I don’t remember if a Leader also counts, since they’re also a suspect until you identify them, but during a showdown, just start burning anyone who is a suspect, whether they’re your actual target or not. Put oil spills in the spots where smoking suspects drop their cigarettes.

Well there must be a bug

That guard was red a target. 1 of 4 in Mendoza

I had him in the middle of the puddle used the oil can shot it to ignite the fire. He burned I was just shocked I didn’t get credit for it

Red or purple? Because only (purple) Suspects (including the Leader, incidentally) in Showdowns count toward the challenge. Targets in the lead up missions who show up as red in instinct do not count because they aren’t Suspects.

Like I said, they must be suspects in a showdown. Targets do not count.

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Now in a showdown, does it have to be the actual target of the 4, 6 or 9

Some targets in purple example when I have to use a poison for example let’s say sedative either syringe or dart gun.

I have hit many in purple but it wouldn’t pay out or mark complete unless it was the real target. Then I got credit

You have to look carefully at the wording of the challenges. Some say suspects, some say leaders, some say targets. For ones that say “suspects,” any you eliminate with the required method will count. If it says “leaders” or “targets,” only they will count.

Any of the purple targets count even if they’re not the leader. The easiest way to get this challenge is to activate the Wicker Man easter egg on Colorado and grill the whole map.

The PO for the KO with baseball bat says “any” suspect, but it only counts when it’s the leader. I’m thinking this is incorrect wording rather than a bug.

Respect! :wink: :handshake:

Yeah it’s probably a bit late in the games life cycle now, but I suppose we can still hope! :grin:

Oh yeah I get that it makes sense, which I pointed out in my OP, but if say 47 hide all the target bodies and they was purely no evidence (Traceless ICA Assassin), surely enforcers wouldn’t know who 47 was and that he was the culprit? Your idea of different alert levels makes sense. If it was a low alert level, then just the Syndicate targets could be the enforcers? I definitely get it from both sides, but I just wanted to put it out there :slightly_smiling_face:

Now that’s genius, I forgot all about that and it’s my favorite challenge of all time for that very purpose. Also the dinosaur bike exit is beyond funny

I was just in Hokkaido and said sedative , but the leader of the suspects is when I got the credit of challenge

I’m with this idea, if you are caught poisoning the target, leader, suspect.

If it’s silent, then no.

We are allowed to carry are silent assassin rating with a poison as long as it’s unnoticed.

The Morgue in Hokkaido mostly has a red tint from lighting. Sometimes the Morgue is bright with white light. When is the difference in lighting triggered?

Golden sawed-off Bartoli shotgun doesn’t appear in bunny suit in vault while the alarm is rigging. You have to wait for the alarm to stop to pick up the gold bars and get the shotgun.

New York map is the best map to gain mercs, because of the mercs in security boxes and the vault.

Favorite objective in showdown: Distract target. All you need to do is bump into all the targets to find the Showdown Leader.

Finished Prestige III and 25 campaigns so far.


It worked

Burning Man Challenge finally counted.

In Paris showdown.

Weird it wouldn’t let me spill on the tiles outside the bar area, I had to seeker her into the bathroom. I was shocked her assassin didn’t come in.

Was able to spill in bathroom and put her in closet before assassin came in.

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I finally got it to work in Paris, but I definitely want to try

The Wicker man in Colorado, would love to burn 9

I actually thought about making this a separate thread but here is good.

What maps do you prefer for the showdown.

What are your top maps and Hate maps


1 Paris
2 Dartmoor
3 Whittleton Creek
4 Mendoza
5 Colorado
6 Dubai


1 Santa Fortuna
2 Mumbai
3 Sapienza
4 Bangkok
5 Hokkaido
6 Berlin

This one can be either hate or love. No middle ground for Colorado. You’re likely screwed if you start on the water tower and it’s alerted. But once you get a disguise (assuming it’s not Suit Only hardcore PO) it’ll usually be easy sailing. If you’re going to get in trouble it’s better to run than stick around and fight! :grimacing:

I don’t think it’s that bad. I’ll likely save it for last if the leader is a thirsty foodie :joy: and I don’t have other locations with natural poison (since I’m still working on that). Rico’s compound is a easier than the part of town by the cantina and pier (lots of bystander NPCs and lookouts). And you can distract and KO a LOT of suspects and bodyguards thanks to that foliage heavy area before the construction zone. The coke fields have potential for a lot of trouble, but with all the hiding spots you’d have to do something pretty stupid for :poop: to go down around there.

I will say, Whittleton Creek and Mendoza… I’m saving for showdowns less and less. Maybe because I’ve done them as showdowns so much already.

I think I would likely choose Colorado over Hokkaido for either takedown or showdown.