Freelancer - General Discussion

What exactly is the difference between fragmentation grenades and explosive grenades in terms of blast radius, sound and effect?

Have some of you taken back the machete from Santa Fortuna or Ambrose Island, only for it not to register on your melee wall?

Best maps for Freelancer Showdowns IMHO are Mendoza, Berlin, Paris, Dartmoor and Miami. The worst maps in Freelancer are Marrakesh and Colorado.

I wish there was 30 maps in Freelancer instead of 20. It would really add to the variety of environments, and dampen the repetitiveness.

Still bugged. Only choose this if you don’t care about objectives.

It’s a 50:50-chance in my experience. I think it works fewer times if you’re holding another large item (briefcase, rifle). But that’s not confirmed.

The machete in Santa Fortuna straight up doesn’t show as an item of rarity when you check it in your inventory (at least the times I’ve checked). I would assume it never registers on your melee wall.

Where’s the machete in Ambrose?

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You’re right. My memory tricked me on this one

My mistake - the machete is on the private island on Haven Island not Ambrose Island, and it doesn’t seem to register on the melee wall in the safehouse.

Have anyone had the repeated glitch where the surrogate leader is stuck bouncing up and down near the furnace and cocaine area in the Biker Hangout in Berlin?

In one of the crates, I have picked up a coin, I think once. This appears to be a rare find. I wonder if this is the coin that was supposed to go into the briefcase

It’s not the same coin, it’s the “classic coin” (which you can also find on the well’s edge in Dartmoor).

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I’d love to see the alternative levels make it into Freelancer, such as the different locations for Sapienza, Bangkok, Marrakesh etc

I think if it was going to happen we’d have seen it by now, but we can never say never I guess :grin:

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Oh yeah. The brownish stained, worn looking coin by the well.

Can you take the mushroom from outside the Safehouse and take it to serve as a lethal poison (to get the natural poison credit) in a mission without converting the mushroom into lethal poison in the distiller from the shed outside the Safehouse?

Can you turn the mushroom into lethal poison in Mendoza distiller, to use a lethal poison (to get the natural poison credit?)

is the natural poison credit only limited to Santa Fortuna where there are lethal poison flowers?

Yes, you can the mushroom into lethal poison in the distillers of Dartmoor and Mendoza. Also works with emetic rat poisons.

Cool! So you can get the natural selection challenge - in crafting natural poisons if you turn the mushroom into lethal poisons using distillers of Dartmoor and Mendoza, but not if you use the distiller of outside the safehouse? –

This natural selection challenge is pretty strange given that you can only get the natural selection challenge by picking up and using a lethal flower out of a crate during the Showdown or when you have a Showdown in Santa Fortuna where there are lethal flowers available.

You can also use it in Whittleton Creek, Haven, and Ambrose Island, where there are poisonous frogs, and Mendoza, where you can distill poison from the flowers.

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Just a random thought: It would be so great to have the info here on the top left about how many targets there are on the map. Like «Prepare and travel to Miami (4)». Would make it easier to plan while picking out the prestige objective (e.g. if there are more than one kill objectives).


I mean, it is part of the diegetic UI of the prestige board.
Along safes, couriers, and suppliers.
At the top.


Sadly this thing disapppears once you choose the prestige objective. That would be nice if it stayed at the top even after your choice, but IOI was never good at UI design so


Jesus! I must have been blind. Always assumed that’s just some generic backgroud

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Just had a thought today, wouldn’t it be cool if say you achieved “ICA Traceless Assassin” score at the end of the level, this prevents territories from becoming alerted? I get the reasoning behind it, but if you’ve been Traceless in say the first part of the Campaign for example, I think this should prevent the Alerted Territory at the next stage, until you become compromised during a level.

Hope that makes sense, but I don’t know what anyone else thinks? :grin:


I’m onboard.


Anyone having trouble igniting fire?

Lately, when I bring the oil can in to setup a accident, when i shoot the oil after having 2 targets in perfect position. Shooting use to cause the spark and fire would do the job.

what else can i use to ignite?

Also, I don’t know if anyone asked ioi. All Suppliers should sell eggs and all small items that you can buy no matter what. Or add them to the stashes. After a certain point of getting everything, the suppliers don’t sell anything.

Putting small items for sale every mission would keep them busy and us spending