Freelancer - General Discussion

I only recently learned that assassins will stay put when their suspect is KO’d, but the moment you start moving the body - that’s when they decide to move much closer. So ALWAYS handle the assassin before moving the KO’d suspect.


Freelancer taught me something: the baseball is the best non-lethal melee in the game. Also applies to the pool ball.!AtOeJZ0IGHzClBlNhvd1SED6gwyx?e=TicxdO

The blessing of a fast animation. It’s almost like Consecutive CQC.


Yeah, would have been a bit of a slog to knock them all out with a wrench or a crowbar.

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The problem with those is the animation is slow enough that if used here, would have allowed one of the NPCs to escape and for hell to break loose


It’s because they’re “leashed” to the position of the suspect while they’re not alerted, so if the body moves they’ll move too, but as long as it stays in place they won’t do anything :slight_smile:


Dubai. Alerted territory. I catch one of the guards and throw him into the elevator shaft. Good idea. Bad results. It didn’t kill him so I can only quit.


I’ve had many instances where they freeze in place a decent distance away from the suspect once you’ve KO’d them and they will just stand there in place and never move. But as soon as you pick up the body, even if you don’t move, that is when they’ll decide they want to stand inches away from the suspect and walk into the room/around the corner and see you.

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After almost one year, it’s done! Just hit the level 100 in Freelancer mode yesterday :partying_face:
Also almost all challenges completed :+1: (except the “grinding” challenges with killed members of head syndicates, campaigns, and prestige levels).

Freelancer mode is sometimes funny, sometimes interesting, sometimes (very) frustrating! I enjoy this mode, it refreshes a lot the Hitman concept.
However, the last levels are way too long (150,000 XP is IMO too much). I would prefer only 100,000 (or even less). The grinding of this mode is too high.
Moreover, I did prestige only once. I don’t have the patience or the will to unlock again all the guns.

Now, it’s time to do a break with Freelancer. I will play other modes like regular missions or featured contracts.

On a last note, I do feel that level 100 suit fits well with the nightclub’s atmosphere in Berlin.


I had that happen to me once with The Ascensionist. There was no way to kill her, so I had to Alt+F4.

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Didn’t they label that as something that got fixed in one of the patch notes this year? Maybe they only fixed a certain shaft - or they broke it again.


The prompt works for me, but I found that kicking an unconcious body without it (with the help of a concussion explosive for example) into “Marcus shaft” almost never works, but “Ingram shaft” usually does work.

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Today on Dartmoor I got both the Krugermeier 2-2 Silver and the Concept 5 from two item stashes. I honestly didn’t know it was possible to get two weapons from stashes in a single mission given how rare it is to even find one weapon in a crate!


Finally got Freelancer on 100% :partying_face:

Time to retire as a freelancer :smiling_face:


Excellent to hear! You’ve done exceptionally agent!


Just for you, the patch that will arrive in 3 days will add brand new grind challenges. :stuck_out_tongue:
There is no escaping, there is only Freelancer.

(seriously though, congratulations)


I’m discovering even more stuff about Freelancer! Today I learned that if you bring a large gun and a water/oil canister to a mission, the game will have the sense to put the illegal gun in a briefcase and leave you holding the legal canister. Before this I always thought that you couldn’t do that without alerting people since they both use a briefcase and if you try to bring two large guns it won’t put both in briefcases


From my experience, it always places the gun on your back in a briefcase and the one in your hands will be visible.


Some days ago I just found a useful way to play Freelancer mode in a simpler way. If I do something wrong we can just go to playstation homepage and close the game. It’s like we never started the mission and so we can avoid to play again the full campaign


Or even better, disconnect your PlayStation from the Internet, so you can just return to the game’s menu without exiting the game. This works in both case of ET and Freelancer.

In case you haven’t noticed from my frequent posts finding things out about Freelancer over the last few days, I’ve been playing it a ton recently. Today I (finally) reached Prestige Level 5, meaning I’ve unlocked all the Merces/XP bonuses available. I still think that they should continue to give these bonuses at higher Prestige levels, at least up to Level 10 since they expect you to get that in the challenges.

During this level up I was also able to finally get the Slow But Steady challenge done. Based on my progress toward Employee of the Year I’m now 42.8% done with Freelancer. I guess now’s the time for me to take another break from Freelancer until I decide to play it once more and get addicted to it again. Just when I think I’m out, it pulls me back in!