Freelancer - General Discussion

Look, it was embarrassing and I’d rather not talk about it.


There is that, doesn’t help that lately I’ve been striving to run perfect campaigns by completing every single objective that gets thrown my way and it just increases the XP earned. With the Prestige Bonus a single mission is usually about 10,500-12,000XP a pop.


Learn something new every day at least, I didn’t know that fire sprinklers came down in that room if you pulled the fire alarm! I don’t often physically pull the fire alarm, but more that the fire alarm gets pulled anyway because of something I do hehe :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Best of luck in your next adventures. Mendoza was where I first failed my showdown back in January.


Interesting. I had no idea unique guard mechanics like this were a thing. I’ll have to test out this guard further to understand his behavior. Thanks for your reply

Here’s a vid from @Trzebiat where he uses this very guard to kill both targets indirectly.

You can see there is no ‘SUSPICIOUS’ state. He only goes to ‘ENGAGING’.


It’s not a “unique mechanic” it’s a bug. That guard was acting as a normal enforcer prior to Freelancer.


It’s how I learnt it too :man_shrugging: I was just chilling and causing havoc.

Should know by now not to go anywhere near electrified puddles.

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Just out of curiosity, I re-watched the ‘How to Play’ Freelancer video today to see if there was anything in the video we haven’t go yet, besides the Christmas, Halloween and Easter decorations and I came across something that was making me second guess.

Looking at the below photo, does anyone think the area looks slightly different such as bit of snow on the embankment, frost on the decking etc? The sky looks a bit different as well :grin:


I so hope you’re right and we’re getting different weather types and holiday decorations. I want that stuff so much.



The room is also completely empty which is strange, though probably because it’s an in-development phase.
The lighting outside might not have been finalized, so it just looks shinier/brigher and looks like snow…


We will see when the patch (or notes) are released. I have a feeling we will get Halloween (now) and Christmas stuff (later) for the safehouse.


I really hope so! :crossed_fingers:t2: well, a bit of hope because they moved the update which was originally scheduled for November now to October, so hopefully that patch will add in the Halloween and Xmas decorations.

Like I’ve said before, they were in the ‘How to Play’ trailer released by IOI so there’s no reason why they shouldn’t come!

Only just noticed the snow stickers for the windows!! :wink::wink::wink:


Today I realised that I’ve played so much Freelancer that when playing the game in another mode and I see a guard pull out a silenced pistol, I get an instant feeling of dread because my mind instantly goes to “I’m about to be gunned down by an assassin”. Then the moment passes and I realise I’m being an idiot.



Same here but this was back a few months ago. I played so much freelancer that i forgot how to play regular hitman. Lol


“He stumbled coming over the compound wall, severed his spinal cord on the rocks. The world’s most nefarious assassin died of clumsiness”


Lovely deep cut there, well played.


I have a new found love of using Berlin for Showdowns. Recently every Berlin Showdown I’ve had, one suspect has always spawned somewhere incorrectly (using inside a pillar or another object), unable to start their route, and this suspect is always the Leader.

Throwing a distraction nearby will make them teleport out of their prison so that they can investigate the distraction.

Super easy to identify and kill them. :smiley:


Glitches aside, I use the boiler room of the club as the killing ground for leaders. They always come from the door in the security room so they don’t spot anything from the other side.


Failed a Hardcore Showdown in New York and my merces got wiped out as soon as the leader escaped. Then I robbed the bank and got to keep the merces from the vault :laughing:
I think thats a good thing to know, if you lose the merces by failing the campaing you can robb the merces stashes from the level before exiting and keep the money.


I just had some of the best luck ever in a mission with an assassin miraculously not turning around!
Thanks to this luck I was able to still get a Perfect Run on the mission!

I honestly didn’t know that any suspects go in the basement in Paris, in all 315 hours of playing Freelancer it’s never happened to me before.