Freelancer - General Discussion

I was trying to get those last few challenges done but once they introduced the challenges for prestige I realized that 100% completion is no longer feasible for me so I stopped worrying about the 500 leaders et al too.

Good job!


Honestly after activating prestige a few times the remaining activations come much quicker thanks to the extra merces. Iā€™m at prestige 6 and still very far away from the 100 campaigns and 500 leader kills (around 60 campaigns and 350 leaders IIRC).

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Iā€™m so rusty at this game and I keep failing so hard on this mode :sweat_smile:. Any tips for me?

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  • Take it slow until you know what youā€™re doing.
  • Donā€™t worry about SA.
  • Staying alive is more important than making money or completing optional objectives.

Everything you said there was like a stab in the kidney. :face_with_head_bandage:


I actually considered listing ā€œDonā€™t listen to Heisenbergā€ but chose to keep things simple :wink:


Sure, donā€™t listen to how be a perfect hitman.

(Remembers its Freelancer)

Eh, then againā€¦

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i have finaly got that GOAT challenge done it took me two months to finish


My tips:

Take your time, especially in showdowns. Targets always follow a cyclic pattern.
Choose the syndicate also according to the maps you know well. Mine are Wittleton creek and Haven Island. Experiment with new maps at the first level of a campaign.
To locate the leader, work by exclusion. When you think you know who is, give him a duck just in case he tries to run away.
Choose SA as a prestige objective only where there are at most 2 targets.
Before killing any target, recon them all if possible.
If not sure which item to pick up from a crate, wait. Things can happen and you can regret your choice.
Buy items which costs 500 merces even if are not using them.
In NY always take the interview.
In dubai you can find silenced assault rifles and machine guns.
To take a briefcase with you, pickup the battery in the garage for only 3 slots.
Plan for targets in the open by bringing explosives or sniper rifles.

One thing I am not sure is what causes the suspects to flee. I know you can food poison one of them no problem but for example I donā€™ t know about accidents.


Nah donā€™t take the interview, it takes too long - you can get the IT guy disguise very easily and itā€™s just as good.

Also I think the battery costs 3 slots, right?

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By now I have completed more than 10 campaings in Hardcore and the most important things IMO are always picking a civilian disguise ASAP and disposing of as many assassins and lookouts first.

BTW, if you are in suit or guard disguise, a Suspect spotting you isnā€™t game over. Just lose line of sight and hide and theyā€™ll go back to their routine.

Lastly, Meeting Phones are vital. Both to isolate your target as they are for ā€œcullingā€ the suspects who arenā€™t your targets. Even if the phone isnā€™t the reunion you need, use it so you can discard suspects who canā€™t help your goal with their phone OR they look like your target physically.


I must admit, I always try and remain Silent Assassin, even in Freelancer!! :wink:

Plus, I always pick my syndicates as ā€˜Assassinationā€™ as itā€™s more themed around Silent Assassin.


The battery lets you store stuff inside it? Not sure what you mean. Also donā€™t know what you mean by the phone? Thank you for the tips though guys! I havent unlocked much yet and donā€™t have a sniper.

Itā€™s also handy to just get them to follow you into an empty room that they otherwise wouldnā€™t go into.

I use this tactic a lot.


Exactly. Also helps to dispose of the assassins that follow them. Itā€™s always nice to eliminate the most lethal threats in the showdown.

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if you pickup the battery in the garage, in the next mission it will be put automatically in a briefcase. In this way you can bring a briefcase to the mission.

Can anyone help me understand why the guards went into combat with me here? I was completely uncompromised, and guards were in a relaxed state. Yet, running past the enforcer led them to open fire on me. Shouldnā€™t they just have become suspicious of me, with no consequences as long as I get away from them?

I had been in a gun fight earlier in the mission. But, it was in a completely separate part of the map, and all guards I was compromised with were killed.

Is there a mechanic I am unfamiliar with, or is this a bug? This is in hardcore mode, in case this matters.

That particular guard is the only one that will be insta-agroā€™d if you go by him. Why they made him like that? I guess to keep you on your toes.

I canā€™t say Iā€™ve had him just start firing at me (he mightā€™ve and Iā€™ve forgotten about it), but I always look out for that guy!

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I didnā€™t realise just how much time Iā€™ve put into Freelancer until I decided randomly today to look at the Player Profile tab in the Career menu to see how much XP Iā€™ve amassed in Freelancer.

25,519,925 XP. Which is over 75% of my total XP earned.

Yikes. I may have to make more of an effort to touch grass.


No, no, itā€™s just because Freelancer awards extreme amounts of XP after every mission. 500, 1000, etc. per mission based on what tasks you complete, whereas the main game doles out paltry 10, 25, 50, etc. for simple actions or mission completions.