Freelancer - General Discussion

Assuming I’ll lose the Collector’s Coin or the Collector’s Lockpick during a mission: Will I get a chance to buy them from a vendor? Or find them again in a crate?
Just realised that they are always there even after advancing a prestige level…

Definitely should be able to buy them again.

Speaking of Collector’s items - does anyone other than me think they should have looked different to easily distuingish them from the ordinary Freelancer Tools? Lockpicks and tranquilizers already have multiple different looking variants in the base game, and I’m sure they could’ve cooked up some reskin for a crowbar.


You can, but due to their price, since you’re in the market to prestige, it’s better not to if you can avoid it.

You get a reward after each of the 4 legs of the campaign from Common up to Legendary - but, if you have all weapons for that tier, you get cash instead.

1st leg - Common: 10K
2nd leg - Rare: 15K
3rd leg - Epic: 20K
4th leg - Legendary: 30K

To optimise your run, you should aim to buy the cheapest item(s) of whatever reward level you’re about to reach (or whatever’s going to be closest) unless it’s more costly than the cash payout.

Pretty much all of the “Collectors Edition” items are more expensive than the equivalent Merces payout, so you’re better off getting them as a reward unless you’re at the point where you have nothing else to buy.

Naturally, if you’re in the late stages of completing your wall and happen to know that acquiring an above-cost item will force the game to reward you with an even more valuable item, go for it, it’s all math at the end of the day.


Just wondering, why didn’t freelancer add more maps like patient zero, bonus maps, etc etc?

Really disappointing.


How would that appear? Those maps are all the same with cosmetic changes, and they would occupy the same spot on the map wall.


Now, if only there was a mod that did just that :no_mouth:


Another way, obviously.

So then why were they added in contracts mode? Because they are different enough to have a different experience. Also garden show.

So make a new spot. Sigh.


Ya, then console players would be happy.


Played Isle of Sgàil today after prestig-ing for the first time. I usually try to get every objective done on top of the prestige one, but some are absolutely impossibile e.g. Hide Target Bodies…on Morocco. I shit you not, I had four targets and they all were out in the open/market. Anyways, after slitting some poor guy’s throat with the Burial Dagger to knock out my Epic Melee objective, I had one more loose end to tie up.

Security guard, front entrance, recording room. I was on the balcony of the Hyperborean floor. Had a perfect shot at the guy through a window. Popped him. His buddy ran over and I hit the fire extinguisher in front of him. I now have a newfound love for fire extuingishers. Great pacifiers, and distractions. I always shoot on in the Miami parking garage to get into the recording room.

Some days I get bored with this game, and some days I love it. Freelancer was the best thing that could have happened to Hitman.

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It could just be a surprise which version of the destination we get dumped into. I’d love that.


As usual, you did nothing to answer the how of the matter.

What way? How are the three or four people still working on this game supposed to add entire different versions of existing maps to a mode that was never meant to have them? This is not as simple as adding in items that don’t currently have a spot on the wall.

Because those are being selected from an entirely different selection pool that allows for their inclusion. To include them in Freelancer as it now exists, they’d have to change the map selection process entirely, or add a subsection to it that doesn’t exist.

Ok, I want you to slowly, carefully, read what I said, then read what you said, and then really think about what you said, because - and I’m sorry, there is no polite way to put this - that is the dumbest argument you’ve ever made.

See, now that is a legit possibility.

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I read this in Diana’s voice :neutral_face:

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:man_facepalming: Shit, I didn’t even think of that. :rofl:

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Irrelevant. If there was intent to have these maps in freelancer, they would find a way. I don’t need to give you the answer. IOI can figure it out on their own. The fact you live off this specific goes to show you miss the point. If they want it in, they can do anything to add it. They didn’t add it in the game just because they are stupid and don’t know how or nobody on the forum gave them the idea. Sheesh.

I’m saying if it was intended from the beginning and how it’s disappointing that it was never there. Wishful thinking here.

You mean how they added a computer on the desk for prestige? You do realize it’s a video game, right? They can make a new wall, or make crate or crates laying around. They can do whatever they want to make anything fit. They literally can push the aiming zone(shooting range) down and add another layer so instead of walking through the door and you walk into the shooting range, the door leads you into another room that has another wall/s and again they can repeat that to add many new walls before having the last door go into the shooting range. It’s not that difficult to think of. Just open your mind a little. Smh.

Again, i don’t need to babysit you or hold your hand for every little detail. You have a brain of your own. Try to use it. Please.
But since you ask and can’t think on your own, when you click on the city (for example, sapienza), a menu opens up and shows all “sub-maps” within that map.

See? Not rocket science. A little use of one’s brain can make you go a long way. :grin:

Again, try to think of how on your own. Nobody needs to babysit or hold your hand in order for you to realize an idea doesn’t need to be in specific details for you to compute that the idea is still viable.

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I could’ve worded that better, but that was more of an answer to @Heisenberg. All his “But how would that would work?!” questions have already been answered by the modders.

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Screw it, I’m not getting another talking-to from Urben over this. I’ll just say, learn how a debate works or don’t get involved in one. Now I’m out.

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On a separate note, I’m still hoping we get more weather alternatives for the Safehouse!! :grin:

We’ve already got Day, Sunset and Night, but imagine it Raining and Snowing outside? :wink: Plus, we’ve already got the raining effects for 47’s character model with the mission in Chongqing.

It probably won’t happen, but it would be really cool!


What if elusive targets were added to the maps sometimes, like every time you go to Hokkaido there’s a random chance The Surgeons will be there, & there’s nothing calling attention to them but if you take them out you get extra money/items, kind of like advanced couriers.


I love this idea! That could be lots of fun on most maps and with most ETs.

(Just imagine going to Bangkok for your final showdown and you get shot down because you entered the stairwell while the ex-warlord turned it into a hostile zone. :joy: )


I eliminated 500 syndicate leaders! :red_duck: