Freelancer - General Discussion

Then I will again end up wondering where to post other kinds of challenge runs lol.

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Shhhhh, donā€™t be suggesting that :wink::open_mouth:

At least we know it will be fixed eventually :raised_hands:t2:


Just got greedy in Dartmoor. Figured I could complete all the objectives on my way out. It was an alerted territory. Lost everything.

Edit: to add insult to injury, Iā€™m super busy at work tomorrow so I canā€™t even crawl my way back to three full briefcases until Wednesday evening. Absolutely gutted. Bad timing.


We got a better look at them through the original Freelancer teaser back at the start of Year 2. Some of those icons still remain (probably just as an artistic choice for the syndicate defeat cutscenes)


With freelancer almost 2 months inā€¦what do you like best in freelancer?

  • Target contracts leading to the showdown
  • The showdown

0 voters

I prefer the target contracts cuz I donā€™t really enjoy the showdowns that much tbh. Not sure what it is, I just get bored looking at so many suspects with basically the same tells all the time.
I saw one on a BigMooneys video of a tell that a suspect was nervous, but I have yet to see that on ps4 at almost 50 mastery.

Anyone else getting a ā€˜nervousā€™ tell?

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Iā€™ve gotten it a few times. What they should do is implement a system where if you flashbang a target during their nervous tell, they have an accidental heart attack.


The Showdown concept is a great idea, however because of the sheer amount of time Iā€™ve pumped into Freelancer - the novelty of having to go looking for the target has definitely worn off. Though that is entirely on me putting the hours in that I have.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if someone that is taking their time with the mode and playing it less than me thinks the exact opposite.


In terms of certain tells having more ways to determine them, I had a couple of ideas:

  • Have ā€˜Nervous/Paranoidā€™ suspects look over their shoulders if you stalk them for enough time, like when stalking someone unstealthily in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin.
  • ā€˜Sweet Toothā€™ and ā€˜Smokerā€™ suspects should carry cigarettes and candy on them and drop them when KOā€™d.

Iā€™m actually having loads of fun with the showdowns as Iā€™m doing them with self-imposed challenges and just having my own fun with them. Though I do appreciate that there are only 4 of them per campaign. Any more and they would outstay their welcome.

What challenges have you self imposed?

I like showdowns, but the target contracts can be much better sometimes depending on the syndicate objective types and the map you are playing on. Especially some of the wider maps and when you have lots of targets on them, sometimes the targets can just be annoyingly spread out and you spend 90% of the time just walking to them just to shoot them in the head in front of everybody. Thatā€™s why I love Paris, Whittleton Creek, New York, Dubai and Dartmoor their verticality and mobility makes it a far quicker and therefore better experience. Additionally, Eco Crime syndicates have by far the worst optional objectives, they are way too much effort and donā€™t pay enough for that effort

On another note, Freelancer has made me DESPISE Ambrose Island, I think its by far the worst map when it comes to the mode, I actually think Colorado is better than Ambrose. At least with Colorado you know what you are getting into and the target selection isnā€™t too bad. On Ambrose the targets are always in public with tons of people surrounding them, with no clean shots, and there are a thousand guards just around the corner.


Yeahā€¦ Iā€™d kinda like to hear some updates on thisā€¦


God, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Almost every time I play on Ambrose Island, I get that one dude playing poker in that room with two guards. Itā€™s almost impossible to do anything with him since thereā€™s two guards in the room (who are enforcers to their respective disguises), thereā€™s a weapon box in the same room, so you canā€™t even get rid of them that way. Itā€™s very difficult to get a Sieker shot on him without being seen, and to top it all off, the guy NEVER moves. I absolutely cannot comprehend why IOI would pick an NPC that never does anything or goes anywhere, in a room full of people no less. They do it on several maps and theyā€™re just so boring and frustrating to deal with.

On the upside, Ambrose Island does have the durians, which are an even more powerful version of the emetic gas grenade since itā€™s not considered suspicious to throw. Thereā€™s one you can get easily in the supply room near the slapping contest, and I donā€™t know how some of the targets would even be possible without it.

Iā€™ve actually managed to Sieker that guy by standing outside the window at the back of the room and standing on the ledge outside it.

The only issue Iā€™ve had with Ambrose that was truly idiotic is when starting right near the slap fight when thereā€™s a fucking lookout only a few feet away from you and getting into range just as the mission begins! I have to skip through Dianaā€™s opening, stop blending in and run line heā€™ll to get away from her before she blows my cover in the opening of the mission. Stupid place to put a mission start.

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So blending in doesnā€™t negate a lookouts enforcement? Or are you starting out not blending in?

Iā€™m honestly not sure; I was too pissed to keep disconnecting, restarting and experiment. I just wanted to get away from the bitch and complete the mission.

On my way to lose all my 300k Mercers because I want to complete the ā€œSometimes Maybe Good, Sometimes Maybe Shitā€ challenge, which requires you to fail 10 showdowns :upside_down_face:


It sucks not to suck!
I have gotten to 9 so far without even trying.


Grinding this challenge along with ā€œCold Feetā€ challenge made me realize that thereā€™s a serious need of a ā€œMute Dianaā€ option in the audio settingsā€¦


In Mendoza I started inside leaning on a rail, blended, and the lookout was immediately there and saw me. So, idk if always, but sometimes for sure the lookout spots you while blending.

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Alright, Iā€™m nearly there. Iā€™ve almost got every item in Freelancer. All thatā€™s left is one assault rifle, one katana, and the epic tranquilizer gun. Iā€™ve completed the first two contracts in a Sick Games campaign, and I think Iā€™m gonna finish this campaign before taking a break, assuming I donā€™t die or accidentally quit and ruin it all for me. I think Iā€™m gonna buy the assault rifle, and considering their rarity, Iā€™m pretty sure I can just win the other two from Diana at the end of their respective contracts. Then Iā€™ll have every item and be up in the 60 mastery range, and can start just earning money to prepare for tackling the failure achievements and hardcore mode. I think Iā€™ll break from Freelancer then at the end of this campaign if that pans out, and play other stuff for a while until we get word on some changes and/or fixes IOI may do to the mode.