I understand. Definitely have read the posts about people struggling with the mode and find Hardcore to be too buggy at the moment to be worth the extra focus, but I’d like to think most players rise to the relative difficulty of a game rather than just give up.
Just found out the office upstairs can unlock a cosmetic that includes the option to check the stock market from the desk computer and use the passports on it to begin a mission in the same way as the passports down in the bunker.
I saw this before reading the rest of your post and wasn’t even surprised when I thought this was an actual interaction you had with a supplier.
Same, I’ll be playing Freelancer for years and hopefully we’ll have future additions added by IOI as well. I know I’ve posted it already, but adding the Halloween and Christmas decorations will be a cool touch if they haven’t been removed from the files.
I’ll also probably play Hardcore mode one day, but I just aren’t confident to make the jump
Got the double XP/double challenge progression bug again today. This time I even managed to finish a Campaign so now I’ll only need to have done 99 Campaigns to get the last challenge. I was planning on playing for several more hours while the bug was still active, but unfortunately the game crashed so the bug stopped occurring on the restart.
On the last Showdown on Paris I thought for a moment I was playing Hardcore cause there were 4 Lookouts bunched around the bar area. It was just weird that I got so “lucky” that all the Lookouts on the map were so densely packed, and it wasn’t even an Alerted Territory.
With the bug I managed to finish up Strelok so I can get rid of the Arctic Druzhina and finally use the trusty Sieger 300 Ghost again. It’s so nice to have a sniper that has a Marksman perk that actually works!
It might be better if 47 comes home and realizes they came for him. Thankfully he wasn’t there and now they are still at his home. He must sneak in and kill them all. This keeps it more like a small hitman map with many targets instead of a FPS shooter style waves of attackers. It would still probably not be so replayable. Most of us have done plenty of kill everyone silently and kill everyone loudly runs in New Zealand. It would be similar to that is my guess.
I actually prefer this idea. If you die, you lose all your inventory, even on the weapon walls.
That’s sorta how Redemption at Gontranno played too but with the added story bit of rescuing the priest. Just story though. The level would have played the same if he wasn’t there and you just still had to kill all the guards before attacking the boss.
Anyone know if the chloroform works in the ventilation in Bangkok?
It should. Just like it works in the bank. Why don’t you try and report back?
Tested it, it didn’t work. Same with pills - only the insecticide works in Bangkok, unfortunately.
That sucks. Why doesn’t ioi update old map with the effects of new items?
Feel the burn
Currently (a while after this pic taken) 30 campaigns, 100 Mastery, 2.5m Merces, just chasing the last 4 challenges (suspects/leaders/campaigns)
So, on a recent campaign failure, I noticed a bunch of squares that look like syndicate icons. Only thing is, there are 18 of them instead of 8. I wonder if, earlier in development, the plan was to have 18 different syndicate types.
I might be wrong her but I’m pretty sure that other syndicates than just the 8 we have now were shown in old trailers and maybe the CTT files,I know there’s 2 more spaces in the safehouse for syndicate trophies to be so I wouldn’t be surprised if we got more at some point
It always feels weird to me when content seems incomplete. It’s almost as if
I deadass nearly replied with “almost as if what?” Because sometimes even borderline geniuses can be dumbasses
I wonder if it’s time for a dedicated Freelancer Speedrunning thread?