That’s just a speedrunning tech to save time to exit the level? Nothing in Freelancer forces you to play like that (not even timed objectives, I’ve done them many times in Whittleton without alerting any NPCs), you could have just used any of the suit exits if you wanted to keep SA.
Besides that in Freelancer you’re in for the long run if you try to aim for the 100 campaigns challenge. If all of those campaigns had to be perfect runs good luck doing anything else of your life for the next 5 years.
Lol I always wondered what this did, but never waited long enough for someone to show up. It never showed someone investigating it in the picture-in-picture either.
Indeed, I’ve never quite gotten the point of it. Always wondered if there’s some obscure way to use it, like the fuse box in Marrakesh that turns off the fan and makes Reza drink water.
It can interrupt the conversation between Yuki and the Director I guess? But IIRC they just go right back to it after. What good is that?
Little known fact too: you can shoot fuse boxes 3 times (with a pistol) to destroy them permanently. After the first NPC checks it and figures out it’s broken, people stop checking it, and the thing it powered stays off. I have a video explaining some other niche things with fuse boxes if anyone is interested but it seems off-topic.
Just had an absolute nightmare in Hokkaido. Ended up in a shoot out in the morgue with what seemed like a never ending attack of guards.
Thankfully, I stuck to a slightly altered version of Heisenberg’s parameters of perfection. I burnt every body in the furnace so there was no witnesses or evidence.
Yeah, kinda got to go with @scat1620 on this one. Not that I’m not flattered for following even a portion of my method for trying, believe me, but once you’ve gone beyond the terms of the contract, it’s pretty much time to give up adhering to my parameters and just worry about collecting as much of the money as you can.
Wow, that’s good to know. I mean, it’s easier to poison the plate of food and just turn on the radio near the sleeping waiter, but I can see a couple of things I want to try getting pulled off with that.
What is the backstory of this weapon actually? It feels so random somehow, but at the sale time significant. Too bad we can’t see it in its original souvenir form.
I believe it appeared in game files in beta of Hitman Season 1, but was never actually released until now. It works similiarly to icepick, so it is concealable, but still illegal to carry.
It didn’t bother me at first, but now 47’s generic “dialogue” with the suppliers is starting to get pretty silly. It’s so obviously uneven how the game just plays a random line from his small-talk voice recordings from the main game that any time I talk to a supplier now, I half-expect this exchange -
Supplier: “You want something? I might be offering.”
All my gaming time since late January has pretty much been Freelancer. I’m talking an average of like, one hour a day. I’ve very much enjoyed the mode despite the bugs, the loading times, and the chaos and death that comes from making a simple, stupid mistake.
I am Mastery level 50ish on both my main PS4 and alt Xbox accounts. I want to say I have about 3/4s of the weapons, with Legendaries and Epics missing mostly. Some of these have been lost by dying, as intended by the devs.
Ive completed about 6-7 campaigns. I’ve force quit when things went to shit and I felt the reasons were not fair. I’ve died when things went to shit and I felt the reasons were fair.
Upon completion of my most recent campaign, I told myself I’d take a hiatus from Freelancer and work on some of my backlog of other games. A Plague Tale Requiem isn’t going to finish itself after all.
So of course I started a new campaign this weekend. And of course, I pushed my luck in an alerted territory around a bunch of guards when I had almost no cover and almost no ammo. So I died while working my way though the 4th syndicate in the campaign. Lost a legendary pistol and all my tools.
It was fair, though. And I don’t feel cheated or tilted or like I wasted time. Assuming the servers are up, I’ll be playing this mode for years. I’ll eventually get those trophies, and I’ll eventually hit up Hardcore.
And now I work on my backlog. See you at the next patch, Freelancer.
Oh by the way, if you have an emetic device and a mushroom in your hand and you use the contraption in the tool shed, it’ll eat your emetic device first!
Also, if you do the thing where you can shoot in the safehouse, and shoot the outside of the shed where the dart board is, you’ll destroy the poison maker through the wall and you’ll have to re-wrench it upon your next safehouse visit.