World of Assassination 2024 teaser

We don’t even need a new face and voice actor for him, IOI could just do a new Undying in Hokkaido with him in Soders’ place, wearing bandages on his face - then focus more on the NPCs around him and the mission conditions (like disabling certain disguises, such as bodyguards or surgeons) than the ET themselves. That could be an interesting twist on the formula for a pretty low cost.

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In terms of NEW Elusive Targets, I would like one for these locations:

  1. Ambrose Island

  2. Miami (because we may or may not get The Undying/The Undying Returns again)

  3. Dartmoor Garden Show

  4. New York

  5. Haven Island

  6. Mumbai

(In that order of priority)

This is also a long shot, but IF we ever get a medium to large, mostly outdoor snow map, I think THAT should be a number 1 priority for an Elusive Target.

This is also kind of a given, BUT I would also like any new Elusive Targets (even potentially the DJ from Berlin, assuming it’s possible with whatever contract got signed) get added to Elusive Target Arcade, just so they’ll be infinitely replayable. Bonus points if EVERY Elusive Target has a bare minimum of at least one mission where the Loadouts are NOT restricted.

I believe that the two in one ET (The one with The Congressman) only had restricted loadouts ever released for ETA. Don’t quote me on that unless someone else on the Forums verifies that though as I could be misremembering.


Haven Island would be so amazing. (I know this isn’t happening, but I’m still holding onto hope for an evening/nighttime version of Haven, with tiki torches on the beaches and floating candles in the pools, and a cocktail party we’ll have to find our target at… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)


I’d love to see new ETs on maps that haven’t gotten any. There are many areas that could be interesting for ETs:

Miami: The ground floor of the Kronstadt Bayside Center, the podium area, the parking lot, the hotel, one of the garages, the medical building

Mumbai: Rangan Tower, the construction site, the Train Yard, the Crows’ hideout

Ambrose Island: The ruins, the area with the metal workers, the area with guys fixing Noel Crest’s boat

Haven Island: The villa, the server rooms, the gym, the restaurant

Outside of these, other maps I’d like to see more ETs on are Santa Fortuna/Whittleton Creek/Dubai/Chongqing (since they’ve only gotten one each), Bangkok (cause the three we have on the map are kinda bad), and Mendoza (cause there’s so many areas that would be good for ETs)


You’re not misremembering. Both The Dyads and The Clichés have Restricted Loadout as the complication.


So, if Year 4 has started then surely there must be an impending roadmap? :open_mouth::grin:


Not to derail our favorite Elusive Target topic, but is this for real? I don’t have the deluxe stuff on my alt account— would I be able to unlock the corresponding items?


Yes, you will unlock the rewards for completing the challenges.


Hearing the idea there’s potentially going to be new ETs is exciting enough but I always felt that New York and Haven had potential for some great ETs and would love to see ETs there not just because I like the maps but I also think new unlocks would be a good idea.

If I were to pitch a New York ET I would like the ET to be of two Detectives in the Bank either paid by Athena to help cover up and obfuscate the scandal or instead 47 being hired by Athena to take them out to protect her own reputation. The unlock could be the suit seen above which you can get for activating the Noir easter egg in this link, and I would love if it retained the B&W effect worldwide.

The second pitch I have would be for an ET set on Haven during spring break, and you could add a little party in the beaches. I heard there was a cut influencer ET and a cut blogger in Haven so maybe the target could be either of those or could be a frat prankster(s) who are trying to get into Tyson’s villa to egg his house. You could maybe activate their route to go inside the villa if you unlock a door for them which isolates them. That’d be boss. The unlock could be the Swimwear suit from Haven or even an update of the speedo from c47. (i would link all these but i can only put in one link per. DM me and i’ll send you links to all these things I’m talking about)

I also think that suits in general are something that would be cool to see more of. Like the C47 skin you put out last year, I’d like to see the character models from previous games to be unlocks. Not just from the older games in fact, tho ofc. a Blood Money, SA, Contracts and Absolution skin with their faces intact would be boss but I think also that unlocking the H2 model or the H1 model with both the face and suit changing would be a great way to round off the trilogy.

I also think that Chongqing in general could use something interesting be it another ET or an escalation of some kind. I’d like that.

Another thing I think the game could use is some final accessibility options or experimental changes. Like I would like to be able to adjust the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback seperately, because I feel the PS5 vibration on Hitman 3 is too low but the triggers are too high unless manually changed in the ps5 system settings (but the PS5 doesnt have a slider, instead just four binary options, if you try to manually change it). I think adding a first person camera or an adjustable camera that can go out even further or closer to 47’s back could help with motion sickness or just helping see more of the game.

I also think that some of the UI could be updated and Contracts mode could be given some of the additional objectives from Freelancer to help spice up the mode again. I at least hope for a way to follow certain creators who make good contracts. :pray:

Thank you and goodnight I’m just very very excited to have someone new as manager who is enthusiastic about supporting this old game that frankly doesnt need to be supported as good as this.


Elusive targets for the maps that never got one would be very cool. It’s crazy that best map Mumbai never got one although it did have the Special Assignment which were basically just permanent elusives so I shouldn’t complain.

We should also get an escalation for every map that doesn’t have one of which there is only Ambrose. Even the train has one.


Maybe that was the brand new escalation that we were promised in Year 3/2023 and then never got… :person_shrugging: We never found out what happened with that because that was yet another thing that Travis and Clemens would ignore all posts and tags about…


Imagine they finally release the coin, but this coin is 3 meters high just like the one in the Batcave.


I really hope IOI fix the missing coin this year. It’s annoying when you come back to the Safehouse and the weapon crate is highlighted (indicating there’s something to collect) when in actual fact it’s empty, but it’s highlighted because the coin is missing.


For some time I’ve had this rough idea for some sort of bank robber ET for New York. They’d be a bit like Collector/Stowaway in the sense that they would have multiple loops and would use stashed disguises to gradually advance into more secure (and more secluded) parts of the map. From public teller hall in map’s centre to tresspassing areas on the left (investment floor/consultation place below) until eventually descending into the vault and slipping inside. A potential kill method I envisioned was locking them inside the vault once they get in (even if I later learned that apparently bank vaults irl have safeties to not let someone die that way).


The only thing I would add to your concept in terms of unlocks is the Bronson M1928 SMG from the Hitman Absolution DLC.

That gun is based on the Tommy Gun, so having a gangster or noire themed mission - it would be a perfect fit in my opinion.


New Elusive targets would be cool. Bringing back Elusive targets that they were in HITMAN 1 and 2 and they never came back in HITMAN 3 would be also really cool.


I’m hoping that when the 3.180 patch drops within the next two weeks we see that they’re going to use some of the other H1 ETs - last year they added all the Year 3 targets into the game in the first patch of 2023, so hopefully they’ll do the same this year so we get the answer faster instead of waiting month by month.


I regret not pinging you on my post in the ET Galore thread now…

But to answer the question, the H2 DLC maps aren’t really used for ET’s so maybe something on there, like a really nasty client using HAVEN’s services that has a contract on their head.


If you are asking me to choose from the ETs that have appeared in the past, I would like to see one appear in H3 that has yet to make a stand-alone appearance.
Specifically, I would like to choose “The Congressman”, “The Prince”, “The Sensation”, “The Wildcard”, “The Pharmacist”, “The Fixer”, "The Identity Thief”, “The Chef”, “The Angel of Death”, “The Guru”, “The Blackmailer”, “The Warlord”, “The Paparazzo”, “The Undying”, “The Undying Returns”.
Of course, I understand that ETs of real actors are difficult to achieve.

If you are asking for a completely new ET, I would like to see ETs in “Miami”, “Mumbai”, “New York”, “Haven Island”, and “Ambrose Island”, which are stages that currently have no ETs in H3.



You can forget the Wildcard, sadly. It would require a renegotiation of rights that IOI is unwilling to engage in due to, shall we say, misbehavior on the part of Gary Busey. Understandable, but disappointing. The Undying/Returns is a firm maybe, as either Travis or Clemens mentioned a few months ago that IOI was at least willing to consider trying for those ones.