What's New....?

Over a week or so ago, I saw the new chicken place was fully furnished and probably almost done construction.

Then, a few days ago…

Save me. :pleading_face:




Oh god that was a cursed Bojack episode


Going out to see that new Godzilla movie every super-fan is raving about.

I haven’t seen very many GZ movies, last time I did, I forgot when that was – probably the first of the US Legendary Pictures version. So I don’t totally get what all the appeal of all the films or what makes this one so special compared to the others.


This one is excellent because you actually care about the human story being told, because Godzilla’s role as a metaphor for war, nuclear horror, and PTSD (shell shock), are all clearer than they’ve ever been since the original 1954 film, and because if you just want a disaster movie with clearest special effects and scenes of destruction, this one delivers like no other had in quite some time. This is a Godzilla movie that is in no way campy or kiddy or anything that Godzilla has gained a bad rep with. It’s a movie as serious as anything Scorsese or other heavy hitters would make.


Happy late new year everyone



I got this friend online I met earlier last year and talk to a looot. We bond over stressful retail work and other shared interests.

Just had to cheer him up from feeling down about himself and I feel great!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::yellow_heart::+1:

Idk, I feel like I might have a crush on him or something? :point_right::point_left: Either that or he’s a really great friend that I just can’t get enough of.


Well, my regular internet connection has been down for 3+ days now. My service provider only knows that “its due to a power outage”.

Bitch please, I work at a power distribution company. This is extraordinary time for an outage.

I start work (from home) on thursday. I hope my workphones 5g plan can handle it.

On the plus side, I’ve finished 2 of the Children of Time novels by Adrian Tchaikovsky thanks to this bullshit.


happy new year! :tada: in the words of the constant, “it’s the thing that gets you to the thing.” 2023 happened so we could get to 2024.

i didn’t really celebrate the new year though. been too exhausted to do much of anything outside of work


I said that same phrase out loud at work last night. :joy: Though I can’t recall what prompted me to say it… :thinking:


You can say maybe it’s the thing that prompted you to say the thing… :smirk:

Happy belated new year, everyone! Let’s hope we will finally hear about IOI’s new games or any new Hitman stuff. :partying_face: :tada: :confetti_ball:


Like clockwork, the big studios are doing it on purpose.


I’m on record as enjoying Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and I fully intend to see this Mickey Mouse movie and enjoy it too.


Can’t they come up with something more creative, though? Disney character enters public domain, make a slasher film out of it? Let’s try something a bit more creative and leave slasher films for the actual slashers. Freddy, Jason, Michael and Chucky are all probably shaking their heads in embarrassment over this.

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Can they? Probably. Do they need to? Not really. The idea of taking a beloved children’s character and turning them into a serial killer is already creative enough. Do you want them to take Steamboat Willie and turn him into the love interest in a time travel story about a lake house or something? Put him in a spaceship exploring Mars? Make him into a hit man?

The existence of a cheap slasher movie doesn’t prevent any of those things so let them all happen and the public will spend their money on what they want to see. I’ll gladly pay to see serial killer Mickey Mouse, personally.


But the gimmick is over after Winnie the Pooh. The fact that they’re ready to go with another slasher from a Disney icon shows that it really is just a gimmick now. Lets try doing other things with these newly released properties.

The gimmick will be over when the money fountain stops.

Did you see how much that Five Nights At Freddy’s movie made? Oooh, stuffed animals and ostensibly cute creatures… but in horror! Never underestimate a moron’s desire to spend money in the name of supposed irony.

Edit: Not that I’m calling @schatenjager a moron. More so the collective crowd that makes movies like that rule the box office for a month. Remind me, how many Transformers movies are there?.. Okay, cynicism over for now.


There will always be people who want “Hollywood” to be more creative, make better movies, write better stories, and be more avant garde. There will also always be people who pay to see the next Transformers movie.

The last year I actually saw the movie that won best picture that year was 2004. I’m very used to not being among the film elite and I recognize I’m not qualified to be a movie critic. I know what I like though and stupid gimmicky slasher movies fit the bill. I’ll also watch so-called cinema, but I won’t have as much fun as I will laughing my way through something incredibly stupid.


Agreed and I was being aggressively cynical. I love camp and schlock. I watched Meg 2 the other night and that movie is utterly outrageous — though it succeeds as entertainment on the fact that it* knows* it’s outrageous.

There’s good schlock and there’s bad schlock. Especially in the horror genre, studios pump out bare-minimum-effort, low-hanging-fruit, hyper-edited jumpscare-athons because they’re such reliable money-makers. Occasionally one will be more than just surface-deep… but it still amazes me when a rote C-grade horror flick comes out and makes over 100 million dollars.

”Are you not entertained??!” and all that, what what, pip pip.