That new Portal short “Aperture Desk Job” is cool, even if I didn’t play it on the new Deck (glad they didn’t limit it to that).
You’ve got lots of funny writing, goofy Portal machines, Cave Johnson returns! Short 30 minutes of silly stuff.
You need a controller to play, but it seems that it accommodates many features the Steam Deck has, even if you don’t have them yourself. It showcases all the different inputs the device has, I think, but for me I was missing a screenshot button, gyro, a touch screen, and underside buttons on the controller, but the game didn’t mind! It accommodated it via keyboard or mouse prompts, or remapped buttons to the right controls when needed.
Spoilers for an easter egg.
Giant Chicken. Must hug. That is all.
Ok well, not all. Turns out it’s part of Portal 2 concept art, and finally made its way into… some Portal game.
“Giant Chicken” – Villains wiki (yes lol villains wiki)
I also played the demo for Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Yeah, it’s gonna be a fun Kirby game. Will it be great? Challenging? I don’t know yet, but the demo was certainly enjoyable enough.
There’s very large, 3D environments.
Kirby and his enemies are all so adorable.
Levels will have optional objectives and secrets to find.
The handful of Mouthful Mode abilities shown mix up the gameplay and puzzle solving a bit.
There’s an easy Spring Breeze mode and a ‘normal’ Wild mode. I used Wild. It was serviceable. Only really challenge I had was the first boss, who is difficult up-close.
Perhaps we might get a third difficulty at/after launch. There’s room for it.
Nice demo. The preview at the end for the full game shows off a lot of unique environments and abilities to Kirby, so I’m interested in how the series’ gameplay might evolve with it.