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Watch out Todd, Obsidian is here to show you how it’s done :grin:

As much as it´s great to see a new game reveal from Obsidian, why does it have to be yet another medieval fantasy?.. :roll_eyes:


Will this one be as huge a let down as The Outer Limits or Outer Whatever was?

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Probably :stuck_out_tongue:

Obsidian does what Bethes-don’t!
Seems they are bent on trying to take Bethesda’s spotlight as best fantasy / post apocalyptic RPG developer. :laughing:

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Am I the only one who really doesn’t care about obsidian titles. People have rose tinted goggles for the studio cause of New Vegas and Outerworlds was just forgettable.

If Bethesda and Obsidian collaborate again then it would be a big deal. Just saying.


No you aren’t the only one. I like New Vegas but I am more than comfortable saying it is a decent game but nothing great.

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Bethesda is great at making there games easy to get into. I know Skyrim is meme’d upon but it’s probably one of the best games in terms of immersion and ambience.

Something about wandering the cold world during the night while Secunda plays is something special.


I personally don’t get that with New Vegas and I found myself needing to mod the game in order to actually get into it.


Problem is the Mojave is most long stretches of brown and red as rendered in New Vegas. There is a way to make the deserts look good but it isn’t how Obsidian elected to do it.

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That and you can’t just pick a direction and run. The whole Death Claw element never sat with me well and it felt like It discouraged players from a section of the map.

Skyrim you can pick a direction and get lost without much repercussions.

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I mean other than a shortcut to Vegas there is no real reason to go down the I-15 anyway. If they didn’t buff the Deathclaws to high hell then it might have been a nice stealthy shortcut but it isn’t

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It could of but we never got that. New Vegas does this weird thing where it buff’s enemies an absurd amount and I noticed that with the TTW Mod added where the Mojave Super Mutants health was the same as the Capital Wastelands Health making them really tanky. I had to go ahead and get a mod to make them less bullet spongy.

edit: I want to point out the health buff wasn’t a Byproduct of the mod.

To be fair Bethesda’s supermutants are pretty bad in that regard, they are huge bullet sponges like the Deathclaws are and they get worse if you have Broken Steel added on thus bringing in Overlords

EDIT: That is most likely why they are tanky, they are using Bethesda’s supermutant stats. Obsidian’s mutants are much easier in my opinion. But that might be because Supermutants and Nightkin are more of a rarity.

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I understand AP rounds were created to counteract the tanky enemies but it’s just not fun IMO.

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Both versions of 3D Fallout don’t have fun combat and I think it is the overreliance on VATS. At least 4 tried to break away from that overreliance.

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Fallout NV they got a buff cause of their Rarity. In Fallout 3 since they are more common they only had 100 HP. But in NV they have 250. That increase is drastic which is the issue.

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Haven´t they done that already? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still better than the last (two) Fallout game(s)… I think… (haven´t really played it yet)

There´s also the über-clunky but utterly enjoyable Alpha Protocol, which I´m really hoping they´ll get the rights back to one day. And I suppose a lot of people are fond of KotOR II. Also, New Vegas is awesome (agree to disagree).


I like 4 but we all know Brotherhood of Steel is the best Fallout game.

Sadly Japan will sink into the ocean before SEGA give over the rights and even if they did get them they most likely won’t ever do anything with it.

Is there any reason why they can’t just make an Alpha Protocol 2 but ditch the name? I guess it depends on what path you go down but I’d say the end of the game is pretty self-containing really. They even make a point at the very start that the organisation “Alpha Protocol” changes its name all the time to avoid being tracked. I honestly have no idea how you’d make a sequel to that game’s continuity, and I’m not sure anyone remembers any of the characters or the plot. I did enjoy it but I think you’d be better off just doing a sequel in everything but name.

Which one?

Well the reason would be because they simply don’t want to make that game. In theory they could make a spiritual successor to Alpha Protocol but Obsidian just doesn’t want to make one.

But not making it a direct sequel would be the best idea, I only remember Stephen Heck.

Doesn’t matter because Fallout: London is now the best Fallout game. But I meant this Fallout

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Only in the post apocalyptic category with NV, TOW didn’t manage to impress. In the fantasy category, the crown goes to the Witcher 3 and it’s success is thanks to it being developed on Skyrim’s mistakes and limitations.
While Skyrim is definitely more accessible to play, it sacrificed way to many RPG elements. If you’re looking into the most popular mods for it, excluding nude stuff, the mods that add those RPG elements back are at the top of the list :slight_smile:

That’s why I still stick to Morrowind even to this day :grin:

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