There is like a whole series of them on tumblr.
I’ve wanted to put this into art section, but I guess it fits, since “dancing chibi Naoto” is a thing
Reminder that I was the one who EXPOSED the LIES that IOI tried to push. They nearly got away with giving us 4 Elusive targets as Special Assignments (omg eww ), but I put a stop to that false advertising!!1!11
hopefully, you can see the obvious sarcasm in this.
the expansion pass was actually worth the money, considering the Bank, Haven, and sniper missions
pls dont kill me clemens
pls dont vaporize me wincen
just wanted to share this cool moment on the old forum
Imitation is the sincerest form flattery.
I hope the trend continues and we get one of these from you each time there is a new roadmap. Please, I beg you!
Is there one for the last roadmap aswell?
Yes there is.
Oh my, thats the best . “The reusers” At this point Im not sure if Im more looking forward to the roadmap or your take on it.
From the old forum by @Switcher
(20 Characters ffs)