Ah, I see Pedro’s friend learned from Ivan’s friend
It’s nice to see another fellow cheeki breekster
Fingers crossed we’ll get back to the Zone soon
Made this some time ago
The first Hitman movie has a scene set in South Africa
Ironic that after this image was posted democrats chose a white guy, and both parties ended up bonding over their shared want to bomb brown kids. Guess the only color American “democracy” cares about is green. Sorry for getting political.
The devs said they wanted a mission in South Africa for HITMAN 3 but instead they made it Mendoza.
I’m torn because I want more African representation but this is also the first South American setting in Hitman to not be about a drug lord.
African representation is cool but also South American representation not relying on just a stereotype is cool too.
Before and after you see Amos Dexter.
Isn’t all of Motorcade interception and things around it set in Africa?
Afghanistan, which is Asia