Official Death Thread

There is no such thing as an invalid field of study.

Except economics of course.


Again, you’re mistaking what I’m talking about. I am not saying he shouldn’t be considered famous because I haven’t heard of him. I was saying being famous for something like linguistics is something that should cause reconsideration for what is considered famous, and that was a joke, based on the fact that it’s not common. If it’s getting you worked up, you’re taking it too literally.

Yeah no, there was zero indication of it being a joke and even if it was, how is it funny? Your repeat disregarding the field (calling it mundane, genuinely asking how someone could become famous for it) is just kind of weird?

There’s a man in Wisconsin famous for eating cheeseburgers. Everyone can become famous. Just because you personally don’t care about language doesn’t mean people can’t be famous in linguistics.

Am I “worked up”? Hardly. Do I think what you’re saying warrants a response? Yeah.

If all this is confusing to you, maybe you should actually try to dabble into the subject of language and look up the word “fame” in a dictionary lmao.

Yeah, I’ll concede that. The way I worded it made it seem like I was being serious, and I’ll take the hit on that.

The same way Don McMillan opened his audition on America’s Got Talent by saying he used to be and engineer an that the he knows that audience is thinking that that means he’s obviously going to be really funny.

The same way the character of Daredevil got his name from when he was in school for being such a bookworm.

The idea is, the humor comes from the fact that the subject relating to academics or careers that don’t seem at a glance to be particularly exciting, but implying they are. In this particular case, you hear about someone being famous, you imagine they got famous for being in the entertainment industry, the sports industry, the political world, or something of the like. Now, not having heard of Mr. Chomsky and the description of him was that he was a famed linguist, that does not at a glance sound like something a person would achieve fame for, and so my comment was to imply, in a sarcastic manner, that it was not something a person should be considered famous for. I was not being serious, but again, I’ll grant that it’s on me for saying it in a way that didn’t make it obvious that I wasn’t being serious.

The rest of that is just ranting so I’m gonna ignore that. All the same, I didn’t mean to cause a fuss, and certainly didn’t mean to cause offense. If I did, my apologies.

Ten years ago I was driving around Puerto Rico with a friend from college who was a statistician/mathematician. He asked me if I could name any famous statisticians, and I responded with “Nate Silver,” who founded FiveThirtyEight, a popular site providing political polling analysis. I could not name any other statisticians, but Silver had been on many news and talk show programs here in the States, and common folk like myself were familiar with him. Anyway, my friend guffawed and scoffed and tsked and questioned me, “he doesn’t count, that’s not good enough, haha, Nate Silver really, come on!”

What’s a guy to do huh?

I disagree that your examples are similar. Those two are self deprecating and in a context.

What you said was more in the vein of: “Linguistics is so boring I can’t fathom anyone could become famous for it”.

The rest of what? My post? Are you saying I’m ranting and in the next sentence that you don’t want to cause fuss and offense?

No offense taken but you need to work on your wording.

We’ll both agree on this part, and call it at that.

@Heisenberg, Noam Chomsky is not famous for his linguistic work.
He is famous for his book “manufacturing consent”.
And from this, his prominence in the talking of international politics (thanks Desert Storm, and then the GWOT). Especially in internet circles.

It’s surprising that you don’t know him, because a lot of what you say about politics echoes what he says.
He would reasonably be at the top of the list of “people Heisenberg sounds like he knows about”. Close second to Carlin.

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I only got into politics in the Trump era because I knew I needed to start paying attention to that, and Carlin I listened to because he made me laugh; only started identifying with his sociopolitical views when the two things began to share space in my head. Never heard of Chomsky until today, never seen his name nor any of his works. I don’t know what he’s famous for, but the article posted announcing his death said famed linguist, so that’s what went with, because that statement implies that that was the source of the fame. No clue until now the guy even existed, never mind what he did. Guess now I’ll need to get caught up, sounds like he said some things I should become familiar with.




All this fuss over someone not dying.


Back on topic, sadly.


“Don’t hit me with them negative waves!” :frowning_face:


Aw, damn. A legend. You never forget those intense eyes or that gravely voice once you see him in any role, especially a villainous role in his later life.


Snow always lands on top…


That’s the sound of snow… falling.


literally came to post that. :sweat_smile:






This makes me sad :pleading_face: this was surely not his most famous role, but I loved him as Mr. Bennet in Pride & Prejudice :heart: