Mildly Annoying Details (or Lack Thereof)

I think that’s plausible. A lot has changed since Hitman 2016.

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For what it’s worth, I also remember not being able to use the acid dumps more than once. But I don’t think I tried every one.


Clearly someone needs to do a kill everyone all bodies dissolved in one container run. :grinning:


If you disable instinct, there is no way of completing the tutorial. The game wants you to use it regardless. You’ll get stuck until you manually enable it again.

Would love a “minimal”-option when it comes to instinct, that would disable x-ray vision, but would still highlight objects. But that’s just me…


Glad to know I’m likely not doing the Mandela Effect to myself again.

As far as I know there is not a hard limit apart from NPC count, but then again, the most I’ve done is about 50-60 bodies into one acid container.


We’re on the opposite ends of the spectrum here, I personally would like a form of Instinct that you could toggle on where it would:

  • Always be active (or a button press to toggle it on/off)
  • Allow interactions (currently, Instinct disables all button prompt interactions for some reason)
  • Have blood highlighted bright red when nearby (all pools, stains, and wounds)

Having blood highlighted would indeed make sense, if the NPCs would react to it like they did in Absolution (can’t remember if they did in Blood Money or the previous games). And yes, I wish they still did.


Got another one that I just don’t understand. Most Generic Male NPC Heads from H2 upwards have a normal and beard version of there Head and while there are some that just don’t have that for some reason like head_caucasian_60s_01 or head_hispanic_40s_01, that isen’t what annoys me.

What annoys me instead is the fact that there are some Heads that seem to have a bearded version, only that it’s the same exact Head as there normal one, meaning it’s pretty much a copy.
Two that come to mind are head_arabic_30s_02 and head_hispanic_20s_01, the latter even more because one of the Villagers that uses this Head has a Beard, but because the Head isen’t designed around that, the Beard clips into the Head instead and it’s not a good look.


You might check somewhere in the options. I have run on toggle, and I believe you can toggle instinct too.

Let me check (wait for the edit)…

Edit: It’s under Gameplay and General…


Oh, no, I meant a different form of Instinct, with how it works currently I would constantly have to turn it off to pick up items and use button prompts. I already know there’s a way to have it be a toggle, I just meant like an “improved” form of Instinct where you could actually interact with stuff.


I mentioned this in another thread, but why haven’t they reskinned the Mark 2 weapons and items to make them unique yet? My guess is that almost no one is using them because there’s absolutely nothing special about them except for the ugly sticker. They just unnecessarily clutter up the inventory menu. The joke about the “signature Mark 2 look” was never THAT funny.


Why should they go back and reskin them now, instead of making new stuff?

Personally, most of the time I use whichever variation I happen to find first in the menu rather than specifically choosing one because they all work the same.

Like I said, they unnecessarily clutter up the inventory menu without adding anything to the game, not as much as a unique look.

The inventory menu has become a really untidy, cluttered mess in my opinion.


This is not true. And it’s never been true. I remember putting multiple bodies into the same acid container back in 2016.

Indeed, here’s a short clip I’ve just found of someone playing HITMAN 2016 and dissolving 10 bodies in rapid succession…

And here’s a livestream from 8 years ago where someone kills everyone in the lab and puts all of them into acid containers…


Well, I’m not the only one who remembers this, and I know that it had happened on several occasions and in both Sapienza and Hokkaido Patient Zero, so yes, this has been true. Its likely that this was a console-specific issue, or something similar.

Regardless of any console-specific bug you may have experienced, I’m simply addressing the original claim.

This is not true.

This is also not true.

Going right back to Sapienza’s release in 2016, the programmed gameplay has allowed multiple bodies to be dumped into a single acid container. There was no change. It has always been this way.

(None of this precludes you from experiencing a bug on a particular console at a certain point in time.)

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These two paragraphs are inherently contradictory. If it happened, it happened, and has not always been the case that you could do it. It being meant to be able to do it and glitching somehow to prevent it from happening still means that it has not always been possible.

I’m not going to get dragged into your tedious semantic waffling to deflect from the fact that your original claims are proven to be false.


You can’t say that my claims are proven false, and acknowledge that it may have happened to me and others. You have not proven my claim false, you have only proven that it was not meant to happen the way I described, and that it did not happen to everyone. That is not proving a falsehood.