Mildly Annoying Details (or Lack Thereof)

One of my biggest pet peeves in this game is how useless the fake surrender is, especially when being surrounded by multiple enemies. I hate how you are forced into a QTE, which in turn leads to getting filled with holes. You might as well just restart at that point.

I really miss human shield. I really loved how in Absolution you could turn a fight around when cornered and surrounded by fake surrendering and using an enemy as a shield. This would have been really useful in Freelancer where you can’t (by legit means) restart the level, and where the focus isn’t necessarily on achieving a Silent Assassin rating.


Yeah it’s such an obvious Absolution legacy that completely lost its point in WoA.

Back then, in exchange for:

  1. staying at the dangerous location;
  2. allowing guards to surround you;
  3. having limited mobility after the encounter,

you get:

  1. one less guard to take care of (no QTE either);
  2. their weapon if you didn’t have any or ran out of ammo;
  3. a hostage that buys you some time until all the others attack (which is a lot, like 30 seconds IIRC);
  4. little extra health when the guards will inevitably attack.

This was a legitimately viable alternative to simply running away, which would provoke the guards into shooting at you immediately. Especially considering many Absolution levels were quite small and it was easy to get cornered, and for the same reason one shootout with a successful outcome might have been just enough to get rid of all or majority of guards because of how few there were.

While in WOA, you still have to engage in the QTE sequence as normally while everyone else converges on your position and immediately attacks you anyway, putting you in extremely vulnerable spot. Simply running away has no disadvantages at this point; especially considering it’s extremely easy to run away, levels are much bigger and NPCs in 100 meters would be completely oblivious to any of your guard encounters, putting you pretty much in the clear.

Sorry for rambling, I just had to :slightly_smiling_face: I’m not even that bothered by this, just a clear flaw in game-design (barely relevant notwithstanding)


In that same vein, what is the deal not even being able to engage with the guards for a frisk if you’re armed? Why did they take that out? I’m usually not one for making the game more complicated than it needs to be, but this is a handhold that really defeats the point of having it in the first place, on top of previous lore of 47’s briefcase being undetectable to metal detectors and friskers having metal-detecting wands in Blood Money. Bring back the ability to be frisked while carrying weapons that can be discovered and let us figured out how to get around it.


I don’t think they’ve directly said why they removed the ability to fail a frisk. But my guess is that there were two factors:

  1. It’s pointless to intentionally fail a frisk, for the same reasons fake surrendering is pointless. If you want to get into a fight with the frisking guard, you get the same result by just walking up and punching him in the face.
  2. It turns out it could be really annoying in H1 to determine if you were going to fail the frisk or not. You had to look through your whole inventory for the tags, to find that you had picked up a letter opener or something silly like that. Top assassin 47 should already know.

I don’t know whether there were programming reasons for disabling frisk to be the best way to solve #2 (versus e.g. adding the illegal-action icon to the frisk prompt when you’d fail it), or if they didn’t consider other options in the absence of any reason to fail a frisk, or if they found #1 itself convincing so “just disable it” was seen as fixing two bugs at once. After all, other illegal actions are only bad if you get caught doing them, while there’s no way to fail a frisk without being caught.


Even in Hitman 2016 there’s a little warning indicator on the prompt if you attempt to get frisked with illegal items.

I guess it makes sense to get rid of the ability to fail a frisk cause you’re sorting through your inventory to get rid of the illegal items regardless, but it still would’ve been nice to keep it in at least on Master mode


I agree wholeheartly. Every time this is brought up you get silenced by Silent Assassin tryhards because “Hitman isnt supposed to be played like that”. From C47 up till Blood Money there was never a serious indication that playing loud was the wrong way of playing. You’d only get rewarded extra for achieving SA. Since WoA its made clear that keeping SA is the only right way of playing or you won’t get the glorious 5-star rating. The absence of human shield is definitely a huge loss for gameplay variety.


Remember too that in H2SA there were rewards for achieving SA… but only 2 of them. Dual ballers silenced and the second one I forget… dual sawed of shotguns? Silenced m4? They didn’t think anyone would be getting SA on most the levels or they would have built in rewards for each level not just 2 out of 20 something.


The inclusion of human shield wouldn’t even affect those going for SA, so why would they be against it? It would be another useful tool in the toolbox for those who wish to play the game loud. Because isn’t Hitman about choosing your own approach, and finding your very own way of solving the level? I mean, if the only reason for playing was to achieve a Silent Assassin rating, why even include loud assault rifles, shotguns and explosives in the game, and why would we get them as rewards? It makes no sense to me.


Well technically you can still use those and get SA. Explosives and noise management contracts are pretty fun.


I was fooling around in Santa Fortuna. Discovered something pretty unusual with the submarine demonstration. If Rico Delgado survives that demo in any way, he has some unique dialogue after which you enter a very weird kind of hostile state I haven’t seen anywhere else, where every NPC on the map, no matter who or where, will now instantly spot you and compromise you the moment you get within line of sight.


Why isn’t there a way to unlock the black Druzhina 34 ICA from the Hantu Port sniper mission? It looks really cool, and it makes more sense to use that variant before the arctic one on most levels, since like mentioned before, the game has really few snow/winter themed levels.


Absolutely. In fact, not only would I like that one added to the game, if there are no plans to expand the weapon selection in Freelancer, I’d like that one to replace the arctic variant currently in Freelancer.


The only downside is it means they’d have to patch out the wall piercing and shockwave ammo which means you can’t cheese the Berlin Egg Hunt anymore.

Wait… what? They put that in BEH?

Didn’t know that. Where abouts is it?

It’s on top of the radio tower

In Freelancer, 47 has so many briefcases on display in his wardrobe, but sadly no way of choosing the one he wants to use on his mission… :disappointed::briefcase:


When dissolving bodies in acid (Sapienza, Patient Zero) there is absolutely no residue, and all material is dissolved regardless of composition. Realistically, the acid would become diluted after one or two bodies, and would no longer be able to entirely dissolve a body.


You’re only able to put one body in an acid container, and that’s it. The acid may not look diluted, but clearly it becomes useless for body disposal after a single use.

I went ahead and tested this, and I was able to dump four hazmat guys into the same acid container in Sapienza. I didn’t keep going to see if there was an upper limit, but it’s definitely more than one body. I’m not sure where you got this information.


Then something has changed, because I’ve tried that in the past and was never able to dump more than a single body. It became unstable, always, after a single disposal. Now, I haven’t tried since, I’m gonna say H2, so that could be something that changed since then, or maybe it was a glitch that wasn’t meant to be. But I remember at least 3 separate times in two different locations trying to dump multiple bodies in the acid containers and not being able to.

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