Mildly Annoying Details (or Lack Thereof)

I also never remember it being restricted to one or two bodies, because why would it? There is never any shortage of places to put dead bodies in. The Unconscious ones are the problem.

Are we sure we’re not confusing a crate with an acid container? If you’re trying to dump a target into a crate that isn’t dead (the target, not the crate) - that’s typically the only way you’ll not be able to dump an NPC. If it were an acid container it wouldn’t… shouldn’t have that restriction because that would be what kills them.

If Heisey is certain this happened, can he recall the exact message it gave informing him he couldn’t dump the body? Or perhaps which specific crate or acid container this was.

It didn’t give me a message. It simply never shows the option to dump a body again after the first one. And in certain that this was in regards to the acid containers, because I had distinctly set out to dispose of more than one body in one, and it didn’t give any kind of symbol on screen, not even the “full” indicator.

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I’m just going to mention that there are some non-functional containers on Sapienza that look pretty similar to the acid ones, maybe you accidentally tried to use one of those?

No, it was after placing a body in the acid container, and then I went back to that same container with another body and was unable to put it in. There was no confusion of where I was trying to put the additional body, I know the first body went in the acid because you can see the green liquid when the lid opens and hear the fizzing sound when you put the body in, so there’s no way I mistook it for something it wasn’t; it was definitely the acid container.

Ah, so it sounds like you tried to dump one while the first was still being dissolved. You cannot dump a second until the first one has finished being destroyed. (It’s the same with the garden shredders, dump truck on Whittleton, and cremation machines.)

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That’s possible on one occasion I remember, but the other times I tried, the time between body dump attempts into the container was several minutes. I’m going to assume that whatever this issue was has long since been cleared up, as I have not tried to use the acid on more than one body in several years, long before I even joined the forum, so next time I’m in one of those locations I’ll see what happens for myself. But it definitely didn’t use to let me on the few occasions I tried.

There are absolutely no female guards in the game. Did you know that in real life some women do in fact work in security and know how to use a gun?


That’s likely just so 47 can take all their clothing. In Absolution there were lady guards as well as giant fat men and 47 could not take either of their costumes.


Yeah, and that’s another thing, there isn’t much variety in body shapes and sizes. I get that it’s like this gameplay wise in order to gain access to more disguises. Not very realistic though.
But then again, the game doesn’t need to be :blush:


In a Q&A in 2019 someone from IOI mentioned that, in addition to needing to add animations and guard outfits for female models, it would also change the level design that currently assumes you can take any guard’s disguise. Even then they’d have liked to do it, but it would have been a lot of work to add.


Since IOI is sitting pretty good independently now, hopefully the next game can be designed with this concept in mind. Right now, and for pretty much every game, 47 can knock out and take the outfits of any guard. Welcome to a game where he can’t always do that, physically can’t.


What a wild concept.

Except for the fact that every game before H2016 had either female guards or buff/overweight male guards that you could not take disguises from (except maybe Blood Money?).

Even WoA has guards that you can’t take a disguise from, like undercover agents disguised as civilians in Whittleton Creek including Wholes’s bodyguards in “A Bitter Pill”, or three of the agents in Berlin, or Hush’s bodyguard…

And if we don’t limit ourselves to guards, there are plenty of unique or semi-unique characters that could have been disguises but are not, or female characters that are dressed as staff/technicians but who are once again you obviously can’t take a disguise from. It’s already here, just not used to the fullest extent.


Ok, I’ll admit it’s been a while since I’ve played any Hitman game outside of WoA, so my knowledge on this particular thing is pretty rusty, but… where?

Well, I’m not really counting those as “guards.” I know the game registers them as such in some circumstances, but I mean clear and present guards whose disguises are clearly those of guards, which allow you access to areas where they can go. Guards disguised as civilians don’t get to go where the other guards go outside of the map being alerted, because they are mingling with the civilian NPCs.

This reminds me that I’m really annoyed we can’t take the butler’s disguise in Dartmoor, despite it being exactly the same one as Sgail’s butler >_<

I think that actually makes sense in-game. The Butler in Sgail presumably doesn’t have a whole lot of interaction with people outside the Constant and some of the guards. It’s likely most of the guards aren’t allowed anywhere near the Constant’s keep.

The Butler in Dartmore though would theoretically be known by everyone on that map (except for maybe some of the visitors like the undertaker). Even if 47 could put on that outfit, it would be useless as a disguise.


Codename 47 – female security guards in “Lee Hong Assassination” as well as some armed NPCs that you can’t take a disguise from here and there, like Hong’s and Boris’s right-hand men, agents 48, Blue Lotus gang (iirc?), etc.

Hitman 2 Silent Assassin – female armed cult members in “Temple City Ambush” (serving as “police”), armed hookers in “Jacuzzi Job”, probably more that I can’t remember

Hitman Contracts – buff bikers in “Rendezvous in Rotterdam”, probably more

Hitman Blood Money – three assassin ladies, unique armed characters, gangbangers in “Death of Showman”

Hitman Absolution – fat cops in Chicago missions involving police, female security guards on top floors of “Blackwater Park” (one of them is a security chief at the lower floors as well), some armed civilians hanging out at the barbershop in “Shaving Lenny” (curiously they also go down in single hit without QTE in close combat)

I would say Wholes’s or Hush’s bodyguards definitely don’t apply to what you’ve said here, they are in restricted areas and them being hosts for disguises definitely would have helped. Also technically there are no such thing as “areas where they [guards] can go”, NPCs can go where they want – like if you do the meeting mission story in Mumbai, Vanya’s and Dawood’s guards may deliver any found guns or bodies to the Crows’ hideout in the sewers.

But anyway, we can shrink or stretch the definition of guards all we want, but the point is there are still plenty of NPCs whose outfits you can’t take (even if it would make sense), including some of the guards. Though I can concur that there are certainly not that many currently and never have been. Guards’ disguises are pretty overpowered in WoA so that might have been a way to balance them? Although I would always encourage giving players more approaches rather than limiting them.

I’d take it even if everyone on the map was an enforcer to it (gameplay-wise it wouldn’t be particularly different from suit only, and Dartmoor is a great map for suit only). There are many other “useless” disguises that are fun for contracts (especially in H1 maps, like the Vampire Magician, Plague Doctor etc), one more wouldn’t have hurt.

It was the perfect map for that disguise, really I see no reason why we’re not allowed to wear it :confused:


Yeah, you can apply this logic to many outfits. However, it’s not like being well-known or recognisable ever stopped 47 from stealing your outfit – plenty of examples where 47 takes on disguises that probably shouldn’t work yet they still do. Useless outfits are also not out of question – no reason to steal the stalker’s clothes in Bangkok or the baseball uniform in Hokkaido yet you still can do it… It’s just a game-design decision, whether we like it or not.