HITMAN - Anniversary Roadmap


HITMAN - Anniversary Roadmap

IO Interactive is celebrating its 25th anniversary this month! To mark the occasion, we have prepared a range of exciting new content for players to enjoy. This includes a brand-new Elusive Target featuring the renowned international DJ and actor Dimitri Vegas, as well as multiple new challenges with unique suit rewards. Additionally, we are introducing our first-ever Twitch Drop, bringing more excitement to the game. Furthermore, there will be the return of some fan-favorite Elusive Targets, player-curated contracts, and a game update.

Premium Anniversary Content

October 26

Codename 47 Challenge: Unlock The Codename 47 Suit

The Fashion of yesterday always comes back in style! Visit various locations in the World of Assassination whilst fulfilling various challenges to unlock the Retro Codename 47 Suit.

October 26

New Challenge: A Nightmare in Hawkes Bay

Frighten your friends with this delightful Halloween outfit, featuring a sturdy and elegant trench coat and an amazing lifelike Jack-O-Lantern mask.

To unlock this seasonal suit, you’ll need to sharpen your skills with the Bat Shuriken to complete this brand-new challenge.

October 27

New Elusive Target: The Drop feat. Superstar DJ Dimitri Vegas

A brand-new Elusive Target mission for HITMAN World of Assassination featuring international superstar DJ and actor Dimitri Vegas.

Dimitri Vegas will take on the role of “The Drop” – a DJ-turned-drug impresario bent on controlling the scene one way or another. Your objective is to eliminate Alexios Laskardis, but you will only have one chance in this limited time mission.

October 27

Twitch drop: Purple Streak Suit

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of IOI, we’ll be launching our very first Twitch Drop. Watch other players take on the new Elusive Target on October 27 live on Twitch to unlock the stylish Purple Streak Suit.

October Content

October Game Update

Game Update 3.170

Game Update 3.170 is set to arrive end of October. It will feature fixes, tweaks and QoL improvements – but the specifics will come later through the patch notes closer to release date.

October 5

New Challenge: Faster than Rocco

Speed is the name of the game in this challenge, Complete ‘The Last Yardbird’ Sniper Assassin mission in 1 minute 47 seconds, or less to unlock the Sniper Challenge Suit, a classic combination of white shirt, black pants, and red tie. Featuring black gloves for a better grip.

October 13

Elusive Target: Bad Boy

Sapienza by night with a huge movie set and a former musician-turned-gangster who’s in hiding from the police. Take him out in this limited time mission.

October 20

Elusive Target: The Food Critic

Wen Ts’ai is a food critic infamous across the Pacific Rim, and beyond. His harsh criticism has made the critic many enemies in the culinary world. He’ll be reviewing the Himmapan Hotel in Bangkok this month. Your task: Assassinate The Food Critic.


They’re finally releasing the low-poly Codename 47 suit which has been in the files for ages! They’re finally giving us the Jack-O-Lantern suit! They’re doing a Twitch Drop, whatever that is!


Great Roadmap!

I almost dismissed the Jack O Lantern outfit, but it’s a new one : pumpkin head, not the last year much criticized 47 head.

Shirt and Tie 47 going to join last month Shemagh 47 and good old Blood Money Suit for the three outfits I will ever use for now on.

(also waiting for @MrOchoa reaction)


Jack-o-lantern mask!! Sweet!

Purple streak suit looks slick.

Uh is that Codename 47 suit a joke? Is this real? Hah!


My understanding is that you link your account to Twitch, then watch a stream that’s playing the game & has the drops enabled. Then after enough time watching, you get In-Game Thing to use in-game.


Well, I’m going to need more how-to for it from @Travis_IOI. If I may.

I will be mad if my 100 percent completionist profile gets tainted down because of that.

(again, great roadmap !)


Oh ok. It’s pretty interesting that they’re doing something like that at this point. It’s the first time they’re doing that, but will it be the last?

Very good roadmap.
Jack-o-lantern and Twitch Drop Suit is the biggest surpise for me.
Also can’t wait to see low-poly Agent 47 in ray traced reflections :laughing:

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Ok, that Sniper Challange Suit is beautiful.

The C47 suit though. That’s… really not how he looked.
Distorting my fond memories with the game


I really hoped the C47 face gets some fixes when we saw it in the leaks section. It does not look so much like it. :thinking: But the sniper suit looks really nice.

“Puzzle Box” FCs? Is that an IO batch?


The Blood Money re-release intrigues me (and from the footage I’ve seen, it looks awesome). I’m just annoyed that PC and consoles are being left out.

The Twitch suit looks real slick and I’ll gladly use it. Now we just need the stadia items!


Sniper Challenge suit: A++ Rank. Throw in that side/shoulder holster for S Rank. But I guess that’d mean you should be able to carry a weapon out in the open.

Getting it? Hmm… Might be doable. Wasn’t Rocco’s thing a high score?

The Twitch/Purple Streak suit. :+1:

Jack-o-Lantern (head) suit. Thanks…

C47 Suit. I’ll get it… I mean, work for it. I might use it at some point but for novelty purposes only.


Love the Sniper Suit! But really sceptical about the Purple Streak Suit: Nothing against watching a Twitch stream but probably can’t be bothered to do this while on work…
I guess the FC are curated by IOI and we’ll get to submit puzzle contracts. This sounds promising.


geeky guy the jack o lantern suit its here lets go

the codename 47 suit lovely the sniper assassin suit lets go the purple streak suit lets go

By the way, the dates for The Food Critic seem weird to me cause there’s a game update in the middle of its 10-day run. I thought they couldn’t keep ETs running with a patch in the middle, that’s why they changed the dates for some things in the September Roadmap in Year 2

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Create a twitch.tv account and in the settings, you should be able to find a list that has ‘account connections’. One of which should hopefully include an IOI account by the time this challenge is available so that the sync is correct. There have been other Twitch drops with other games companies this way where you have to watch a certain number of hours of an official drops stream (IOI should produce a list of verified streamers for drops before the day). For example, Blizzard have done this before with their Overwatch games where you’d get in game items if you linked your Twitch account with your Blizzard account.

Hope this clears things up.


The sniper assassin challenge suit looks amazing. I can’t wait to try these challenges out. 47 may yet just be lucky enough to get an outfit change after being in his signature suit and gloves for years now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Diana, 47 would like to order some new clothes please, let us know where you can get a good deal on them!


Submitting + selection within 24 hours? Hmmm :stuck_out_tongue: