HITMAN 3 to become ‘World of Assassination’

I mean we could do this all day:

Rise of The World of Assassination
Dawn of The World of Assassination
War for The World of Assassination


I think I’m just gonna call it “Hitman”.


First of all,

How in the hell do you figure? That’s the best subtitle of the whole series.

And second of all,

Irrespective of that, Partners makes sense for the third game because the entire game was about the concept of partners on one level or another: they started off going after The Partners, 47 and Grey worked as partners, then 47 had to work with Olivia as partners, then his longtime partnership with Diana was in question, Edwards wanted to be partners with Diana in running Providence, and the previous two games had even subtlety hinted toward it, with Edwards making comments about partnering up with Diana and ICA in general, in the train scene after Hokkaido, and in his speech being escorted to the boat on Isle of Sgail about the partnership ending. Then at the very end of the game, 47 and Diana agree to be partners in the killing business again. It absolutely fits.

I would only agree to these if Andy Serkis does the motion capture for 47.

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I personally like World of Assassination.

It was IOI intent, and is worth putting upfront. In 2014, IOI published an open letter about the future of the Hitman franchise. About what would become Hitman 2016, and then the trilogy.

It was illustrated by this image :


And said, as the first glimpse, the following (bonus point for the use of “apex predator”, Berlin gives its regards):

In the next game you will experience a globetrotting Agent 47 at the prime of his career – the apex predator stalking his prey across the world, with the support of his long-term handler Diana Burnwood and the whole of the ICA.

So I like the subtitle. It’s appropriate. It’s the foundation of what the game is meant to be.

Link to the full open letter :



I love the subtitle as well, has a lot of sentimental meaning, as it was the original tag line for Hitman 2016 before they had to pivot into making fully fledged sequels (which is honestly for the best, I don’t know how they would’ve been able to do the things that they’ve if they were held back by a framework developed around 2014 to 2015.) It also just rolls off the tongue.


man that open letter pre-Hitman trilogy in 2014, it kinda… hits-man, right here, right in the… bar code.


Given that the original H1 and H2 are now swallowed up in the new World of Assassination Trilogy, the menu theme music should be available for all three chapters/seasons within the trilogy package.

I am certain that H1 menu music is the sentimental favorite.


I always thought the general consensus was the location became Hawkes Bay (with a ToD change to night) and the target became Jordan Cross. :thinking:


I’ve always thought the photographer was just something that they did for the sake of the trailer and was never intended to be actual content in the game. There’s been absolutely no remnants of anything found in the leaked alpha (which leaked less than three weeks after this trailer released btw) or the released game - and at this point we all know that IO doesn’t do a good job of scrubbing cut stuff from the game either.

Hitman: Enter a World of Assassination
Hitman: Make the World Your Weapon
Hitman: Death Awaits



Hitman: One
Hitman: Two
Hitman: Three


It might have, but it’s all just speculation. I tend to believe that it’s just a nice cinematic and we shouldn’t take everything face value :wink:

The trailers absolutely were based on ideas and developments they had at the time (Novikov and Strandberg are in the trailer, and are practically unchanged), Caruso is still a lab tech, and Jordan was merely rewritten.

Game development is not a linear process.


It’s a possibility as I already covered earlier. Yet we can’t say with a 100% certainty that everything we see in a cinematic trailer is or once was part of the game. We also need to remember that the cinematic trailer aren’t done in house. They might have a rough outline of what IO is going for in tone, cinematic are about selling an idea of what we can expect. There are plenty of cinematic that in reality have little to do with the product they are promoting. A classic example is the Dead Island trailer, it sells the game as a heartbreaking and more sombre experience. In reality there was a big disconnect between tone of the trailer and the product.

I tend to believe that “Photographer” is just an idea for a visual story element in a cinematic. That said I can be completely wrong and we will never know unless IO comes out and makes a statement.

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Will the Hitman 1, Hitman 2, and Hitman 3 sections of the forum be combined into one to correspond to this change of the game? I know it’s not likely because of what a pain that would be, but I’m curious. Or, will the Hitman 3 section at least be changed to not have the 3 and have World of Assassination or WoA on it? Or will they be left as they are in remembrance of the original set-up


Seems to me they should just make a new section called World of Assassination and let a bunch of new threads start. Maybe seed it with Freelancer.


To add on to the requests for an option to change menu themes to the other games, I’d also like an option to change the menu navigating sound effects to 2016’s/2’s and 3’s original sound effects that they changed in one of the early patches to the “coin” sound effect for some reason.


Fun fact about Hitman on Stadia.

When Hitman 2 launched on Stadia it was called World of Assassination and the same with Hitman 3.


I don’t really see why we have to overhaul or add sections to this place just because of the rebranding. It would either overcomplicate things or split up discussions into too many segments.

Hitman is for the 2016 game
Hitman 2 is for 2018
Hitman 3 is for the 2021 game, that has now transformed into a bundled WOA version
I know that, you know that, and anyone who’s enough of a fan to find this place most likely knows that too