Hitman 3 DLC in the Works

Oh yeah, I love the butcher suit, I’d be more than happy to unlock that. But my main gripe is that they’d be excluding Absolution for no reason. Including all of your previous games, bar one, is definitely a statement

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No, we’re getting the Patriot as an unlockable suit. Speaking it into existence! :raised_hands:

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I appreciate your faith. If only our prayers worked on IO :cry: Also, relevant artwork from @v1deost

How could you not want this in the game?


Melee item folding chair?


Mostly I just want to see if Diana will dance with him in that get up.


I am happy to pay for quality content. :man_shrugging:


Try dancing with her while holding a suitcase, got stuck on his wrist like a watch lol. You can also dance on a pile of bodies.

Pretty sure they don’t have to add anything with the exception of the Berlin Escalation anymore, since everything else paid for has been delivered.

Secondly it was stated that they aren’t looking at new levels, but more to expand on existing ones, which problably means Bonus Missions, Escalations etc.


Oh, I’ve seen :wink:


Any chance we’re getting Sniper Maps for H3. I loved the ones from H2!

Sniper Assassin
Dedicated to long-range assignments, Sniper Assassin tasks you with eliminating targets and guards without triggering an alarm, whilst completing challenges to boost your score multiplier. In HITMAN 3, Sniper Assassin can be played in existing maps as a single-player experience only. We are preparing to sunset the co-op servers in HITMAN 2 before the launch of HITMAN 3 and we’ll share an exact timeline and a solution to the mode’s multiplayer trophies in the coming months.

If they do, I kinda hope they add the scars and stuff just to make it unique

This would be super easy, they could just recolor the midnight black suit’s shirt white.


If the Terminus suit has the bloody bandaid, I don’t see why the Patriot skin wouldn’t have some scars.

Also lol I heard 47 has an 8 pack


Dubai is great shut up.

:hiking_boot: :tongue:.

It does seem strange that Absolution would be the only one not to get an Escalation reward suit when the other legacy games have one. Unless maybe the Butcher suit is going to be one reward in say Berlin, then we might get a second Escalation challenge with a suit from Absolution? After all in the roadmap for February we have had two Escalations with two suits from Silent Assassin which is the The Guru Suit (Terminal Hospitality) and The White Shadow (Hidden Valley). I guess there is still a chance we may get a suit for Absolution? :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Can you imagine it? :joy:

Could happen I guess. Like I’ve said above, we got two suits from Silent Assassin in this months Escalation, so we may very well get two suits for March’s update. If you have seen the updates far above, it looks like we’re getting the butcher suit from a meat kings party eventually


I see the escalations as a reference to the specific period of the series, not everything the series did.

The first 4 games were niche, had smaller fanbases and less production. It’s a call back to that period where the fanbase was young and small.

If we got more Square Enix Hitman games with the big advertising budgets and polish I still feel like they’d be left out even if they were beloved.

But it’s hard to say because we have one game ignored instead of an era of a few games ignored. Just my perspective.


I’m fully on board the Never Mention Absolution Again train, so this is all gravy to me! :laughing:

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Now that main campaign is over they could be very nice missions and campaigns with 20 maps. Or they could create seasonal missions like Holiday Hoarders and Hokkaido Snow Festival.
For example, I would like a Halloween missions in Paris where the target is the Vampire Magician (with his suit as reward). Or a mission (in Maldive or New Zealand) with the photographer. A mission in Chongping where we meet again the Blue Lotus triad.
I would like to have targets like Po family, Al Ghazali one, the mafia family of Marco Abiatti. There could be a lot of nice ideas


They were very clear about what the Deluxe Edition contained.


Yeah they were, but we didn’t know what these “deluxe” escalations are. Turned out they’re more or less just normal escalations with items attached to them. Also, it was expected we will get 6 full big sand box maps but what we got is 5 maps + short segment at the end. Compare that to hitman 2 gold edition - we got 2 extra maps plus special assignments which alone took more time and work than these deluxe escalations. Anyway, I will probably buy if it wasn’t free for deluxe buyers, but given we were given 5 maps & mediocre escalations I think it would be appropriate to include it in the deluxe pack.