Hitman 3 DLC in the Works

Yeah exactly, Absolution is still part of the franchise there’s no denying that :smiley: Like I’ve pointed out above, this is what we’ve had so far in terms of 47’s unlockable outfits in the Escalations:

  • The Devils Own - Dance With The Devil (Blood Money).
  • Formal Hunting Attire - Beldingford Manor (Contracts).
  • The Black Dragon - Lee Hong Assassination (Codename 47).
  • The Guru Suit - Terminal Hospitality (Hitman 2: Silent Assassin)
  • The White Shadow - Hidden Valley and At the Gates (Hitman 2: Silent Assassin)

Surely if the math is correct, Absolution is the only one that is lacking from my calculations above? :wink:

I’m guessing Absolution has to have a bit of love in the next Escalation. The Priest suit, Streets of Hope starting suit (no tie one), or Charlie Chipmunk is my guess.

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Honest question, not being snarky:

Realistically, how long do you think it would take to test the cosmetics/items out?
I understand that a game like Hitman is extremely complex even compared to most titles.

Surely though, something like a suit could just be set to follow the rules of an existing suit?
There are a few unique things like voicelines, but not every suit needs to have them at all, and they don’t judging by how many voicelines are reused per suit.

I would imagine items would be more difficult, but still repository values are easy enough to adjust, following that it is just a matter of collision, which, depending on the item, doesn’t really need to be that precise.

I know, my anectodal experience does not count as data that IO can use, but after extensively using randomizer mod on both H2/H3 with many unused items, I have never experienced a crash or instability that I could absolutely pinpoint on any unused item.

Also, I think a lot of people’s uncertainty/complaints in this regard (or in most regards, now that I think about it) could simply be alleviated by communication from IO.

Honestly, I would prefer a resounding “no” as opposed to radio silence, because that at least means they are aware and listening. I don’t expect IO to answer everyone’s questions at all, definitely not, nor do I want them to.

But it seems they prefer silence to communication, and for a game that has an always updating, live component like Hitman, I can’t help but feel a little bit uneasy at all of the silence.


Someone leaked what is almost certainly the upcoming deluxe escalation unlock. I’m going to blur everything going forward since this is beyond speculation, screenshots are included in the linked comment. If you want to reply directly to this post (either here or original thread) please spoiler blur all your posts. Some people really want a surprise and don’t ruin it for them.

It looks like the final unlock is going to be tied to Hitman Contracts. I’m personally happy with it but can see others being annoyed. The outfit looks cool to me but I don’t see much of a connection between the Meat King and Berlin. Other missions in Contracts seemed more fitting, let alone other games in the series. Still nice. Kind of happy one of my favourite missions is being referenced but I am a little sad for the people who wanted an Absolution themed one.


Cool if true, but kind of doesn’t fit in any level.

There is a butcher’s shop in Sapienza. I can now roleplay as his nemesis.

It’s not much but I’ll take it.


This post from Yes or No (unfortunately) disproves that theory

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I dread a mission where he might actually have to put that skill to use…


Don’t forget to roleplay Himmapan Horror in Bangkok. Also, imagine if using it with the weapon it comes with allows ‘special kills’ and now you can fit in more than 2 bodies in a container!~

Or for every kill you get Meaty bone


It’s the remaster of Etta Davis’ contract :stuck_out_tongue:


Was she the nurse in Morocco?

The Angel of Death yeah. Diana said she’d be ramping up from poisonings to accidents. What if she kept going and landed on stabbings?

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I guess all the Deluxe Escalation rewards have been linked to the past games so this is very cool if true.

Although I am surprised if they don’t give us an Absolution reward suit? We’ve had a suit from every game now a part from that game? Either way I’m still looking forward to adding this one to our collection.

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What kind of DLC level would you prefer?

  • Snow level
  • Rain level

0 voters

Hmm, that suit is interesting. But if it is true we won’t get an Absolution escalation then I’ll be sorely disappointed :confused:

Yeah, it’d be such a odd choice

Even though a Snow Level would be Nice, I’m just a huge Rain Fan and while Chongqing looked gorgeus, the Mission wasn’t the best and the lack of any unique NPCs in the Streets also discourages from making Contracts there.


I just hope they don’t charge us for the bonus missions. Technically the deluxe pack is just the escalations so I wouldn’t be surprised if they charged 15$ like they did with Patient Zero.

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Why tho? It would be nice if they did, but they delivered everything that was advertised. Maybe the price was too high for some, but there’s no obligation for them to add more content.


We already have rain.
In main mission.
Which looks not so impressive as it was advertised, as I see it.
So - snow. In Whittleton Creek. At night, or late sunset. On Christmas eve


Adding snow textures to a whole map or even just part of a map is probably to much work for a Bonus Episode. So that’s why I picked rain. It’s easier to implement and could make a map feel complete different due to a reduced amount of NPC on the outside. Not to mention the addition of puddles in the streets for electrocution kills.

I kind of like it though because it’s a big throw back to Hitman Contracts very much like the Formal Hunting Attire from Beldingford Manor. I know what you mean though, if we get that suit we won’t get any Escalation reward suit for Absolution.

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