If I’m not mistaken, this guard spawns across the creek when this bug happens, so if you wait there at that bench for long enough he eventually arrives on his own. Not a fix, but it would allow you to still get the clue.
Yes, I read your original post thoroughly and I understand that for you (PS4), he appears if you skip the cutscene while starting as the garbage man whereas when I tested on PC with keyboard / Steam, skipping or not skipping the cutscene while starting as the garbage man had no effect: he was not present until ~1:35 per in-game clock when he would appear from inside the creek, walk up the bank, and to the bench.
With the added oddity of the clue status, it’s definitely a bug regardless of platform.
Best regards.
Platform: Xbox One
Location: All, Freelancer mode
Description: XP gained at the score screen counts both the mission, and the preceding one. Doubling the xp gained. Same doubling occurs for challenge (one campaign completed counts for two).
The challenge double tick can be observed on the safehouse return.
Steps to reproduce:
- Start the game
- Start Freelancer
- Play one mission (takedown, showdown)
- Scored action are seemingly counted twice, once before the original score screen, a second time after
- The original score screen only show the first instance of it.
- As a first consequence, scored actions under a challenge see this challenge moving by two ticks. Observable at the return to the safehouse.
- As a second consequence, the XP gained on the mission will be appear on the next mission completed score screen in addition to this mission score. In essence doubling it.
Frequency: Always.
- Game crashed on a mission exit before the bug was first observed.
- Only xp is doubled. Merces gained are not affected
- The Player Profile level visible under career and in the main menu is affected by the double xp gained before the next completion screen. In a parallel to the challenge double tick.
Platform: PC
Location: all missions, freelancer mode
Description: The Club Boom DJ suit (or however it is spelled) doesn’t apply: if chosen in mission loadout, the base suit is applied (or previous one, haven’t checked properly). While in Freelancer choice menu, the suit just doesn’t change: the previous one stays.
Frequency: always.
Note: other items from Drop pack appear in missions properly.
Likely a mod conflict.
I’m surprised no one has pointed this out yet:
Platform: Steam
Safehouse (freelancer):
Description: The new suit that came with the purchasable Drop pack has the incorrect name tag when you put it on in the mirror. It’s labeled [‘Char_Reward_Tomorrowland_Hero_DJSuit_M_Name’]
Steps to Reproduce:
Load up Freelancer, go to a mirror and select the suit.
Frequency: Always
I assume your game is modded and hasn’t been redeployed since the update yet?
I have like 2, but only 1 suit mod. Is that the issue?
Yes, updated and deployed all mods, now it works as intended. Thanks!
Sliding doors become impossible to open if you attach a taser device or similar to them (doesn’t happen with micro audio for some reason - I guess it sticks through the door less). This can allow you to get yourself softlocked in New York pretty quickly…
A shame because I wanted to rig a door with a taser and propane so when it slides open the taser will go close enough to the propane to set it off, but NPCs will just phase through any doors that are blocked this way…
Saw this mentioned on Discord the other day by someone.
The name of the challenge is misspelt for completing The Ostentatious Arcade contract. There is an extra ‘t’ in there.
New patch, same bugs.
Platform: PS5
Digital + disc
Location: All Hitman 3 Locations
Description: “SAVING” is stuck on the screen on every Hitman 3 map. This is a PS5 exclusive bug that has been in the game for 3,5 years now and never been acknowledged. Never been mentioned in the known issues
Steps to reproduce:
- Start the game on PS5
- Load up any Hitman 3 mission
- Saving forever
Frequency: Always. Every time. Saving.
Why do you refuse to fix this bug? If you are incapable of fixing it, it would be far easier to just publicly come out and say it. Game development is difficult, communication is not.
Platform: PS5, Digital
Location: multiple
Description: Some objectives lack their unique objective markers
Steps to reproduce:
- Start a mission like patient zero or a contract in contracts mode
- Activate the parameters for a contract, like needing to hide a body or getting a non-target infected in patient zero
Frequency: Always
For example, in Patient Zero H2 vs H3
Platform: PS5, Digital
Location: Menu
Description: Lack of cinematics in Hitman 2 campaign tab for the DLC maps
Steps to reproduce:
- Start the game
- Load up Campaigns → Hitman 2
- Scroll to the end
- No end cinematics to click on
Frequency: Always
Platform: PS5, Digital
Location: All locations
Description: Elevated kills and knockouts default to the same, loud animation
Steps to reproduce:
- Start the game
- Load a mission with stairs
- Lure someone ont the stairs
- Try to silently KO the person with a melee
Frequency: Always, on any elevated surface
(trying to shoot my shot here)
Platform: PS5, Digital
Location: All locations
Description: Any mission in PS5 has an infinite save icon on the bottom right
Steps to reproduce:
- Start any mission
Frequency: Always
(next i’ll be reporting the Kalmer glitch but im hoping to get some of these fixed now @combatglue is with us)
That has been for all eternity, that’s a feature, not a bug
Platform: PC
Location: Whittleton Creek
Description: Nolan Cassidy can’t be killed with Micro Proximity Tazer. It’s a common knowledge that you can kill him with remote tazer, but concealing new one in the mailbox just isn’t an option.
Steps to reproduce:
- Start Another Life with Micro Proximity Tazer in loadout
- Attempt to conceal the Micro Proximity Tazer in Cassidy’s mailbox
Frequency: Always
Platform: PC
Location: Menu
Description: Shadows in the Water mission just kinda… vanished. It is neither in the Hitman 2 capmain nor Hitman 3 capmain (and any other place except from Destinations menu):
Steps to reproduce:
- Start the game and go to campain menus.
Frequency: Always
Platform: PC
Location: Menu
Description: Shadows in the Water now “requires” Another Life recompletion, otherwise there is a “spoiler” label, which requires to complete Another life
Steps to reproduce:
- Don’t recomplete Another Life
- Go to Shadows in the Water mission
Frequency : Always
(it is definitely a minor bug but still)
I dont think the latter is a bug and the former has been noted by combat glue
I know, i was hoping maybe i can convince the devs to try to make it able to melee people on stairs as a little parting gift before support ends
This is one of the reason why I am still on ps4. @Combatglue please let us know about this bug which affect a lot of users.
Thank you
Platform: Steam
Location: Dartmoor Garden Show (don’t think it’s exclusive to this as I’m sure it’s happened elsewhere)
Description: This smoking waiter will urinate in the portaloo even if someone is throwing up in it (gross)
Steps to reproduce:
Load DGS.
Emetic someone nearby.
Wait for waiter to pee.
Frequency: whenever someone is throwing up and the waiter needs to pee.
Great fix.
Thanks a lot to the developers!
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For some reason, the intel content of the Santa Fortuna target “ANDREA MARTINEZ” is identical to the intel content of the Hawke’s Bay target “ALMA REYNARD”.
Probably a translation error in the Japanese version only.
This mistake has been going on since HITMAN2 (2018).
I have reported it several times and for some reason it still hasn’t been fixed.
“ANDREA MARTINEZ” is related to Delgado and his son, who appeared in ”HITMAN BLOOD MONEY”, and is an interesting character for those who have played the series.
However, many Japanese players are unaware of this fact due to this intel error.
I think it is very unfortunate.
Reproduction procedure:
- Open the briefing screen for SANTA FORTUNA’s mission “THREE-HEADED SERPENT”.
- Open the “ANDREA MARTINEZ” intel.
- For some reason, the contents of Intel are identical to the Hawke’s Bay target “ALMA REYNARD”.
Occurrence frequency:
The intel in the two screenshots below is exactly the same.
Translated at DeepL.