HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

You tried setting up a meeting?

Platform: PC
Location: Chongqing

Description: The brim of the Public Enemy Suit could not shield him from the wind and rain, and he looked miserable with his face drenched. Other hats don’t.

Frequency: Always



Now that the timed Prestige Objectives have been modified so that you don’t have to finish the mission within the time limit, you only need to eliminate all the targets within the time limit, the objective descriptions are now incorrect for all the timed Prestige Objectives. They still state the mission must be completed within the time limit.

But wait! There’s more!

Elusive Target Arcade

On The Codices ETA, the complication “No Civilian Casualties” still says that the mission will fail if any civilians are killed - but this is no longer correct as this contract was released before the Arcade complications became optional. This should be updated as the other complications have previously been (they were changed to replace the words “the mission” with “this complication”).

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The Revolutionary ET Mission

When playing The Revolutionary, sometimes there are significant frame drops to the point of the game freezing for about half a second, especially around the town area. It seems like this is related to when the target is broadcasting his propaganda to the various TVs on the level. This applies both to the normal ET mission and to the mission in the ET Arcade.

There aren’t frame drops like this on the Three-Headed Serpent mission or when going to Santa Fortuna in Freelancer


Platform: PS4

Location: Chongqing

Description: One of Jeremy Bolt’s voice lines can be heard from oddly far away.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Fire Jeremy Bolt.
  2. Wait for him to get around to saying the line.

Frequency: Always




Platform: PS4

Location: Chongqing

Description: Can be seen through a wall inside the vents near Royce’s office.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the location shown in the image, which is well to the right of the open vent.
  2. Wait for Royce and her guard to come in.

Frequency: Always



Hi, sorry for the (incredibly) late response. I reached out to IOI’s Player Support through Zendesk and they said they would “look into it”. The issues still persist to this day and I have quite frankly given up on playing the game on Switch, despite me not wanting to give up my save file with 400 hours of progress.

As far as I know, it does not count Elusive Targets as failure if the game freezes and you have to reset the software, only if you actually die or meet some specific failing condition of the mission. Also I just uploaded my video to YouTube and put a link in the comment, that seemed to convert it to video.

And yeah, I really don’t know how or when this will be fixed, since as you can tell, it’s been months now. I’m glad to see others have the same issue so they hopefully take it seriously, but I’m afraid we’ll have to wait for the next big update to update the cloud version of the game. :frowning:


While playing a Showdown, if any Suspects start to flee and they escape via the doors behind the DJ Booth on the bottom level - the door on this exit will open. This reveals that there is not actually anything behind it other than an empty void since up until now this would have never been visible during gameplay, but now Freelancer has changed that.


This is Dexy Barret’s Rm (I assume), I subdued her and got the safe combination. I do see something highlighted in this safe while using instinct… But this music sheet stand is in the way of the safe.

Not that there’s a prompt… I’ll check the other room to make sure a safe is or isn’t there, and I’ll come back and edit.

I wanted to see if I could confront Jordan while dressed as the super fan, so this was in the process of setting all that up.

Edit: Yes. It is the other room that has the safe. I’m just not sure what’s inside this one that is highlighting. :man_shrugging:

Edit 2: At any rate, the “meeting” is bugged. Jordan will (ape) walk into his room, goes to the laptop, then shortly after - turns around and goes back out… Never staying to be confronted.


It’s an unsilenced gun. I believe this gun became redundant as 47 now pulls out a gun even if he doesn’t have one when sitting down at the chair, so the music stand blocks it off.


Platform: PC

Description: game crashes to desktop without error when loading saves. happens on any map.

         steps to reproduce:               1. open hitman WOA
                                           2. load any previous manual save and the game crashes to desktop without an error message.
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I assume this will help:

Platform: PC, Digital (EGS)

Location: Dubai

Description: Wrong start location on first playthrough. On my first story play of Dubai I got the generic “lobby” entrance, where I simply started in the lobby already in a suit, but on the second playthrough I noticed that there is a whole other starting point with the skydiving suit, which gives you a voiceover direction to seek out floor plans which guides you into the first mission story, and which ties directly in with the briefing cutscene where 47 is skydiving, it also gives you an introduction to the camera mechanic. I believe the skydiving starting point was designed to be the cinematic introduction to the game and that it is an error for it to give me the lobby.

Steps to reproduce: On a new account, play using the “story” menu to start a new playthrough of Hitman 3 from Dubai. It is possible that it is caused by playing the free “introduction escalation” on the starter edition before purchasing the main game.

Frequency: It can only ever happen once on a given account.

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Platform: PC, Digital

Location: Dubai

Description: On the escalation “The Sinbad Stringent” level 3, Ingram and his two bodyguards spawn floating high in the air in the middle of the large atrium in the penthouse, playing the “I need a drink” event from the Master Suite, they then walk through the air and get stuck on the second floor of the penthouse somewhere. This ruins the escalation because their sightline block stealthy access to the master suite where one of the targets are. I assume he is supposed to be removed from the escalation entirely and replaced with Stueveson, but he spawns in a strange place instead.

Frequency: Every time.


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Platform: PC, Digital

Location: Dubai

Description: Hitman 2016 escalations give you complication cards such as “previous objectives have changed”, and “new objectives will appear”, and “some things have been moved or altered” when that is the case. This gives you a heads-up to watch out for altered content and objectives during the escalation. Hitman 3 escalations just fuck with you without giving you an appropriate warning. This might be by design, but I don’t like that, I very strongly prefer for those cards to appear.

Steps to reproduce: Play a Hitman 3 escalation such as “The Sinbad Stringent” where the objective to hit targets with knives changes to just “hit targets”, and the targets change locations, and a new objective appears after the last one has been completed, but the cards warning you of these changes do not appear.

Frequency: Always

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Colombia/Embrace of the Serpent

When you do the scenario for the “What a Sham!” challenge where you need to bless the hunt, after doing the blessing the target will speak. As his speaks he says “Colombia”, but the subtitles misspells it as “Columbia”.

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Im on my phone so i cant post pictures( i will soon)

There are 2 bugs in berlin i encounterd

  1. Near the bar area there is an npc with invisible middle body

  2. After poisoning the guy dressed as a biker in the motorcycle club with the delivery food the dialouge of the ica agent trying to contact him keep repeting endlessly and never stops untill you finish the mission

Game on, Pc, steam,

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Platform: PC, Digital

Location: All

Description: ICA Flash Phone causes onlookers to become stuck in an endless loop of surprise and shock.

Steps to reproduce: Use the ICA Flash Phone to lure an NPC to a certain location to get stunned, the location should be visible to another NPC at some point in their routine. When the onlooker sees the location where the flash happened they will go to it and become surprised, and never stop being surprised, even if they were not near when the flash actually happened.

Frequency: Every time.

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Platform: PS5

Location: Freelancer safehouse outside

Description: 47 can’t lie on chair properly. He almost fall down from it. Please move 47 more to the middle when he lies on it.

Steps to reproduce: Let 47 lie on the white long chair outside the house.

Frequency: Everytime

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Platform: PC

Location: Chongqing

Description: Using Scrap Sword to destroy a camera on Chongqing in The Block results in sword getting stuck and unable to retrieve

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load the The Jinzhen Incident escalation on Chongqing
  3. Retrieve the Scrap Sword
  4. Try to destroy this camera

Frequency: Only tried it once.

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