Description: Non-functional faucet in the greenhouse. In the greenhouse there is a distraction radio, and a garden hose with a faucet right next to it, an obvious setup for getting an accident kill on emma using the car battery from the staff supply closet. However the kill cannot be executed because the faucet cannot be turned on. Perhaps this is cut content, but it looks like a bug.
Steps to reproduce: Go to dartmoor, in the greenhouse, near the southern door of the greenhouse there is a faucet which can’t be used.
Target belongs to the wrong group.
Safe house wall info, info, suspect cameras all show wrong groups.
In its play ,The target belongs to a top-secret network."was displayed.
But the actual target “belonged to the takeover network”.
It seems to be a serious mistake that the information that should be believed is wrong.
As a side note, it was my family that played this.
Her were not so negative about freelancers,
Her spent a little over 2 hours on this case, assassinating members of the top-secret network a total of over 10 peoples, and
Her was still unable to kill target, so I checked with me,
I have come to the conclusion that the group target belong to was mistaken in the first place.
And I decided to take a video of the phenomenon.
My family became a negative player in the freelancer mode after this incident.
It is very sad.
Steps to reproduce:
Select Berlin for a hardcore showdown mission
For unknown reason, the target belonged to the wrong group.
This is the first time I see this phenomenon.
videos or images
The suspect’s camera caught the “secret meeting.”
The target was the person invited to the “handover meeting” and she dropped the package.
It is obvious that the target is wrong.
In the The Delgado Larceny escalation, in level 3 the requirement to “Eliminate Dalmazio Coronado Bañuelos with the El Matador within 80 seconds” on the planning menu is incorrectly marked as being optional.
There are other examples of escalations having the complications marked as optional as The Corky Commotion (H1 GOTY) escalation in Paris has the “No Agency Pickups” complication incorrectly marked as being optional too. Perhaps a look into all the escalations to tidy them all up is required?
Despite “The Scrap SMG” from the Makeshift Pack DLC being a reskin of the Slapdash SMG, it does not appear in the SMG list when selecting a weapon in the pistol slot on the planning screen .