HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Platform: PC, Digital

Location: All

Description: ICA Flash Phone causes onlookers to become stuck in an endless loop of surprise and shock.

Steps to reproduce: Use the ICA Flash Phone to lure an NPC to a certain location to get stunned, the location should be visible to another NPC at some point in their routine. When the onlooker sees the location where the flash happened they will go to it and become surprised, and never stop being surprised, even if they were not near when the flash actually happened.

Frequency: Every time.

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Platform: PS5

Location: Freelancer safehouse outside

Description: 47 can’t lie on chair properly. He almost fall down from it. Please move 47 more to the middle when he lies on it.

Steps to reproduce: Let 47 lie on the white long chair outside the house.

Frequency: Everytime

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Platform: PC

Location: Chongqing

Description: Using Scrap Sword to destroy a camera on Chongqing in The Block results in sword getting stuck and unable to retrieve

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load the The Jinzhen Incident escalation on Chongqing
  3. Retrieve the Scrap Sword
  4. Try to destroy this camera

Frequency: Only tried it once.

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Platform: PC, Digital

Location: Dartmoor

Description: Non-functional faucet in the greenhouse. In the greenhouse there is a distraction radio, and a garden hose with a faucet right next to it, an obvious setup for getting an accident kill on emma using the car battery from the staff supply closet. However the kill cannot be executed because the faucet cannot be turned on. Perhaps this is cut content, but it looks like a bug.

Steps to reproduce: Go to dartmoor, in the greenhouse, near the southern door of the greenhouse there is a faucet which can’t be used.

Frequency: Once.


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PC (Almost certainly All Platforms)
The Source, Bangkok

This NPC has the clearly wrong voice (Unless you’re making some sort of very progressive statement)


Platform: PS5 (Digital)
Location: Mendoza (Freelancer)

I encountered a target who wouldn’t stop puking. He was there a full minute after his partner.

Still puking when I went down to the vineyard to kill the other target. (Might be tough to see…)

Still puking when I went to get a propane tank from the shrine.

And still puking for the few minutes it took me to throw the tank next to him and get the battery throw right.

Still managed to fulfil the SA objective though. :sunglasses: :grin:


Platform: Xbox One X (Digital)
Location: Miami (Freelancer)

Description: Something that I think is a bar of soap is clipping into this sink in the Kronstadt building.


PS4 Digital

Freeluncer Berlin showdown

Target belongs to the wrong group.
Safe house wall info, info, suspect cameras all show wrong groups.
In its play ,The target belongs to a top-secret network."was displayed.
But the actual target “belonged to the takeover network”.
It seems to be a serious mistake that the information that should be believed is wrong.

As a side note, it was my family that played this.
Her were not so negative about freelancers,
Her spent a little over 2 hours on this case, assassinating members of the top-secret network a total of over 10 peoples, and
Her was still unable to kill target, so I checked with me,
I have come to the conclusion that the group target belong to was mistaken in the first place.
And I decided to take a video of the phenomenon.
My family became a negative player in the freelancer mode after this incident.
It is very sad.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Select Berlin for a hardcore showdown mission
  2. For unknown reason, the target belonged to the wrong group.

This is the first time I see this phenomenon.

videos or images

The suspect’s camera caught the “secret meeting.”
The target was the person invited to the “handover meeting” and she dropped the package.
It is obvious that the target is wrong.

Full version(20min.)

Translated at DeepL.

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Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

This potential bug occurs on the Paris map, causing the compromised state to remain despite killing the target witness.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions


Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

This potential bug causes the game to disregard deluxe ownership and lock out content and previous saves.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

This potential bug occurs on the New York map, causing an NPC to clip into the ceiling after a nonlethal takedown.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

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Santa Fortuna

In the The Delgado Larceny escalation, in level 3 the requirement to “Eliminate Dalmazio Coronado Bañuelos with the El Matador within 80 seconds” on the planning menu is incorrectly marked as being optional.

There are other examples of escalations having the complications marked as optional as The Corky Commotion (H1 GOTY) escalation in Paris has the “No Agency Pickups” complication incorrectly marked as being optional too. Perhaps a look into all the escalations to tidy them all up is required?

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Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

Freelancer Mode

This potential bug causes issues with the voices of specific NPCs.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

Freelancer Mode

This potential bug causes suppliers to glow orange like witnesses when using instinct.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

Freelancer Mode

This potential bug causes a supplier to use multiple lines of dialogue.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Platform: Xbox One, digital

Location: Chongqing

Description: small items placed/thrown on the ground near the permanent shortcut door to the ICA facility will be hidden or even vanish.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the shortcut door to the ICA facility near the restaurant in Chongqing;
  2. Drop, place or throw a small item, such as a gun or a knife on the ground near the door;
  3. The item will be hidden by the ground texture or even become unreachable.

Frequency: always.

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Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

This potential bug occurs on the Mendoza map, causing odd shadows that don’t match the surrounding assets.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

This potential bug occurs on multiple maps, causing instances where NPCs can see through specific walls.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Game Version: 3.170.1

Xbox Series X
Digital Install

This potential bug occurs on the Chongqing map, causing neck seams from the rain effects on specific suits.

Related Topics
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Guides and Walkthroughs
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Platform: Xbox One digital

Location: Safe house

Description: Unable to pick up the fuel cell in the garage

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load Freelancer
  3. Go to garage
  4. Try to pick up the fuel cell - the cell is highlighted, but no prompt, and Y doesn’t do anything

Frequency: Always
