Hi everyone! - New IOI face in town

Ohhhh it’s the most perfect and identical ever made. I’m working on it since 2015… Long story but I will publish lots of pics, videos and info when it’s finished and going to write all about.
Thanks for the interest. Really appreciate it and good luck at IO :hugs:


No, but, in hoping against hope, they could. :face_holding_back_tears:

I mean yeah, there’s no real precedent
(well, Squenix’s Avengers allowed all missions to be playable and all cosmetics to be free after sunset, but no one cares about that game anyway)

But think of all the PR and headlines they could get if they do. Setting a new bar and getting lots of eyes looking at IOI, “hey, these guys are pretty cool turning this live-service model into effectively single-player”…
There’s always a small possibility someone influential sets that precedent in gaming.


that looks amazing! can’t wait to see the endresult :slight_smile:


This has to be the most specific pickup line I’ve ever heard :smiley:


That’d be great but I doubt it would set a precedent for other video game companies considering that the momentum is in the opposite direction with mandatory connection to the servers that will eventally shut down and deprive the consumers of their games. Thankfully Hitman will still be playable but so much will be lost when they stop support. I really really really hope they’ll do the right thing but that’s not what businesses does unless the it is required by the law and that’s why the only chance for real change is the Stop Killing Games campaign that I linked to in my previous comment.


Hey, after ~8 years they have realized that the game should have been a singleplayer game from the beginning :+1:


Imagine activity on this forum being part of your job description! Dream come true for many here :smiley:

Welkom Maartje! Thanks for being with us and taking the time to sift through our ramblings in the search for good ideas. @MrOchoa usually has great ones revolving around reconnecting with the early roots of the series. Authenticity and innovation, a winning combo in today’s nostalgia ridden yet eye candy-demanding market.


When servers start shutting down and games start being lost, business will suffer when people get pissed at stop getting involved in games that have that requirement, so if businesses were smart and able to actually plan ahead, they’d stop this crap now and start making customers happy right now.


Businesses are actually doing the smart thing (and by “smart” I mean “profitable”) because most consumers actually don’t care enough to get angry at them. At least for now.


There will never be enough fan outrage for this to change in favor of the consumer. It will be accepted by the majority because they’ll move on to the newer games. Voting with your wallet isn’t very effective when we’re dealing with massive companies with big budget lobbying to keep the law in their favor. That’s why the European Citizens’ Initiative need all the signatures it can get. All the information is in the link in my previous comment.


I disagree.

There will be a point where maintaining the servers will no longer be worthwhile, however if the game is still pulling in a small amount of sales regularly - just letting the game die completely is then them turning away that money. So depending on how much money would have to be spent to fully convert the game into an offline game, there is the potential for financial benefit to removing the online requirement and allowing those lower sales numbers to come in.

Not to mention, IO is also independent. Games under big umbrellas are less likely to have an offline mode added in because they’re raking in money left, right and centre from so many sources that they won’t notice that little bit they’re losing. IO is not in that same position.


That’s a great argument. I hadn’t thought about it like that and I completely forgot they are now independent which means they need to and probably also want to treat their fans fairly by letting us keep our game unlike let’s say Ubisoft that recently killed The Crew to force everyone to play The Crew 2.


Oh, another suggestion: I will copy a link to a (fairly impassioned) post I made a few months ago about the Steam page, and how the game is sold. Tl;dr purchasing this game is still a hassle and should be fixed, it drives a lot of people away and feels really bad if you buy the wrong version (which is very easy to do).


Welcome. Always nice to have a new set of ears and eyes. Hitman is a fantastic game. I have played thousands of hours and made a few hundred contracts. Looking forward to seeing and hearing even more from you. Get settled and get ready. Hitman has a very busy and very smart community.


I would disagree on your package suggestions, i think the more “versions” or bundles just makes the game more confusing to buy. They should get rid of the part 1 package and leave just the standard and deluxe editions plus dlcs. People prefer to buy a full game rather than by parts, that’s the whole reason why the episodic release of H1 failed.


A bit late, the one week I’m off the forum.

I will add to the welcome @Marchouette! I also truly appreciate what your work will mean for the game, and IOI.


If it’s not too late to say this, then welcome to HMF, @Marchouette ! :blue_heart: We hope you like it here and please don’t lose your sanity while looking at the wishlist thread lol


it’s a lot of stuff to go through :smiley: it will take me a while to map it but I will do my best!


Might be easier to start the list under the heading “Not going to happen” and then move over the few that could. :wink: :joy: