H3 Pre-Launch Guide (Progression Carryover)

I believe the website is just being prepared for a full launch.
Try a bit later

Solution: Donā€™t use Google Chrome :rofl:

Got recovery email now

So just confirming that itā€™s currently impossible to link EGS to IOI? Only Steam?


Hitman 2016 ā†’ Hitman 2016 is the same framework. If the progress from 2016 (Steam) to 2016 (Epic) or vice versa is saved, it means that H2 progress can be moved to H3 (Epic) and then seamlessly transferred to H3 (Steam) without any websites. Which removes the ā€œone timeā€ limitation automatically.

BUT, we got to know if H2016 progress has ever carried over?

You have to login into your IO account with the EGS option in the web browser.


Sorry, but put it back in the box and fucking wait like the rest of us thenā€¦

This is a ridiculous complaint lol, even if i do agree that 24hr before launch is an acceptable window.

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Well, good thing I always use Opera anyway :sunglasses:.

Not quite, H2016 (Epic) reportedly doesnā€™t have launcher and DX12 support.
I havenā€™t installed it myself, but people were saying.
And nobody of them mentioned any of carryovers


Weird they donā€™t have that as an option while youā€™re already logged into the account and looking at its options


I had to ask someone as well. :wink:


I had to read the last several comments just to understand as well.

I think IO should have done a guide to their pre-launch guide. I feel like their giant guide included everything except what I needed to do.


Thought you just start the game and get a progress transfer prompt that takes you to a browser.

Pretty straightforward if you ask me.

You donā€™t even need to launch a game.
Just go straight to the website


I know, I just mean that instead of checking the website, you could just start the game and follow the prompt. :slight_smile:

I am waiting like a little child on Christmas eve, too. :sob:

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But still I have no idea how it will be works and what Iā€™ve should be done. Iā€™ve already merged IOI Account with Steam and Epic accounts, but I donā€™t know that is enough or there will be a dedicated website where we will be transfering all progres. IOI said there will be something this kind, but its 3 hours to launch and no information yet. This isā€¦ embarrassing.

PS4 and PS5 trophies seem to be activated by your game progression in the servers. When I launched the PS4 build for VR, all the trophies from the PS5 list I had already done started popping (since each build has their own list).

Seems to suggest that progression carryover from H2 could cause the trophies to auto-pop. Which would be nice.


this screen is from Hitman 2 or Hitman 3?

Ok, I am confused is there a website I have to go to to get my account transferred? If that is the case where, I didnā€™t find a link above? Plz help someone ;ā€¦(

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Itā€™s not up yet.

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Oh, ok thanks for quick reply :3