I don’t need Hitman 1 installed to swap stuff do I?
I read it that all I need is Hitman 2 with the legacy pack and that’s enough to do the transfer?
I don’t need Hitman 1 installed to swap stuff do I?
I read it that all I need is Hitman 2 with the legacy pack and that’s enough to do the transfer?
Damn, I still need to figure out how to access my IO Account but don’t wanna touch my PS4 while it’s still pre-loading
That’s right. Nothing transfers directly from Hitman 2016. Access to all of that content and progression comes through the Legacy Pack installed in H2.
Cool that’s what I thought.
Just had a panic I’d have to re-download Hitman 2016
Additional HITMAN 2 content will obviously be unlockable within HITMAN 3 after the transfer. The only people that might have an issue with this are PC players since HITMAN 2 isn’t on the Epic store yet.
STILL waiting for the “before launch” website to go up only a handful of hours before the game releases. Curious to see if HITMAN is popular enough to crash IO’s servers…
Which could have been avoided if it was done much sooner.
As someone else said, I don’t understand why this needs to be done in a browser when we can sign into our IOI accounts in the game itself.
Anyone know if unlocks are available right away?
I’ll find out soon enough…
I’m not sure that’s the case. You just can’t play any H2 content. Or if you play H2 on Steam, this progress will be lost. But everything else should be there. Even worse if you wait: You lose all the progress made in H3 after the transfer.
I think your steam progress will be fine.
Really wish IO had kept the “before launch” promise for the carryover website. It’s really killing my enthusiasm to keep playing the game knowing my H3 progress will soon be wiped when I do transfer.
It’s stopping me really enjoying it because I know anything I do isn’t permanent.
Official launch isn’t until 13:00 UTC, they still have time.
Do you have a link to this?
Sorry, to clarify I meant that the official launch of HITMAN 3 isn’t until 13:00, not the go-live on the Progress Transfer site. Just mentioned it because thrison is a jammy bugger who has the game early, but as long as IO push the button on the Progress Transfer site before 13:00 UTC then they will have kept their word to make the site live before launch, even if some lucky people already have access to play H3 before then.
Yeah i also hate to play Hitman Games over and over again
Ah alright. I hope I was able to download the game while being at work. Sadly on EGS it’s not available for download as of now. Which now make my chances of actually playing today very slim.
Still no news? I guess we have just 5 hours to launch
I hope the website really goes live before launch
I’m going for 10am for the website to go live (GMT) that’ll give everyone 3 hours to sort their progress out.
Hopefully the website doesn’t crash
Alright, the night got me thinking about the “one-time” progress move.
I think that it just covers moving progress from H2 → H3, NOT H3 (Epic) → H3 (Steam). Which means that we may not require the website or tools for simply moving challenges between the same H3 game on different stores.
BUT, for that I need a clarification from H2016 players who moved from Steam to EGS or vice versa - is the progress interchangeable within the same IOI Account?
As far as I know HITMAN 2016 is not involved in a “progress fuss” in any way.
HITMAN 2 exclusively. If you have Legacy Pack, those progress is involved as well, but not standalone HITMAN 2016
Haven’t gone through the whole thread, but I’m just trying to log in to my IO account (just generally, not talking about progress transfer) and it seems I never made a password for it, just clicked a link button in an email in 2019.
It says if you don’t have a password use password recovery, I do it and I just get this
Anyone else getting this?
No, I had the same issue a few days ago, though I was able to recovor my password/set a new password.
IO accounts didn’t have passwords at the start. It was a bit weird. You’d type in your email address and they’d send you an email with a login link.
I reset mine about a week ago since I expected things would go down today.