H3 Pre-Launch Guide (Progression Carryover)

I guess that’s what they mean with One-Time. If you transfer once, you can’t do it again.


One question. This progression carryover would transfer my H2 items too even if the H2 maps are not available yet? Could I use them?

That would only be relevant for PC though. I think they’re trying to make sure people aren’t “borrowing” other people’s progress in perpetuity.

As I understand it, yes.

Yes. You can safely transfer, just not play the H2 Maps yet.

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While I expect it to work in a year, note they never confirmed to-Steam transfer of H3 will be a thing. With a big chunk of bad luck the only progress transfer one can do is the EGS one now.

I’d be in the same position if my PC hadn’t died and pushed me onto Stadia for 2021, Kent, and if I did have a working PC I’d take the chance of saving my Steam progress for Steam-H3 in 2022 and hope that the ETs are playable on Steam. I think if you transfer into Epic-H3, you’ll be stuck there for good. I’d prefer to take the chance with the ETs rather than be stuck on EGS with my Steam H2 progress.


I’m not too worried about that to be honest. It’d really surprise me if that didn’t work out.


A few of us have noticed this. It happened to me too and I was able to sign in with my original email address. I replied to a post in another thread.



I’m going to buy HITMAN 3 on Steam as well, so I won’t risk and transfer sfuff to Epic.
As I understand “one-time” phrasing, it won’t work in reverse way (Epic → Steam).
I guess IOI meant exactly this, but perhaps they are not allowed to mention Steam in any way, so we have what we have

I guess so, and it should be done

I’m worrying the same, but I’m almost sure that we’ll get both, an ETs re-run and a Trinity Pack.
Just because it won’t be fair to Steam customers if it won’t be done


Yeah, agree with all of that analysis, @Count.Rushmore. Obviously, due to the exclusivity deal with Epic seeming to have put the kibosh on even any mention of Steam until the 1 year time limit is up, it’s all speculation, but for what it’s worth I agree with all of your guesses there.


I suppose there’ some risk that the transfer of levels is one time as well. (i.e. no transfer of H1/H2 to H3 in Steam if you do it in Epic)

Probably not, but these are all questions I’d rather not have.


If you’ve done that in preparation for progress transfer, I believe you have to link HITMAN 2016/Legacy Pack to the account as well. Just because in some time issues with H2 levels export should be fixed and system will scan your account to see whether you are eligible for puzzling all 3 games into 1
I believe IOI servers know what version of the game you have and will process accordingly, no matter what is shown in the account

You can transfer all your progress once the website is ready, but you couldn’t play HITMAN 2 levels until the situation is fixed. Once it’s rectified, you should have all your 3 ganes within 1

Technically you won’t transfer anything from Steam to Steam :slight_smile:
So I think it’s safe to collect all games on Epic for now

Not from Steam to Steam, but certainly from H2 (steam) to H3 (steam).


As IOI has not mentioned Steam at all, we don’t really know whether progress will transfer into Steam At All, From Anywhere. While it’s probably safe to assume that by then they will be able to handle that, we don’t know it. We may get to 2022 and have no ability to transfer progress into Steam at all.

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That’s true, but I think it’s more likely that the exclusivity deal with Epic prohibits any mention of Steam until the deal expires, and I would still bet on H2 content and progress being transferrable into Steam-H3 in 2022.

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FYI: The tile on the game menu tries to load profile.hitman.com, which isn’t up yet.

So that will be the link to the carryover website.


I read the carryover as once you do it once if you go back to h2 and unlock more stuff you can’t re-carryover you new stuff you unlocked to h3 for the second time.

This also may be true for Epic->Steam transfer in a year.
Once you carried your progress from Steam to Epic, you couldn’t do a reverse tranfer.
But if you’re a console guy, you shouldn’t be worried about it

Fantastic news!! Thanks for sharing @Norseman :+1:t2: