Believe me, I sometimes envy disc players! I started off on HITMAN GOTY disc edition in 2017, and it was so much easier than all this business of trying to work out what exactly to download! Plus, many of you are getting the disc early!
That’s what I’m waiting to find out as well
Unavailable as of yet.
From what people have said, I get the impression it will go live tomorrow - probably an hour or so before launch to avoid crashing the servers. Most people suspect that the H1/H2 Legacy levels are included in the H3 download, but will only be visible once you’ve been through the progression transfer process. At least, that’s more or less how someone savvy explained it yesterday on here.
Maybe it’s exactly 24 hours before launch?
Yeah they said that the whole trilogy is included in that download but progression transfer doesn’t affect how you get those levels. The access passes are like individual keys for each level. Buying Hitman 3 gives you the keys for Dubai, Dartmoor, Berlin, China, Mendoa and Romania automatically. But then to get the keys for H1 levels you need to own the legacy pack or buy the H1 pass. With Hitman 2 it’s more complicated.
Can we be careful with spoilers in here please!
Option 5 i hope, cause the ET in hawke’s bay Is a good mission to have, and it’s good for the mission replayabilility.
Same situation but I had it in 2019.
Sure yeah. You just have to wait for it to copy completely. Takes so much less time.
Not me BTW, I’m “going” to buy the disc.
I saw this image on a forum, apparently the pop-up allowing the progression carryover already launches at the start of the game, we could finally do it directly from the console browser ?
Here is another version in English.
It seems that there is an ingame popup that takes you to the homepage IO talked about.
Big shame that this is only one-time thing
Petrified I’m gonna hit the wrong button and lose everything
Me too! I’m still kinda confused about what I need to do…
is the transfer live now?
Log in (or create) to your IOI Account and follow the steps that will be there.
But it’s not ready yet. Promised to be implemented before the launch
@MrOchoa not yet
This is from a review video, so when you launch the game you can use the link to do the progress transfer. That said if H2 isn’t available at launch, then it could be an idea to wait with the transfer until it becomes available on EGS. It will overwrite any progress. If it’s not available i’ll play the game and do the transfer later, then I won’t mind losing my progress and star over.
Thank you : I logged into my IOI account using my XBL account (I’d forgotten my password), and H1 & H2 are listed as owned games, but my XBL account appears as “unknown”, hopefuly that won’t be a problem
As someone who’s considering getting the game again on Steam in a year, I’d really like to know if this means I won’t be able to transfer progress to the Steam version if I do so for the Epic version now.
If not, will the H3 ET:s be re-run on Steam when the time comes so that I can get all the ET unlocks on Steam?
I’m considering saving my progress transfer for Steam… but if that means potentially losing ET unlocks…
This whole thing just raises more questions than I’d like it to. Bah.
Just quick questions : I created a new account via Steam and installed Hitman 2 so now the game is registered in my profile. What about Hitman I ? Do I need to install it or only the legacy pack of Hitman 2 or neither because H2 is enough since I had everything there ?
Also, I have the gold edition of H2. How do I know my IO profile took it into account ?