General News 1.0

Will never happen, because the billionaire donors and lobbyists who gave them what they needed to pass this legislation do not want it for themselves, just for those other people. They don’t need the Ten Commandments up in their offices, but the children of those other people need them in their classrooms.

Exactly my point and exactly why I won’t ever agree with it.

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Oh this is one of those bullshit bills the GOP posits that gets intentionally shot down and does nothing but gum up the government and judiciary isn’t it? There is no way it is constitutional.


Actually, it’s in relation to Israel’s Iron Dome so America may not end up looking like a giant cloche.

He also said these:

Police will have “immunity” to be rough with suspects, migrants may or may not be herded into a “fighting league” akin to the UFC, and bacon will be cheaper if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election—according to him.

The former president work-shopped some new lines during two campaign events on Saturday. “I’m giving immunity to police all over the country,” he said, a pledge that he repeated to supporters in both Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia.

Elsewhere in his speech, Trump blamed his Democratic opponents for rising crime that he claimed had forced stores to lock up all their soap.

“The pharmacies have to lock up the soap. The soap. You want to buy a little bar of soap? You got to go through a big deal. Open up the glass. Open up the steel. You can’t keep a bar of soap,” he complained.

Bacon, too, has become off-limits for many Americans, he claimed, telling the crowd: “Even I won’t buy bacon anymore, it’s too expensive!”

He said he had presented an idea to UFC President Dana White for a “migrant fighting league,” an idea which Trump said White did not like. Trump then joked, “It’s not the worst idea I’ve ever had.”

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Why did God take this Donald and not the other one?

Trump also bizarrely told the crowd that he has “wounds all over my body,” assuring them that if he “took this shirt off, you’d see a beautiful, beautiful person but you’d see wounds all over me.”

“I’ve taken a lot of wounds. More than, I suspect, any president ever,” Trump added. Evidently, he has not heard of John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan or William McKinley.

He also assured his audience he will “shut down the Federal Department of Education,” before promising to spend less than “half” of what President Biden is currently spending on education.

“There will be two people in Washington, the two people will make sure that, we will have to guarantee that they are teaching a little English,” Trump said of his plan for the Department of Education.

Trump was not concerned about voter turn-out, telling the audience, “we don’t need the votes, we have the votes. I don’t care, all we need to do is guard the votes… I want the steal stopped.”

EDIT: Oh, and one of these three is going to be Trump’s bitch for the next 1-5 years.

One more?

  • Doug
  • Jason Dean
  • Other
0 voters
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If you listen to how he describes the Iron Dome, it’s pretty clear that he thinks it’s an actual dome, although I think he thinks the iron part is just to sound cool, but still thinks it’s an actual dome. So even if he does intend to follow through on this one, expect a dome.

God entered the key words into the search engine - Donald, president, evil - and picked the one that actually looked liked the description instead of the one that was clearly a complete idiot. Honestly, I can’t blame Him too much for the confusion.


Man, I fucking hate this guy.


Join the club. The day the announcement goes out that this lying, hate-mongering, criminal fuck has finally deprived us all of his company for eternity, I’m gonna be a happy camper.

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There will be celebrations in the streets.

And murders. On both sides, both sides.

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This reads like something my nephew would say not the president of the United States ffs


He should rap battle her:

Julian Assange is reportedly going to plead guilty to an Espionage Act charge and be freed from prison.


Got something I’ve been curios about, so I’d like to ask a question open for anyone. I think most of the members here are anti-Trump, which is fine of course, but that means the only other option is Biden and I could be missing something, but I haven’t seen any members who are particularly praising him. If you choose to vote, are you picking him because of your dislike of Trump? Or maybe you view it as the lesser of two evils? Or maybe you’re waiting for both to drop dead?


I don’t live in the US so I can’t vote, but I genuinely like Biden from what I know about him. He forgave large amounts of student loans recently, and before that he released and relocated at least one Guantanamo detainee. He’s done good things. I do worry about him dying while in office, his health doesn’t seem to be great and he’s quite old. That said, he’s easily the second best President in my lifetime after Obama. So he’d get my vote quite fairly.


Biden is far from perfect but I think he’s been a very good president, better than I and many others had anticipated. I think he’s been a more consequential president than Obama actually, making him the best president of my lifetime. He is compared to FDR a lot and I think the comparison is apt. There’s definitely more to say, but I’ll just leave it at that for now. Not perfect (cough cough Bibi) but pretty damn good.


I like Biden. He’s a little bit eccentric, isn’t as spry as he used to be and I am a little disappointed in a couple of his statements pertaining Israel and Palestine, but Biden’s a good man who means well for all Americans, not just those who voted for him. More than we can say about 45, who pretty much fights for only his supporters and is determined to make the lives of everyone who opposes him a living Hell.

He’s at least a lot more personable than Trump. Pleads for unity and harmony while Trump and his supporters viciously attack everyone else and wonder why everyone hates them back.


Biden is good for keeping Trump out of office, and for keeping things from getting too bad, but that’s all. He doesn’t use force or the tools he has at his disposal to get everyone on the left in Congress in line and vote on things that we want and need, and as a result, while things have improved slightly, they haven’t improved nearly enough, when they could. He allowed the CDC to roll back COVID precautions while the pandemic is still happening (still happening now), he broke his word of only running for one term, he is not cancelling student debt or providing greater relief like he and the rest of the democrats could have when they held the majority, only doing it in pieces and specific conditions, and they didn’t even try to expand the supreme court like what needs to happen when they had the chance.

And now he’s actively siding with Israel in their genocide of Palestine because he and many democrats are beholden to Zionist Israeli interests. He even said in an announcement shortly after it started in October that supporting Israel was a great investment for America. The key word was investment. He’s supporting the colonist faction that had spent decades pushing these people out of their homes, but supporting Ukraine when they are attacked. Why? Because Ukrainians are white and Palestinians are not, and because the oil and natural gas on Palestinian land that will be claimed by Israel when they’re done will be shared with the US, and finally because the military industrial complex and weapons developers like Lockheed and Boeing are making huge money selling weapons to Israel and donating to the democrats and the republicans so that no matter who is in charge, they’ll support whatever war efforts put money in their pockets.

That’s why we don’t praise Biden. He may not be openly an asshole like Trump, and he might have helped things a little, but he’s done the bare minimum when he had the chance to do more, and he’s essentially a white supremacist, even if he’s not aware of it, as indicated by his supporting those countries that benefit the colonist ideals of western civilization. That the US is condemning the pushback by the global community over Palestine and arresting peaceful protestors around the country the same way the republicans did during the George Floyd/BLM protests four years ago is testament to Biden not being as good a guy as he portrays publicly. He still beholden to his corporate masters, he’s still not moving the needle, and while he’s not as a bad as Trump, he’s not really worthy of celebrating.


For me it’s less about the individual person and more about the party they are in and the policy that each would like to enact. Chicago is a union town, and the Dems are the more union friendly party. Really to see massive change either way the party that wins needs 60 seats in the senate which is unlikely to happen, but you can always hope.


Just wanted to point out one thing.

The promise that Biden would serve one term came from an article from Politico in December of 2019.

Later that same day it was published Biden pushed back saying “I don’t have any plans on one term.” Another senior adviser to his 2020 campaign said the report from politico was “just not true.”


I am glad he can return home now, it is sad this does not happen because his work was still journalism but instead his health probably would have made him die one way or the other soon and this would have been bad publicity for the US.

I am really glad I don’t live there and am stuck in a two-party system. I take the luxury to not answer that question. :joy:
On the other hand, in Germany where we have quite a few parties in the parliament, we still have a 5% threshold so if you don’t want your vote to be thrown away, you still might have to vote for a party you don’t like. But we have vastly more to choose from. But Worth noting, we don’t directly elect the chancellor or the president, only their parties.


I wish the U.S. had proportional representation like Germany. First past the post voting sucks. :upside_down_face: