General News 1.0

I’m interested to see if they will work together more effectively this time or if they will go down the same path as NUPES.


The leader of The Republicans (LR) Éric Ciotti said earlier today he wants his party to form an alliance with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally going into the parliamentary elections. So far many within his party haven’t taken it well with Gérard Larcher a member of LR and President of the French Senate calling on him to resign as President of the party.


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Our ethically suspect Supreme Court has unanimously rejected the attempt to ban mifepristone, ruling that the plaintiff didn’t have standing to bring the case.


They know how much trouble they’re already in on this subject after roe v wade, and although we can’t do anything to them now, they know momentum is building for every thing they do that pisses the public off.

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Honestly gives me 1993 Canada vibes. Still too soon to make any predictions as it’s one poll but if multiple show similar results Sunak will probably oversee the worst result for the Conservative Party in its history.

  • Unpopular incumbent steps down to let successor face the consequences (Mulroney/Johnson)

  • New leader moves his party in a more neoliberal direction (Chrétien/Starmer)

  • New right wing party capitalizes on unpopularity of governing right wing party (I mean they’re both even called Reform)

I see a lot of interesting potential parallels between both elections

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This is also the newest YouGov poll mapped out and what the results would look like.

EDIT: Liberal Democrats would become the Opposition Leader. Reform in third and the Conservatives behind the SNP.


A REUTERS INVESTIGATION - Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency, Reuters found – even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation. The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.


I think a lot depends on what Farage wants to do once the election is over. Britain’s First Past the Post system makes it very difficult for third parties to get any real footing, even if they get decent percentages. UKIP got 13% back in 2015 and only 1 seat to show for it. But with so many resigning Tories jumping off the sinking ship, and Sunak no doubt will have to resign, the Conservative party will be full of fresh faces, looking for a new leader. Already Tories have talked about Farage leading them, and if Reform does well, even if purely in terms of votes rather than seats, it could mean Farage could jump over to the Tories and lead them.

But then, Farage himself is a notorious grifter. He actually has a rather enviable position in British politics, able to claim that he made Brexit happen, whilst having to shoulder none of the blame of all the problems Brexit has caused because he can simply claim that if he did it, he would of done it “right”. Farage only seemed to decide to run as an MP for Reform after being pressured into it, and when instead it looked like he was going to the USA to grift for Donald Trump. So whether or not he would want to be the opposition leader, which requires a lot of work and will see him put under a lot more scrutiny, I’m not sure.


Hold on, old sport.

EDIT: According to this Reddit thread, Sir Ian fell head-first off the stage while playing Sir John Falstaff, a name which is bitterly ironic in hindsight. He apparently shouted something about his arm. Hopefully it means he didn’t break his leg or spine, but the staff did bring out something called a spineboard, which I hope doesn’t live up to its name and he’s just stuck with a broken arm at worst.

EDIT 2: Sir Ian’s alive and in a pretty good mood.


Let me guess: no helmet? Did he say “fly you fools” before the fall?

Apparently helmets are woke now.


Not anymore.

Over 90 trials for crimes against humanity and a life sentence, all gone. A mass murderer was set free.


The Liberals announced their “plan” for a nuclear energy transmission.

As you can see it was more of a declaration of intent rather than an actual plan. But hey, if you don’t know then just Vote NO.

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They say acts of violence are always committed by the quiet ones. But, acts of sexual “deviance” are always committed by the loudest ones decrying it.

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Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.
The modern GOP.

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We really should have, say, an amendment that requires, I don’t know, maybe keeping church and state…separate or something.

Me, I think every school should be required to display the Seven Fundamental Tenets of the Satanic Temple. And I’m only half-joking.


You know what, I’ll agree to this becoming a thing when they A) start putting it up in every office of every business as well, and B) when everyone who was aiming for this outcome actually follows those commandments themselves, because the lying, stealing and adultery parts at the very least are coming up a wee bit short.

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Careful what you wish for because this is definitely their goal…

Oh, well, that’s never going to happen.

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