General News 1.0

Alright, I’ll relinquish that one.

ICC news.
This time on Russia, in the situation of Ukraine. This time not about a prosecutor seeking warrants, but the full on issuing of arrest warrant.


  • Mr Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation at the time of the alleged conduct,
  • Mr Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation at the time of the alleged conduct,

are each allegedly responsible for the war crime of directing attacks at civilian objects.
That is their “responsibility for missile strikes carried out by the Russian armed forces against the Ukrainian electric infrastructure from at least 10 October 2022 until at least 9 March 2023.”

They join Vladimir Putin, and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova in the list of issued arrest warrants.
For them it was for “the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation”.

More details at the ICC Ukraine situation, in the full responsibility of the ICC jurisdiction, here:

(and yes, the warrants missed by two day the anniversary of Prigohzin coup attempt against those two, It would have been (bitterly) funny)


I’m honestly not sure why we bother dealing with China when they use such thinly veiled threats whenever we attempt to do something they don’t like. I guess the economic benefits are just too tempting.


As a dog lover who lost one only a few years ago, this hits hard for me.


Hey, that’s the city I live in. Cool! :sunglasses:

But anyway, it’s politics. I guess I have to say this is something we get used to deal with. Even though there’s my friends from China don’t mind at all, there will always be some who think they’re offended this way.

And a fun fact for you, Silver, since I read that you’ve been playing Yakuza series recently, Sega did patch Yakuza 6 just because there were dialogue mentioning Taiwan as a country. They probably won’t be able to sell the game in China if the dialogue wasn’t altered.


Of course this made me immediately boot up the game and check the translation in the actual English version :joy:


Dr. Disrespect the age of consent


“I’m no fucking predator or pedophile,” Beahm wrote. “Are you kidding me? Anyone that truely knows me fucking knows where I stand on those things with those types of people.”

I am not a follower of him so I might not know this, but isn’t his whole persona an alter ego with the intend to not truly know him?


This is all I could find about it

His Dr DisRespect persona is a caricature of the stereotypical obnoxious gamer, defined by his comedic jibes, sudden bursts of anger, and the occasional controversial statement.

As for the “not knowing him” persona quirk, his wife also didn’t know about him when he cheated on her a few years back and now this.


A coup attempt is underway in Bolivia.


Oh is this one of them CIA back coups I hear so much about or is this a spur of the moment thing?


As far as I’m aware it’s just the Bolivian military hoping to overthrow the government. If the U.S. was gonna coup a South American country my money would of be on Venezuela more than anything. So far from what I’ve seen idk if this coup will survive. The President has already addressed the country calling for protest and I think they only control government buildings in the city of La Paz currently. So depending on how large the protest get this could fall through.



Also amazing picture from Bolivian TV


And I thought people didn’t like Quantum of Solace


I’m sorry I don’t know what that means. I don’t know what Quantum of Solace is :melting_face:

It’s a James Bond movie reference, from soon to be two decades ago. The movie takes place in movie Bolivia. I think it was something about controlling the water resources.
(and Heisenberg first reference pool is pop culture)

By the way do we know what pushed for the coup?

Is this a MAS/Arce thing? I don’t know if the makeup of the army would give them a preference.

There are political polarization underway in the country. MAS has the majority in the parliament, Arce has the presidency.
Arce is technically part of MAS, but not recognised by it. Intraparty tension is constant, and active.
It caused political gridlock, to the point of creating some issue with their judicial election that caused some unorthodox manoeuvring between their institutions to keep things going last year.

Or the governability issue were so profound that the military thought themselves to be the only institution stable enough for the need of the county (which is the usual formula)


The leader of the coup Juan José Zúñiga was dismissed yesterday as the commanding general for the Bolivian Army. That was likely the trigger. As the coup was ongoing Zúñiga also told reporters “We are going to recover this homeland” and “There will be a new cabinet, surely things will change, but our country cannot continue like this any longer.”

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If it ain’t connected somehow to entertainment, it usually ain’t worth me using my valuable time and intelligence contemplating.

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I think given Venezuela’s current state, even the CIA doesn’t want to have anything to do with it.

Can you please stop making me feel old?