Game News Thread

No More Heroes 3 is no longer going to be a Switch exclusive. It’s coming to PC, Xbox, and PlayStation this autumn/fall.


No More Heroes 3 - E3 2019 Trailer (Nintendo Switch)


Jet Set Radio brings back some good old memories! The original article from Bloomberg explains that this is in very early stages and could be cancelled at any time. They’ve obviously got some good info, but it sounds like they’re really hedging their bets.


Sega CEO be like

Oh and btw Sega if you dont include All i want from Offspring, dont bother with a Crazy Taxi Reboot.


Crazy Taxi


With the amount of devices they put that thing on in the last/2 generations ago, I’m really surprised they didn’t port it sooner.

But I guess this means a full-on remake/re-imagining of CT.
Maybe this means there won’t be a KFC branding deal in the new one… :smirk:


So in not entirely exciting news and might make our Residential Kaiju fan @MrOchoa cringe.

Godzilla is coming to Call Of Duty Warzone.

But don’t fret cause the Mega Monkey himself King Kong will be apart of this event too.

While Activision hasn’t directly confirmed the event with blatant reveals. Previous leaks and teasers are pointing for these figures to appear soon within the battle royale.


New Star Wars game in the works! It’s going to be an original story, action/adventure, narrative-driven game, with Amy Henning (of Jak and Daxter and Uncharted fame to name a couple) being heavily involved.


Okay, okay, uh… some questions.

Are they gonna be costumes?

Some live event?

I know already they’ve done a random Attack On Titan crossover, with some promotional outfit and gun skins, but Godzilla?? Now that I’m confused about.


Will most likely be a temporary live game mode event with the two involved. If past events are anything to go by.

Weapon Blueprints apart of Season 3 for Vanguard have teased the crossover.

As for Operator Skins it’s not out of the realm of possibility especially since Snoop Dogg was just added today and is basically a confirmed Time Traveler in the COD Universe.

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and skippppp, that genre was tired and boring the moment it was invented by naughty dog


Ok um ok uhhhhh

Snoop Dogg was just added today and is basically a confirmed Time Traveler in the COD Universe

This feels wilder than Fortnite.

Gotta admit it would probably be cool if they can pull it off though.
Go Godzilla!


Finally I can hunt down Godzilla as Snoop Dogg.


A rather unusual move from Rockstar, isn’t it? Times are changing.


Not necessarily, with the old guard slowly but surely exiting the Studio and going on to form new studios. The shift in R* development decisions is very much apparent.

The Studio is shifting away from the more offensive satire especially ones pertaining to LGBTQ+ Culture and or images that represent Southern Slavery/Racist Behavior.

It’s one of the reasons why I feel one of their Legacy Games being GTA Vice City Stories will never be re released simply due to the Story Arc revolving around a Trans Man who’s running gag for the character was they we’re born a woman only to transition to being a man only for it become a cycle of going back and forth between genders.

So while these silent changes in GTA V are rather inconsequential due to it being very niche areas of the map where we would encounter these NPC’s and or action figure it gives us insight in what Rockstars Plans for the future might be in terms of the satire in GTA Titles.


It seems that news has finally landed. It will release on 23 June 2022 and Sonic Origins will feature Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD. However, the price tag is a fairly hefty $40 (£33) or you can go for the deluxe version which has animated characters in the menus and a few more difficult missions for $45 (£37). For hardcore fans this is probably a dream come true, but for too many gamers, that price tag is going to seriously put people off.


Yeah, that price tag is very hefty. Even for alot of the hardcore fans considering how many times Sega has re-released Sonic 1 and 2 over the years. Going to post what I put on another forum about my thoughts in detail, but yeah, I can’t say I can really recommend this to any newcomer. Get Sonic Mania first if you haven’t played that, wait for Origins to get a price drop to like half price.

Mixed feelings. Yes, it looks good, looks nice and polished, and for all intents and purposes, this should basically be the final, definitive version of these games. I would hope this will be the last time these games need ported and instead every new console Sega will just re-release Sonic Origins. (Hopefully with the DLC included next time.)

My issues have to do with pricing, especially for the PC and Switch versions. Currently, you can buy the Sonic CD port on Steam for £3.99, not to mention emulated versions of 1, 2, and 3&K for £3.99 each. Wondering if the Steam version of Sonic CD will be quietly delisted to make room for Sonic Origins. And on the Switch, they’ve also got those Sega Ages versions of Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, each at £5.99.

Currently, the Xbox version of Origins base version is £32.99, Deluxe edition being £36.98. So basically, that comes to £8.25 per game for the standard version. (Counting 3&K as a single game.) Not great value really. I imagine this is counting on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox S/X - I believe - not having access to any of the 4 games.

It also doesn’t help that, ofcourse, every listed version also has Sonic Mania, standard price of £15.99, and its £3.99 DLC is extremely good value for money. In fact, Sonic Mania is on half price sale right now on PSN for £7.99. I certainly wouldn’t recommend Origins over Mania to any newcomer, that’s for sure.

It also has the same problem that Sonic Colours Ultimate had, it is a re-releasing adding a bunch of fluff as extras that nobody asked for to justify the high price tag. Now granted, this seems far better intigrated than Colours Ultimate’s stuff, the UI looks gorgeous, and the animations look great. But it does exist to justify the price tag, rather than giving us what most people wanted, and that was for a proper compilation of Sonic’s older titles. When will the Game Gear games get re-released, or the likes of 3D Blast, Mean Bean Machine, Spinball etc? Nobody outside the fandom cares about those kindof obscure titles, and its hard not to feel like that an opportunity was squandered here.


Is that what we’ve come to with Deluxe Edition DLC?

Moving images in the game menus? Wow.


Sega loves to try and kill any good will it builds up.


In case you missed it, the new SR customisation showcase presentation went live an hour ago. It looks very impressive.


Well the unthinkable happened today. The world has been blessed / cursed with another Postal game.

The reviewers were a bit harsh on it (even though they were sent the same janky build that was released to the public on April 1st but with a “press release” tag slapped on it). In the words of the devs:

“…since the IGN review (We’re sure they’d have given P4 a solid 3/10 had that been working better!).”

IGN also gave Postal 3 a 5.5 which is ludicrous since that game was so bad that even the developer disowned it and all game releases after that were a “we’re sorry for that.

I still won’t recommend it to newcomers / the curious since most issues were not fixed in 3 weeks since the press release (April 1st) build but I will in 6 or so months because looking at RWS’ track record, they did good by the fans and updated their older titles and released new content.

“And so here starts our redemption arc for POSTAL 4. If there is one thing we’ve proven in the last 26 years, we’re too passionate to know when to stop, so updates and improvements are on the way! Expect co-op, further performance improvements and new features in the months, and years to come.”

While the humor will not change / improve (dick jokes, toilet humor, references to current events etc.), the rest will. :slight_smile:

If you want a more down to earth review (press release)

He still doesn’t recommend it right now but as someone that had played the previous games, he can at least point out the effort RWS put into this and the effort that they will put to improve it.