Game News Thread

Did not see that coming…


outside of hitman, max payne - particularly 2 - is my favourite series. as much as i want new stuff, i’m not gonna lie: i peed myself a little.


aren’t likely to be released anytime soon. Remedy says that the project is in “the concept development stage.”

Really tired of game developers making these kind of announcements when they only have some concept drawings and ideas. By the time the game actually gets released, most of the hype dies down. :roll_eyes:


with rockstar behind this, i assume the marketing will go into hyperdrive once they’re closer to release. stuff like this is to get people interested, keep shareholders happy, and - potentially - to increase interest in employment (if they’re on a hiring drive).


After recent fiascos…


Remedy seem like a reliable developer when it comes to quality,
but I’m wondering how faithful this will be since it looks like a “remake, not a remaster”
are some of the OG dev’s still on the team?


As long as this guy is at the helm, I’m not that concerned

But I’ll be thoroughly disappointed if they don’t have (at least the option) to play as Max looking as Sam Lake :grin:


yeah at least in the first game, it’s gotta be him as the face texture :laughing:
reminds me of a meme I made a little while ago


I’m banking on semi comic book style cutscenes, and Sam Lakes likeness being replaced for MP1. Of course James McCaffery will be tied to the project.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Upcoming Video Games

Those Stanley Parable ‘articles’ aren’t exactly “News”, they’re more funny promo things. So, I decided to move my own posts to the Upcoming Games thread instead, feels fitting.


That is a brave woman taking on this role. Not least dealing with the current “issues” (both practices and employees), but also achieving the long term commitment from Activision Blizzard:

Hines will play a crucial role in furthering Activision Blizzard’s commitment to increasing the percentage of women and non-binary people in its workforce by fifty percent over the next five years.

The timing also seems rather strange, given the highly likely takeover of Microsoft. If there is one thing they get right, it is equality, diversity, and inclusion.


De-de der… de-de der… de-de d-de-der!


Beth announcing TES6 by releasing a CGI teaser trailer

The stage of development that the devs were at that point


And Project 007 is also in the exact same pre-production stage.

Many studios will announce projects even if they are still in the conceptual or pre-production stage because that is how studios earn money and gain publishing contracts, by proving they are working on products. That or they do it to gauge audience response to a certain project. Or and perhaps the most obvious answer, fans of the series deserve to know their company is at least working on their favourite series.


Even more so than all of those reasons, IMO, is that announcements like the Project 007 one act as a hiring tool for studios like IOI: they exist to try and attract industry talent to work on the games which are still a looong way out from being ready to ship and sell to the public.


That would also be one, it just never occurred to me. But yes, that is why E3 had so many of those types of announcements when it was a thing (feels weird using past tense for it), Gamers forgot that E3 was originally a trade show and expo.


I know it’s a week early, but I am one of the few long term fans of the SR series that is really looking forward to this new release. I’ve loved the way SR has been re-invented on each new iteration, but certainly since SR 3, the focus has always been on having a lot of fun. Everything about this looks like they’re going to continue to deliver on the fun element.


The showcase can be watched on both YouTube and Twitch on April 20th at 8pm BST / 9pm CEST / 12pm PDT.


I am one of them as well.


Here’s an interesting underwater Limbo style game that is coming to PC and consoles sometime soon. The art style looks gorgeous, but by all accounts it’s not an easy game. From those who’ve had hands on experience, it’s been described as an insidious horror style puzzle game. However, the looping of dying again and again as you try to figure out how to avoid a horrible death means it is not going to be for everyone.

This is the original announcement trailer from 2021:

And here is a more recent trailer (four weeks ago), suggesting it’s release to Steam, at least, is imminent: