Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

I will never put 47 in a suit with a tie on it. Never, unless the game absolutely forces me to.

47 without a tie is not 47, much like Superman without his S is not Superman.


The game is absolutely designed around the ability to change outfits. Not all outfits have ties. Ergo, 47 without a tie is still 47.

Also, ties suck, 100% of the time.

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Thatā€™s 47ā€¦ in disguise! Not just: 47.

Ties are awesome. I put on a tie, I feel like I want to take over a town, close down an orphanage, pollute a lake. Ties are powerful!


Blech. Agree to disagree. I have never been comfortable wearing a tie. The only thing I feel when wearing one is the urgent desire to remove it.


Ties FTW!!
You never feel as classy as when youā€™re wearing a waistcoat and a tie.

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Thatā€™s it. Topic muted.


Donā€™t go, man, weā€™re just messing with you.

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Ha! Oh, Iā€™m well aware. Iā€™m ready for Freelancer now. I just finished Lego Skywalker Saga (what a bogus reward for 100%-ing thatā€¦) and need something new to play.


Artisan errors are not in compliance with the established terms.

this doesnt look like an S to me


And thatā€™s not Superman. Itā€™s technically an alternate version of him.

(Jesus, what is this, Try To Find Every Exception To Heisenbergā€™s Point Day? It wasnā€™t supposed to be taken literally.)


As youā€™ve said in this very space, weā€™d get along real well in real life. :wink:

IOI would do well to get this new mode released so we have actual game content to discuss instead!


Couldnā€™t agree more.

Disappointed to hear about the Lego Star Wars saga as Iā€™m currently at about 70% overall completion and aiming for the platinum.

Bring on Freelancer

My opinion regarding 47 and a tie has nothing to do with my personal opinion on ties in general. And that opinion actually is in 100% agreement with you. Only time Iā€™ve ever wore a tie was for graduationā€¦ from elementary school. :rofl:

Not a fan.

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I just have to finish Endor for collectables, should be done by the weekend. Freelancer will fill that void (not really, with summer Iā€™m mostly outside paddling on the water).

Itā€™s off topic, I know, so Iā€™m sorry for that, but the reward for 100% on Lego Skywalker Saga is just pull a lever and start a stud fountain. No bonus level, no unlockable, just a stud fountain. It was a let down - particularly for a game that took that long to grind through to get every brick. Plus, by the time you get the stud fountain, youā€™ve already bought everything in the game so what are you supposed to do with unlimited studs?

Anyway, Freelancer huh?



Iā€™m still going for 100% but thanks for the heads upšŸ‘šŸ»

Freelancer canā€™t get here too soon

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Of course, weā€™ll still get to play around on Ambrose Island even before then, so that should also provide some amusements until Freelancer comes.