Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

I keep forgetting about Ambrose Island. I’m glad we’re getting it before Freelancer - it’ll be available right off the bat in the new mode. I wonder if there will be any new Elusive Targets based on it once they release it?


yeah i can’t wait for the new map next month and new ets on the Ambrose island

A fountain that spews out hot men


Heaven and The Bank didn’t get any ETs after release, so it’s likely AI won’t have either.

Where is the best paddling (kayaking / canoeing) in the Thunder Bay area?

I wonder if after Ambrose Island releases we could see a larger amount of new free content for the remainder of the year like new ETs, or if the team working on Ambrose Island will immediately be put onto IO’s other projects or focus solely on Freelancer.


Not sure, Thunder Bay is 10 hours away from me so I don’t go that way.

Many (all?) of the lego games had a reward for completing the game. The “stud fountain” was basically just a literal fountain of lego studs, which serve as the in-game currency. By the time you get to see it, you’ve already bought everything so it’s sort of a moot point. Most of the games had some sort of bonus level you could access once the game was done though.



Do you go to Muskoka?

It occurs to me that, if Freelancer’s first few maps before the final one with the Leader we’re looking for, really are populated with targets who are just randomly selected NPCs that have been shuffled around a bit, which is what is mostly suspected right now, that would mean a potential increase in female targets. WoA has been pretty good about the gender balance among its targets, and in missions with more than one target, including bonus and sniper missions, only ten have featured exclusively male targets. While still out of balance, this is offset mainly in H2 where we get three missions with only women for targets, and one of those missions involved two; aside from the Saints and Layla in Absolution, unless I’m forgetting something, we’ve never had missions where the targets were only women.

While I doubt that would happen in Freelancer, it is possible that some of the maps with multiple random targets could randomly all be female NPCs chosen. There’s also likely going to be at least a few where the Leader is a woman as well. This might make for an interesting shift in targets if true. We know 47 lacks any sense of sexism and doesn’t show any more mercy for the women he kills than he does for the men, but I’m curious; does anyone else feel discomfort when killing women in these games? I’m sure our female players don’t, but my fellow guys, any problems there?

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As a wise man once said, a contract is a contract.


It’s a video game. I have no problem killing anyone or everyone on the entire level. :rofl:


Don’t judge me for this, but sometimes I shoot the animals in Blood Money because it’s just easier than the nonlethal methods of dealing with them, or because it’s just pest control.

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well you are not wrong tho 47Agent

I don’t think it’s ever occurred to me what gender the targets were. So I suppose no, it doesn’t bother me one way or another. It does occur to me that that’s why there are no children in the game, so that there’s no opportunity to kill one of them, but adults are adults.


As 47, we’ve killed targets regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, social status, economic status, age or physical disability.

At this point, the only people we haven’t killed in a Hitman game are kids and midgets.


Well, depending on how old The Sensation is. I don’t think they said, but if he’s even 17, technically that makes him a kid target.

IOI, get on this immediately!


Is it possible to kill Victoria in Absolution? Did that game prevent her from dying somehow?

Just checked, technically you can kill her on “Countdown” but she’s like Diana on Mendoza, it results in insta-failing.