Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

You mean the built-in suit gloves cut off and then driving gloves instead? Awesome!

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We can only hope and prey there isnā€™t any delays :pray:t2:

Iā€™m ok with the driving gloves, Iā€™d prefer the regular, although those also qualify as driving gloves, the ones with the hole on the back are just called such for distinction. Could be worse; most commonly, ā€œdriving glovesā€ have holes in the knuckles too, like the Kashmirianā€™s. Imagine 47 wearing those regularly. shudder

In my youth I wore finger-less leather gloves at all waking times and a trench coat with combat boots. This was WELL before Columbine and the ā€œtrench coat mafiaā€ thing.

Iā€™m OK with 47 wearing any sort of gloves, frankly. Though heā€™d probably be silly with fingerless ones, I could even accept that.


Perhaps theyĀ“re just treating ā€œretrievalā€ with more liberty, not caring about the definition so much? Basically if you start in the suit and leave in it, even without ever changing, it counts as ā€œretrievingā€ it? :no_mouth:


So the third member of the trench coā€¦

Damn it! :joy:


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s delayed somewhat. Its the only thing that I could think of that caused the clusterfuck that was the April Roadmap (or lack thereof). When you look at the content that was rolled out in April, it makes no sense that a few weeks in they ā€œwerenā€™t quite readyā€ to reveal a roadmap yet. Thereā€™s no reason that they wouldnā€™t have been able to release something at the start of the month with the FCs, perma BEH, free Sapienza and the Deceivers on it.

The only thing I think that makes sense is they were previously aiming for a late-April patch/Freelancer release and they were still at that stage confirming if it was going to be at all possible, and when they realised they couldnā€™t they pivoted to the ā€œPlan Bā€ for the rest of the month.


I wouldnā€™t call it a ā€œclusterfuck,ā€ so much as ā€œwell, we donā€™t have any progress, so I guess this month weā€™re just not going to release that monthly update that we never promised and donā€™t actually owe them.ā€


The way some people were acting in regards to the lack of an image being uploaded to the internet, the term clusterfuck applies nicely to their overreaction. :laughing:


Eh, ok, Iā€™ll buy that.

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So more of aā€¦ Clusterhump? Clusterquickie? :joy:


So Iā€™ve mentioned before on here some of the ways that Iā€™m planning ahead on how to tackle Freelancer, assuming that when itā€™s released nothing about it will require me to completely alter those plans. As we get closer, and I begin thinking of how difficult that last mission may be when trying to locate and eliminate the leader of the group youā€™re taking out, especially if you want an SA rank, Iā€™ve settled on my initial strategy that Iā€™ll go for until I get the hang of it. When setting up the order of the maps at the start of the campaign in question, I will set the smallest map, in terms of either area or population, last. Colorado, Hokkaido, Hawkā€™s Bay, Whittleton Creek, New York, Haven, Dartmoor; these locations I think I will be setting for last so as to confront the leader in areas where theyā€™ll be easier to find and there will be fewer NPCs to interfere/bear witness. Once I get the hang of Freelancer and think I can take the missions in any order even on the higher difficulties, then Iā€™ll probably start setting the final mission in flasher places like Paris or Mendoza. Thoughts?


Iā€™ve tried not to plan any attack patterns or designs so far. Simple reason, I donā€™ t know what to expect yet. The video that IOI put out to introduce the mode didnā€™t tell me enough to know what to expect.

Will we have a choice as to what maps to go after first, second, or last?

Will we know who the target is or will it be more like an Elusive Target?

Will the target be out in the open or sequestered in a closed off area?

Will we need to gather clues in each map to located the targets for those maps or will the clues be gathered in previous maps?

So I donā€™t really know what to expect or how to plan yet. Weā€™ll see when it gets released.


The first and last questions were given as a yes when Freelancer was announced. The second question is that it will be like an ET and we have to gather intel throughout the campaign to find out who they are. The third question is the reason why I want to adopt this strategy, to limit their options to hide, until Iā€™m more experienced.

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May is comingā€¦Hope it can be launched.

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Weā€™ll see when itā€™s actually released. Until then I donā€™t know what to expect because developers can change things.


Fortunately, weā€™ll likely know soon, because if IO is going to have a roadmap for May, itā€™ll likely come next week.


Better be not get your expectations too high, as you might be disappointed about whatā€™s coming nextā€¦

See what they have done with Elusive Target Arcade mode despite all the fans feedback and stuff :man_shrugging:

I really hope that iā€™ll be wrong but sadly it might be anything but what lots of players are wishing for.

You better be prepared for that unfortunately :confused:


The only thing Iā€™m disappointed by with Arcade mode is that not all ETs are there yet, and that there are still complications at all. Beyond that, Iā€™m quite pleased.

Really, all IO has to do is meet what they promised in the video presentation, and include the option to save in Freelancer. Thereā€™s very little they could do to disappoint me if they meet those criteria, and that second one Iā€™m willing to budge on considering the likelihood of a no-save gameplay.


I have to concur. After they fixed the issue with the instant-failure complications, Iā€™ve been pretty happy with the arcade mode.

I have to assume that PatteDeFruit is referring to IOI not simply releasing all of the Elusive Targets for unlimited replay with no changes, complications, or anything else - just a dump of all the contracts as (essentially) special assignments. IOI never promised that and despite feedback from fans, arenā€™t under any obligation to do so.

I have no reason to anticipate being disappointed in Freelancer as I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been disappointed in anything released by IOI to date.