Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections

If you lose Hardcore over a glitch, just give it up while you’re behind and accept defeat without dignity.

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I would suggest adding something maybe like, buying an extra restart, or adding an observation round to give you time to find your suspect and make a plan, that would make it so much more fun IMO.

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I’ll cross-post my reply from the bug thread:

This is why. This reward box only gives you Freelancer tools. When you have them all, it becomes empty until you lose an item or use it.

Not a bug.


Sounds like with this you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I’m hoping the upcoming Freelancer patch will address issues like this. Until then, I ain’t touching Hardcore mode.


Sounds like the timed mission I got in Sapienza. 2m to kill the target. The target was in the lab and the spawn was in the tower. HAHA. I timed it. It takes 90 sec just to get downstairs to the front door since you also need a disguise for the guards. IMPOSSIBLE. I tried running past them, but that’s instant combat and get this? The guards chased me into the tunnel in the basement from inside the mansion making a 2m timer impossible. Now if it spawned me in front of the church and I had a breech charge.
Maybe. But with that spawn. Never. And I’m not beating my head in trying. Not even hardcore which I would never bother with given these types of bugs and impossibilities presented.

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OK. It’s not a bug. Then is just dumb.
So when was the game going to say “freelancer tools full?” and give something else?
It’s kinda dumb to open the crate after each mission and get nada. Just disable the crate
with a message.

Just bring a duck or a poison with you in a mission and use it, then the empty crate will change into one free duck / poison per mission instead of being useless :x

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EXACTLY. Show a message “freelancer tools full” and give Mercers or something other that an empty Post-April Fool’s prank box.

I don’t play like that. I never will. I bring what I will use. Efficient as Agent 47.
So what do I do drop a seiker and it will give me another ?

Yeah it will always give you things you don’t already have, so if you use (or lose) a tool during a mission and you already have all the tools of that category it will respawn it.The three slots are each tied to one of the briefcases, like if your poison briefcase is full and you use some poison during a mission the third slot will always respawn whatever poison you used.

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Had an awful time getting the prompt to dump a body into this manhole.
The one by the bulldozer in the broken road.

I had to move around to the far side of the opening (toward the mail man on the phone) before
the prompt would show.I actually was spotted doing this whereas normally the prompt to dump
the body shows on all areas of the opening and it’s extremely rare since you can be swift.

I also didn’t realize at firstt that this was a mission exit prompt and almost selected it blindly.

This should be fixed so that at all times holding a body only shows dump, and exit all other times.
Less chance to make a big mistake or get spotted because some silly RNG dice roll.


Today I had a suspect on Miami, who matched all looks and tells, but turned out not to be the target.

I am playing with the Freelancer Variations mod. Maybe that’s causing the issue, although I think it’s unlikely.

Eliminating her didn’t complete the objective.

This was the actual leader, who also matched all looks and tells.


Probably the wrong meeting type? Did you check if the phone she dropped was a handover one?

Edit: OK nevermind I just saw the screenshot with the handover icon. Yeah this is weird :x


Anyone care to explain how one does silent assassin and also manages an unsilenced pistol payout?
I mean come on! I lose SA for dumping a body in a sewer when never seen, but it expects me to do
SA and unsilenced pistol? The other two prestige challenges are times and they’re both a nope.
These challenges really need to be reworked. No way a silent assassin should come up with a
unsilenced pistol payout. S. M. H.


To me that IS a bug. Reskinned or not. It should not be seen as gun. It’s just dumb.
Just make it seen as the other regular camera in the game. :rollseyes:

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Hide the body quickly or make sure there are two closed doors between you and the guards.


And hope RNGeesus obeys the rules of spotting which it rarely does?

HA! no way.

There are too many weird glitches and bugs to put anything to chance of a dice roll.

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IDK if this is a Freelancer glitch or happens in the vanilla game too:

I climbed the ladder in Chongqing where to one homeless guy is talking with the other.

I tossed the fire extinguisher toward the two guards on ths stairs and shot it. It blew up knocking
both of them out. The explosion had a slight side effect; the guy on the ground level below that
area was also knocked out… That’s one BIG explosive radius.

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Here’s another Freelancer quirk if not a bug(!). It let me choose explosive open safe for a prestige
payout but… the map does not have a safe.

I was looking at a courier icon and almost ran into a hoard of enemies before I realized it.

I would not have chosen explosive on a safe if I saw that there was none. And since it’s generally free money I usually go for it. But alas I will get no prestige payout on this otherwise successful mission.

I goarded a target to zap himself and right before that I shot him with a sieker fullfilling a poison dart payout.

edit this might be a bug. I finished that mission. I’m on the showdown mission and it’s stil
offering open safe - explosion prestige but this map too has no safe. So it should not be showing this as an option when the only map available has no safe. end edit