Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections

Failed a collateral firearm kill PE despite me getting a collareral kill with a firearm. I’ve done this objective the same way using the same weapon before, so why It didn’t work this time?

I apologize for the neanderthal videography but I don’t know how to upload clips recorded on an ps4


Having an option to switch between 1st and 3rd person for the phone would please everyone (because you, or other people who wouldn’t want to use that 3rd person mode, could simply not enable it).

Again, that just feels like a feature being added for the sakes of it, rather than because its useful.

I can still think that dedicating time to making it a feature is a waste of time, while also detailing why it’s a bad idea from a mechanics perspective.

That’s not contradictory in any sense of the word.

Pleasing at least part of your consumer base is hardly ever a waste of resources.

That depends on what people are asking for, and last I checked, this thread is the only place where a third person showdown camera has come up. Not every idea is good or worth following up on; heck most ideas are not worthy of following up on for various reasons, be it budgetary, time restricted, or straight-up not making any sense to implement.

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If they had VR for all platforms then it would make sense in a way since first person should be exclusive to VR to encourage people to buy.

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Server lag probably.

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I usually encounter the same thing, but often this objective is the least bad of three so I take it anyway if I have at least 4 targets. On my last run my first three double kills didn’t count but the fourth desperate attempt shooting in a crowd finally worked.
Now on showdown faced with a chose between Timed-Get disguises, Silent Assassin Suit Only and Silent Assassin No Firearms.
Going to go with the third since the suspect is dehydrated but it’s going to be a pain regardless. Only my second campaign within a hardcore run. Already failed five of those, one more frustrating than the other.
I don’t mind difficult but it has to stay fair. These collateral kills not registering are by far the biggest pain.


A really nitpicky imperfection, but an imperfection nonetheless:

When you grab the Fusil X2000 Stealth from the armory in Chongqing, it still has the marker for its gear capacity in your inventory. In the CTT, this was an item that could be stored in the safehouse but it was removed before the official launch this year. This marker is now irrelevant and should be removed.

Literally unplayable.


I just had a showdown with the objective to poison the target.

What I’ve experienced before is a leader who wasn’t “poisonable” for whatever reason. This suspect reacted to the poisoning, but the objective didn’t clear, so I thought that I had just poisoned a suspect who wasn’t the leader. Because I wanted the phone, and we were in a secluded place right in front of a container, I’ve killed him anyway, and was quite surprised when Diana congratulated me on eliminating the leader.

Has anyone else had this issue? A leader that actually gets poisoned, but the “poison target” objective stays unchecked?


I don’t think I’ve had the situation where the poisoning actually occurs and doesn’t register. I know there’s one suspect that seems to be immune to poison unless you hit them in the head but that’s a different thing.

I’ve only had a syndicate target in the sapienza lab once who would drink from an invisible cup of coffee. I had the poison target objective and couldn’t execute it.

Tampering with one of the gas canisters on ambrose, the ones right next farrah’s, makes them explode immediatly. Yes, I know the sparks from the metal worker can trigger the explosion but this wasn’t the case, I made sure to distract the worker before tampering but they exploded anyway. It was an alerted territory so I failed the campaign thanks to this cockadoodle fuckity bullshit :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


I had the same thing happen with those in the boat hangar (where you can get a free oil canister). My guess is there’s something terribly wrong with them on that map (which could possibly affect the regular game, I’ll have to try), this is what you get when you’re a pirate and raid boats full of cheap knockoffs.


I saw a video of someone dying when they carried a propane flask that exploded out of nowhere. That was on Ambrose, too.

I think they walked past someone who was smoking, but that’s usually not an issue, I’ve done that a thousand times.


Only punctured (leaking) propane flasks can explode via smoke or electricity etc etc but you can’t hold a punctured (leaking) flask, could you find the video!

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Yeah, it definitely wasn’t leaking, they were holding it.

I can try to find it, but it was on Reddit maybe a month ago? So not sure if my quest will be successful. :sweat_smile:

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Skill issue! Git good! We wanna see this video! :crazy_face:

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There’s also the case of the exploding propane flask in the Whittleton screen shed next to the smoking guard just outside. Could be both instances are related.


I tried my best for twenty minutes, but no chance. :sob:

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Failing Hardcore Mode over a glitch is not bad luck it’s justice.


A nice :poop: combination of objectives if I doo-doo say so myself. :smirk:

So I had the ‘SILENT ASSASSIN - NO FIREARM’ still good.

After a subduing grind session, I finally get this guard/target up here. I shot him with the Kalmer, and ‘Poison Target - Dart Gun’ is an objective.

So all the sudden dart guns count as firearms? :thinking: Because in that instant I lost the PO.

Or is it because the dart didn’t hit him on the 1st try (I’ve seen them “hit” weapons, or backpacks, or just folds in their clothing and it not have any effect on them)?

Because I followed him and finally hit him with a tranq dart. But obviously, it didn’t restore my PO. :fu:


I think it would be an improvement if the toggle between suspect/not a suspect/prime suspect could also be done on the map. It’s far more user friendly than the camera.