Am I the only one split in between completely hating this game mode and kinda enjoying it? I am really not a fan of this one…
And we’ve all waited for a long time so I’m kinda disappointed.
Am I the only one split in between completely hating this game mode and kinda enjoying it? I am really not a fan of this one…
And we’ve all waited for a long time so I’m kinda disappointed.
Yeah, I extra took my vacation to play the everliving hell out of this and I’m done for the day after one campaign.
It’s great and challenging and all, but it doesn’t motivate me to play all day.
Anyone choked it yet?
I’m avoiding Mumbai like the plague, because every play through I’ve seen (Atrioc, Techtrix) has ended there.
It’s also the only map I never do contracts on, so I am not familiar with the layout at all.
I’m looking forward to it because the randomization will keep it fresh, and it’s similar to playing against player-made contracts anyway, except you don’t have to go back into the menu looking for another one every fucking time. I can’t wait until I get off work and can get to it.
(I don’t recall seeing you around, at least not in recent memory, but I love the Joker profile picture)
So Colorado mission - it dropped me atop the Water Tower with 3 enforcers on the roof. Hmmmm.
On the matter of the ‘Collectors’ items - are they permanently returned to your safehouse or do you lose them under certain circumstances?
So, how’s the safehouse, everybody? Anyone make it upstairs yet?
I have motivational posters. !
Are they on the wall of a van down by the river?!
This was the same case in the CTT.
The gear cap is only used to determine how much you can bring at the start of a mission.
Any other time, you still have TARDIS pockets
Unless they’ve changed this for the full release and I haven’t checked that out yet
Oh dear god it’s still 3 Gear worth? At least tell me the syringes are like 1 or 2 instead.
The dart guns should at least be 4 or 5, since they’re so powerful, plus restock with ammo after every mission.
I frequented this forum back in the Hitman 2016 days a little more, I’m a rare guy in general. Don’t expect to see me all day, every day.
Oh and thanks, right back at you, Walt- uhh, Heisenberg.
2 shots as god intended since vanilla.
As for Gear Slots that’s the least of my concerns given adapting to my surroundings is a preferred play style so chances are I usually go in empty handed unless I absolutely feel I need to just to save a campaign.
Made it look extra fancy, poped on some classical music, I’m mastery level 12 now so not too bad
Almost. The “lookout nearby” thing popped up right as one came up some stairs right into me. I got made, alarms went off, suspects in the area started booking it… At least one of them, possibly two, fled the level entirely but I guess they weren’t the target and I lucked out. Then, my game crashed and I had to restart.
Happens to the best of us! They’re sneaky buggers.
I was lucky enough to get the sieker on one of the first rounds, which makes it a lot easier!
My first proper campaign ended like my first CTT campaign did: failing a Showdown level (the second one of the campaign, not even with ramped up difficulty yet!) in Hokkaido.
Git gud, scat.
I made till the bathroom (level 4). Man 47 needed to pee, should have placed bathroom at level 1
Enjoying the mode a lot but I’ve still been burnt out on Hitman for quite some time so can’t say for how long this will be interesting for me. I have beaten one campaign so far.
During the first showdown in Paris I had no idea what I was doing and how the lookouts worked so one
of them saw me dragging a body and all suspects started to escape. Killed one non-target but the second one I got was the real guy, didn’t even get in a gunfight there, luckily.
The second showdown in Chongqing went smoothly but took a long time as I got into investigating the suspects properly. I even KO’d the real target and tried to do the unconscious target-container-trick to see if she was the one but apparently no suspects can be hidden before eliminated, I’m glad it works like that. Didn’t want to eliminate non-targets as it would have failed a challenge so I ruled out all the other suspects and went back to finish off the target.
I died in a shootout in Marrakesh before the third showdown in Sgail so it made things more complicated as the area went on alert. I had to dodge many lookouts and stay far from the targets as they were enforcers as well, but was able to figure out the real one and shot her on a balcony as soon as I saw her smoking.
The final showdown was in Hokkaido. Not sure if the lookouts will alert the suspects immediately when even becoming suspicious of you, but I almost got spotted by one when climbing in through a window, that was rather frightening. However the target was the first suspect I started investigating properly and I just shot him on his smoke break next to the snowmobiles.
Not sure if I will play the hardcore mode anytime soon as it will delete all my items immediately, not liking that tbh.
I’m saving merces for that epic one. It’s the only one they’ve ever offered to sell me and I want it desperately (so much so that the only way I’m getting a cheaper one is if it’s offered in a crate drop for free)
In the end I found some time to play it. (I will regret the lack of sleep tomorrow)
First try, first campaign completed.
One death, in Colorado. It was an assassination syndicate, the third one. I had a “garrotte a target” objective. I was seen. I unlocked the wounded outfit. Fortunately it was a normal mission, so i was able to continue. It made me lose the krugermeier, the only silenced weapon I had. I had just unlocked it as the second syndicate reward. And I had to play the showdown in an alerted territory as a consequence. (I do not recommand)
The last syndicate showdown was surprisingly easy.
Because I chose it well : Whittleton Creek. 9 suspects. All were easy to look at since they were all in public, or easy to observe.
As I thought. It will certainly be one of my go to. Maybe with Berlin.
As a consequence I have unlocked hardcore mode. I don’t think I have seen the description. So here it is :
Hardcore Mode is only for the most ambitious Freelancers out there. Territories will be on the highest alert on all times, and Prestige Objectives will be mandatory to both pick and complete. Failing any mission will also fail the Campaign and you will lose ALL of your Merces and Freelancer Tools. Beware that switching between Hardcore and Normal Mode will reset your Freelancer Tools. All these risks also bear the fruit of greater reward.